Who were the Anglos of Eastern Europe?
Who were the Anglos of Eastern Europe?
The Czech.
>not part of it
>always stick their fucking nose into everyones business
Serbia or Turkey
>Serbia or Turkey
Austria hands down
probably polacks
>ukrainians were equivalent of irish
>lithuanians were equivalent of scotts
>belarussians were chill equivalent of welsh
>primitive parliamentarianism
>similar shit to 100 years war except it was against russia
just they weren't lucky enough to have easy mode on some islands with access to new world
Belarusians were fine under Poland, too bad they got corrupted by Ruskies.
The Turks
The Turks are not even Europeans, but invading tribes from Central Asia.
From the 19th century onwards, Romania
>Both were (and still basically is in Russia's case) massive empires who acquired most of their territory by trampling primitive tribals.
>Both deposed their monarchies in violent revolutions that ultimately did little to help the common folk.
>Both were extremely fond asserting hegemony through 'population control measures', particularly artificial famine and particularly when it came to their respective whipping boy (Ireland and Ukraine).
>Both still wield outsized political & cultural influence despite being crumbling shadows of their former selves.
>Both will probably collapse into splinter states that all hate each other within five decades.
>Oh, and both Brits and Russians drink like fish.
Fuck, that should be 'civil wars' instead of 'revolutions', though 1917 was really both.
>Russia collapsing instead of growing
You really don't read trends good do you?
Eh, I feel it could go either way, but then I was being somewhat facetious (the UK's still screwed tho).
Meant to send that to
None of them, as it was not one of those countries that dragged mankind fully out of the mediaeval period and into the modern world, whilst spreading their culture and language so widely and emphatically that elements permeated societies from the Amazon basin to the great cities of China, and all betwixt and between.
Ergo they were not like the Almighty Anglo at all.
The Anglo goes where even Jews fear to tread.
That's... pretty good comparison, actually. Even both the king of Poland nad England each killed a bishop in a span of 100 years.
You won't find a better answer itt
If Poles were the Anglos of Easten Europe then who were the French and Spaniards?
The French would be Russians - fucked hard by England/Poland once, both were subject of violent revolution, both invade(d) other countries in the name of "liberation."
I can't think of Spain of Eastern Europe though.
Brothers and sister are natural enemies
Like Croats and Serbs
And Montenegrins and Serbs
And Albanians and Serbs
Damn Serbs they ruined Serbia
You Serbs sure are a contentious people
t. Serb
Vends and assorted Veneti.
if Russians were the French of Eastern Europe then who would be the Italians of Eastern Europe?
Then who were the Turks of Western Europe
>not part of it
Osterreich means "Eastern Reich". If Czech are eastern then so is Austria
Did they forcefully convert everyone in Northern Europe?
Greece is Spain
Was relevant and conquerors many years ago, relatively poor debt ridden shithole today filled with unemployment, are disputably "white" meds, invaded by moors/turks.
> Large, multinatioanal empire
> Weak kings, strong nobility - the basis of parliamentarism
> Heartlands economically prosperous with hinterlands devastated by wars
> Prominence of personal unions between the strongest and second strongest nations in the area