What actually makes someone a normie?
How to know if someone is a normie?
It's (You)
If you have to ask then you are one now fuck off and never come back
only owning ETH and BTC
Using Robinhood and bragging about making $50
never having an independent thought whatsoever
You better get outta here quick before i tell that to them boys...
>asks what constitutes a normie
You're a normie
When they deflect, ignore, mock anything outside of 'normal', mainstream ideologies, knowledge or culture, which is in combination with a limited and extremely predictable range of personal hobbies, lifestyles and tastes.
You never remember any thoughtful or considerate conversations with normies - if you have done so before this is only because of strange you found them.
Normies are basically the human equivalent of insects.
delet faggit
They've had under 12 plastic surgeries.
If I look at blockfolio every five seconds, can I still pass as a normie?
They talk about boring inane shit.
Top kek
>Average job
>Nice car, most of the time it's leased.
>Afraid to take any chances. Basically a victim of having a comfortable life that's "just so". Causes giant lack of motivation.
>Feel no need to challenge the status quo to make money.
>Fear runs your whole life.
>The best thing that could ever happen to you is losing everything overnight which would activate your animal instincts causing you to give no fucks.
>Cograts you're no longer a normie. Welcome to Veeky Forums 10 years ago.
When they are staring at their phone for more than 5 min and it's anything but checking cryptos and funposting
>less than 400k$ /year
>less than two pussy a month
>not owning merc or porsche
basically, all of you are normies. take the pill and go on
>I'll gladly take any job because I get so bored staying at home all day
If they say shit like this
By asking that question you demasked yourself as normie plebs.
>>The best thing that could ever happen to you is losing everything overnight which would activate your animal instincts causing you to give no fucks.
That would literally kill the neets on this board, faggot.
Anyone who had sex.
Wagecuck unironically
>Veeky Forums
Use the term wagecuck unironically
If you don't have AT LEAST 7 piss bottles in your room right now, you are a normie
I'm normie.
>engineer (less than 40k€/year)
>E-class Mercedes
>beta (overweight gf) XD
>prefer jerking off to porn/ig hotties over sex
>lifts weights
>all in chainlink
>hates life
uses facebook, twitter, instagram, and snapchat daily
say things like "lit","slay","senpai"
goes out to club/bar/party at least once a week
goes to beach at least once a week in the summer
loves talk show hosts like ellen, steven colbert, jimmy kimmel, fallon etc.
talking about school/internships/co-op 24/7