WTF biz, you keep saying LINK is going to tank, that it's a bad investment. I had 10 ETH to buy in at 0.0007 and then I saw all this FUD and didnt. Now its almost to 0.001.

What the actual fuck? When is it going to dip? Im afraid If I wait any longer its going to keep going higher.

Other urls found in this thread:


Coin will be big, get in while you can and hold

You got outplayed brainlet.

You still fucking listen to Veeky Forums?

Literally your last chance OP. Why haven't your boarded the Moon mission with the rest of biz?

We got you.

Stop listening to fud. It could be 100% true Link turns out to be fucking nothing and it was all bullshit. But what is 1 ETH? 5 ETH in the long run? NOTHING. If you're not certain, at least buy 1 ETH worth and eat the flop if it turns out Link is shit. But if it goes up, if it hits 1USD fiat - You'll probably be butthurt about it.

OP, you are the embodiment of the brainlet meme.

I just cant watch that chart.

We had better tech in the 80's ffs

>hesitating to buy this shit
Why would you bet on it tanking just because of some FUD on Veeky Forums?
It's brand new and obscure as shit, when an average person finds out what it does they instantly want to buy some. Why would you bet on the price tanking?
Don't be this retarded. Just buy it. You're wasting your potential gains.

Yeah this was my attitude earlier. All I knew about LINK was it was getting endlessly shilled/fud'd on here and in the end I decided "fuck it I can spare a couple of ETH just incase the shills are right".

Hurry fast, it's not much time left!

I'll do you a favor. I'll throw your ETH into my prism.exchange index and won't return it to you for 8 months. You clearly can't be trusted with your money.

This offer goes to anyone. Whenever I enable a withdrawal into this smart contract address, it automatically returns funds to the address that originally sent it.


What an idiot.. People fud good tech so they can get it cheaper. Thanks to people like you, it works. Just buy it now or you'll kick yourself once it busts through 0.1

I still cant tell if you are trying to trick me, I am only 15 and don't really understand the "tech". I just trade off of memes. My dad said I can have more money if I show him a 5% ROI in a week. I would have already made that if I didnt listen to biz. He said I can have $100k to invest for him and I chose to watch and buy link, but hesitated because the FUD assholes on here. He just bought a lot of BTC from a place called the Darkpool and says BTC is the safer bet but I told him alts have a little bit more potential to increase his BTC holdings. What do?

Patience. Buy volume is collapsing. You'll be scrapping LINK from the ground in one week.

refer to
If you want, I'll do monthly payouts. Weekly is not an option

mods, underageb&

why do you think? i see alot of good coins decreasing volume before the weekend. Alos, it is common for relatively new coins to decrease in buy volume once they hit a new exchange. the candles show an uptrend. how will this goto the floor?



Underage b&

let your dad put it in BTC and hodl, dont lose his money daytrading shitcoins

Before you get banned please listen:

$100,000 is a LOT of money.

And you know that you're too stupid to invest it wisely. So DON'T.

Let him do BTC. Get him in ETH.


now get the fuck off this board

Oh dang, i guess I was too stoned when I placed a bunch of orders in ED the other night. Welp, thanks biz looks like i already met my dads conditions for 5% ROI. He said to dump this on Binance today. Thanks biz, u faggots.

honestly listen to daytrading crypto/stocks is like gambling, the bad traders are basically feeding money to the good traders, just like a bad poker player feeds money to the good poker players.

You're not educated or experienced enough to be anywhere near a good trader, you're literally years away if you study fulltime. You'll just make mistakes and panic and lose huge amounts of your parents money.

Your dads right, BTC (and ETH) are much safer and reliable. Just invest it all in those. You might not make a 10x return but you might double their money in a year which is way better than you'd get in any standard investment account.