> 2 ETH for 0.001 LINK
> 2 ETH for 0.001 LINK
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck does that even mean.
That exchange is pure cancer.
Damn it keeps happening. Did someone find the exploit yet ?
someone bought 0.001 chainlink for 2.0 ETH.
1 chainlink = 0,26 $
>i..im not a redditor
Wait a second. That link.
Yesterday some fat-finger dropped 24 ETH on 0.001 LINK. The best I've seen.
What. He must killed himself.
day one there where multiple people dropping 20 and 30 eth for 0.001 link
Never used ED, can someone actually bait these types of trades?
No. They fucked up themself
Yes, look at the ED orderbooks. Ridiculous bids/asks. It's like fishing basically.
I can't stand this shitty fucking exchange. I havent made any retarded errors like OP but the site can still be a bitch to use. Now when I try and do anything on there I get this Error popup msg: "You are connected to MetaMask, but you are either using a non-MetaMask account, or you are not logged into the MetaMask account you have selected. Check this in MetaMask, then refresh and try again."
Makes no fucking sense because I'm clearly logged in
best i saw for zrx....no chance in hell me getting as I won't put 60,000 gwei for a transaction
Jesus Christ I need to get on ED if there are this many retards gibbing away free monies.
Started using ED to buy LINK a week ago. I love it, it just feels way easier to use than centralised exchanges. I genuinely don't understand all the hate for it.
>logged in
My thoughts exactly. What would be the best strategy here? Just watch and wait, or put out a bunch of low-ball offers on everything?
So is this the moron that made my portfolio worth over $6 billion?
Well yea dipshit, that's what it says in the error message.
clunky and transactions take upwards of 10 minutes
just realized that someone accidentally bought my sell order of 100000000 eth per chainlink and i got a free $200 bucks out of it
poorfags who don't know how to use Etherdelta are hilarious
cus all the normies that just got into crypto dont want to spend 5 mins learning how to use it rofl.
whatever you say pal
if you honestly think these are all accidents you're retarded. they're whales buying their own sells to get more green in the price action.
Seriously, why the fuck are people using this piece of shit exchange that apparently doesn't even understand an order book
>how do you mean market order?
this wouldn't happen if people would just lift offer or hit bids and pay the 0.3% fee.
dumb idiots try to make markets to save the fee and deserve their loss
I accidentally'd 38 ETH for 0.001 LINK. I did a thread about it today.
Don't know how the fuck it happened though.