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Veeky Forums Tier List
Who the fuck is stupid enough to think one area of history is somehow superior to another? Is it the length or nature of the eras? Should we just forget about entire civilizations because they fall low on a clearly inconsistent scale? Stop being an elitist faggot and enjoy what you enjoy instead of putting other things down to somehow validate your own interests
>roman history isnt in god tier
>neither is ww2
Fucking shameful OP
>God tier
Food history
Social history
>Good tier
History of science
Art history
Legal history
>Shit tier
Military history
>tfw you enjoy reading academic works on WW2 but world of tanks, shitty spongebob memes, and history channel documentaries makes it seem like the skyrim of history
>chinese history on top
>Japanese history on bottom
It's another chink shill threads, they always like to compare and put themselves on pedestal
>china and Rome comparison threads
>chink "protagonist of history" threads
chinks are insufferable
>ancient history
that's not vague at all.
The fact you list Ancient and Medieval history as monolithic categories makes me want to vomit.
t. irrelevant Asian
What she said^
>The one true God tier
I like this list style much better.
>Brahma Tier
>God tier
History of Science
History of Philosophy
Social History
>Good Tier
Culinary history
Art history
>Shit tier
Military history
Jesus Christ this level of smudgery, you must be such a "relevant Asian" huh?fucking chinks
My dhoubhús wīrós
>god tier
>chink history
>baby tier
>nip history
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post
Who said i am asian you fucking subhuman cuck
Economic+Social history.
So, Marxist history?
This is literally the most crowded specialization in history.
And for good reason.
>Prehistoric history
I'm glad military history is getting shit on in this thread. Only socially maladjusted cretins with no critical thinking skills take a deep interest in it.
Your literally destined for destitution this route though.
>when you're a giant fucking weeb loser and unironically find Japanese history to be very interesting.
Rate me. I like reading about October Revolution to Stalin's death and the Crusades
what's wrong with culinary history? explain yourself
>likes anything to do with 19th century/Early Modern history
>Implying Roman and Greek History aren't Jupiter Tier.
For Shame.
Japan literally is the gateway Asian history for babbys due to all the kid-friendly material available for it like games and anime.
Nothing at all, it's just not particularly great either.
>Put temporally and spatially oriented disciplines of history on the same tier list
Worst tier list ever
if we're going by nicheness it would be Japanese
Lay off the sow, bubs.