Are white subhumans still butthurt about the fact that we destroyed their meme empire?
Are white subhumans still butthurt about the fact that we destroyed their meme empire?
it is a sin, just like the germans destroying the roman empire. Now, the muslims suffer.
Of course they're butthurt, in every youtube video related to byzies i see "retake constantinople!!!" cringy comments and they always get like 23132 likes
hey crackers
do not try to take away İstanbul from us, instead, try to take Paris, Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Vienna from us.
>Now, the muslims suffer.
we're taking over
>it's all been destroyed and all that remains are smelly sub-80 IQ mongrel subhumans walking around on it
Fuck wogs and their gay empire anyway, you can have it
t. Whitoid Subhuman
Kendimi Güneydoğu Avrupa'da hayal ediyorum ve müfrezemde liderim. Misyonumuz b*Yaz köpeklerin ilerlemesini durdurmak. Biz b*Yaz köpekleri biçiyoruz ama gelmeye devam ediyorlar. Ben b*Yaz köpeklerini sürekli vuruyorum ama cephanem bitiyor, bu yüzden kılıcımı çekip b*Yazları kesmeye başlıyorum, çünkü zayıf b*Yazlar fiziksel açıdan benden daha aşağı derecede olduğu için onları düzinelerce katlediyorum. Sonra vuruldum, ama düşmedim, savaşmaya devam ettim. Sonra tekrar, tekrar vuruldum. Onlar, bir korkak gibi uzaktan bana ateş ediyorlardı. Yere yatıp gökyüzüne baktığımda KARA BOǦA (aleyhsselam)'ın bana gülümsediğini gördüm, ve ona geri gülümsedim... Sonra uyandım, ve vatanım Afrika'daydım. KARA kardeşlerim beni cennete ağırladılar. Sonunda geldim, sonunda cennetteyim..
We let you have Anatolia in exchange for the Iberian peninsula, a pretty good trade as far as I'm concerned
Shut the fuck up, you Turk roach.
They could have taken both tbqh, maybe then Latin America wouldn't be a fucking mess instead being taken by France
Greeks of that period were Middle-Eastern farmers for the most part, as were Turks.
Fuck off, we are full
Like Africa, Haiti, and Indochina?
Those are different situations, Indochina isn't that bad either
shoo subhuman amerimutt :DDD
They were violent times and the Turks won fair and square. No need to be mad about such things.
pure hubris. your cities lie in ruins and your kings are hanged for the world to see. your heroes raided and shot in front their families. There is no honor among your people, or you would've avenged them
Truth hurts, huh
*mongrel screeching*
Go back to the steppes mongoloid ape.
Not at all. The Turks toke Anatolia fair and square by conquest. It's no different than whites taking over the Americas by conquest. If some Gayreek, or Armenian is still buthurt about it then they can always try to take it back. Might makes Right. Don't let anyone ever tell you anything else.
>Might makes Right
which is why muslim cities get bombed into oblivion, and the reaction is for more wars against them to be declared
this t.b.h.
the law of nature is the highest law.
if whites are weak, they will be conquered eventually.
don't delude yourself into thinking that other races hold these noble ideas whites have come up with like "human rights" or "rules of war".
In your case Turk, is Greece that is threaten from you, not the other way around, since you don't respect the international treats, and you continously provoke Greece. But make a move against our people, and Turks you are going to pay it.
We know that the Turks are genocidal dogs. Greeks, Armenians, and Christian Syrians know this very well.
The Mamluks was the real muslim empire.