>you will never sign up for the International Brigades
>you will never kill Falangists
>you will never fall in love with one of these Spanish beauties on the battlefield
>you will never curse the fascists with your last breath, as you die buying time for her and your unborn child to escape
what could have been
You will never sign up for the International Brigades
>ywn join the Condor Legion
>ywn remove filthy commies and anarchists
>ywn fall in love with the perfect economic model of Francoism
>ywn die at the gates of Madrid
who Lincoln Batallion here
I know that field
>your son
The Falangists were unironically one of the better factions in the entire war, would be interesting is Primo didn't die to see if he could cuck Franco
>you will never murder catholic priests in front of firing squads
>you will never blow up peasant churches
>you will never exhume nun's rotting corpses because 'haha dumb christians are bad athiesm forever'
>you will never ban money but be forces into introduce a coupon system that just becomes money anyway
>you will never fight in a civil war with "allies" who hate each other as much as the Right-wing coalition
>you will never lose a
Idk user, life is good not being a Republican, socialist, anarchist or what ever those autists called themselves
>>mfw i will never join the italians, condor legion or the viriatos
>>will never kill bolchevists and republicans
>>will never high-five Achmed while we rape those whores
>>will never get to laugh while i see the patriarch of a degenarate family die out
All the women in that picture are ugly as hell.
>ywn fight to avenge José Antonio Primo de Rivera and advance the glorious cause of Falangism
>ywn kill OP's Spanish beauty and unborn child by calling in a Condor Legion airstrike on their refugee ship
>ywn tell Hitler to fuck off and send your NatSoc LARPers to go get themselves killed during WW2
>ywn receive support from the United States in the Cold War despite having been nominal allies with Nazi Germany
>ywn outmaneuver your friends and enemies alike and be the longest lasting of the Interwar Totalitarian states
>ywn be blown sky high by ETA, the last thing on your mind being Franco's glorious legacy
>I glorify fighting in a war for meme ideologies
Get grenade'd anarchist shit
>ywn sign up for the Lincoln Battalion and bro it up with fellow freedom-loving Americans from all over the country
>ywn create and sing a Spanish version of "John Brown's Body" with your comrades as you march towards the front
>ywn support the Spanish and Catalan peoples, who stood alone against the entirety of fascist Europe
>ywn execute totalitarian scum who massacred innocent trade unionists
>ywn get recalled to Barcelona to protect the Revolution against the machinations of the Stalinists
>ywn have your shitty obsolete rifle break in your hands from repeated use as you put round after round into the oncoming horde of fascist snakes
>ywn hold your barricade with bayonet and revolver until it's blown apart by enemy air and armor support
>ywn have your belongings sent back to your family by your comrades and later be honored as someone who sacrificed everything to help a people stand up to evil
franco ruined spain honestly, Primo was a far better man who wanted true national unity and not just castilian supremacy
>YFW You signed up but all you did was live in a trench far away from everything
>YFW You never killed any falangists because your "bros" ran away like scared little kids
>YFW You never fell in love with some cute spanish gal on the battlefield because most of the women where doing women things, cooking and being nurses or taking officer dick.
>YFW You never got to die or even curse those evil "Fascists" because all you did was sit in a trench with a bunch of unwashed commies while eating shitty food until you get shipped back home by Glorious Franco.
>Franco ruined Spain
Seeing as how Spain successfully made it out of the WW2 period as a far-right country into an alliance with the Western powers, he clearly didn't ruin it.
Damn, this photo is a fucking nightmare.
Please tell me about the Republic and the Civil war, Veeky Forums. And material like this is great, please dump what you have.
you can always join ISIS, but maybe you are late for that too
I prefer my own life, what with the opportunities I have for education and advancement. I also appreciate my opportunity at a family life unburdened by the chaos of war or the breakdown of society.
This book made me understand war for the first time. Before I used to think people were just pawns or they joined for selfish or defensive reasons. No, freedom is worth dying for I only regret that nobody here is willing to do the same
Thanks for the chuckle, user
>you will never sign up for the International Brigades
a bunch of guiris that didn't even know how to shoot
>you will never kill Falangists
the alzamiento was a monarchist one, not falangist, the FE and JONS and later FET and JONS (after the edicto de unificación) had little to add to the sublevado's ideology, indeed Ledesma had more in common with the CNT FAI than with Franco, one of the reasons why he tried to ally them
>you will never fall in love with one of these Spanish beauties on the battlefield
most of us spaniards are no great thing and there are a lot of uggos
>you will never curse the fascists with your last breath, as you die buying time for her and your unborn child to escape
the fascists won because unlike the CNT FAI they only killed reds, the Second Republic was so full of infighting that fell for itself, Franco only dealt the final bow, desu my grandparents fought for the republic but felt disgusted by the child killing commies and anarchists
also please leave our history alone guiri, stop appropriating it, you disgusting LARPer
the republic pretty much was founded on liberal ideals, even Azaña was at best a social democrat or social liberal, but then due to thing like the revolution of 34 (Asturias’ workers and the catalan generalitat) and an increasing drift of the government toward the left a group of monarchists, falangists and in general conservative military and politics decided to put an end to the abomination it was becoming, they launched the coup with more success in certain places than in other, Ledesma for example happened to be in Madrid and the commies instantly killed him, Santiago Carrillo the infamous president of the PCE was involved in Paracuellos, basically the republican government had two fronts one was the nationalists the other the communists and anarchists whom did not let slip any opportunity to take more power one of the culminations of this power struggle were the jornadas de mayo
the anarchists made the stalinists look like children, there was nothing more dystopic and awful than the CNT FAI, so please anarchists and commies that know nothing about Spain stop claiming it was something good or worthy, it wasn’t and what these disgusting people did should never be forgotten, want to know why the nationalists won? because the republic turned into a nightmare, it turned into the worse of the worse and it wasn’t despite the communists and anarchists it was because of them
>ywn get murdered by the NKVD because you're such a subhuman animal that even the Stalinists think you're going too far
bad feel?
born too late to fight with the XV brigada
born too early for fully automated luxury gay space communism
born just in time for politics to be influenced by neckbeards