>Your IQ
>Your favourite leader of all time
I'll start
>Your IQ
>Your favourite leader of all time
I'll start
>Oswald Mosley
>Doland Dwumpfykins
May I save this user?
>Mussolini/ Petain tie
> Chavez
> -0.06
>rick sanchez
No. Fuck you
to bad, so sad
>Muammar Gaddafi
Like 130 I think, haven't been tested since high school
I really fucking hate that these threads are being posted, real low iq stuff.
>Around 200
Don't feel bad.
IQ itself is a horrifically arbitrary concept that is only perpetuated by people with low self-esteem who need to assign themselves a number through which they can "prove" themselves better than others.
My IQ and his go without saying.
Pitt the Elder
Just took the IQ test which I was always afraid to take and I was right, only got 117.
Fuck am I a brainlet now? My favourite leader is Eisenhower if that makes it relevant.
Freddy G
If you're not 130+ you're a brainlet
>Pol Pot
But if you buy my Alex Jones™ supplements you can increase your IQ by 13 points per pill
derrrrgh errrrr ok berss
>Jefferson Finis Davis
>Raja Dahir
Truly a brave man.
>bout tree fiddy
>mao ze dong
Please do not use Azunyan for your shitposting.
>Olof Palme
>4 Billion
>Roman von ungern sternberg
>Joseph Goebbels
This. Azunyan is only for CUTEposting!
t. angerey liberral xD
You cant stump the trump 1488 brother
shadilay ;)
>IQ isn't real!
>>Roman von ungern sternberg
>there are sub 145 IQ brainlets posting on my Veeky Forums right now
Antonio Oliveira de Salazar
>John F Keneddy
I've started to come around to this point of view when I found out my gf has an IQ in excess of 160 and utterly lacks the capacity to care for herself. All she does is solve software issues and fall over when she tries to walk. I have to steady her going up and down elevated surfaces because she keeps falling, and help give her showers. As far as I can tell once you breach a certain IQ threshold, the additional aptitude in narrow fields is accomplished by removing the capacity to live an independent life.
Cyrus II
Let's see where this goes.
>Im dumb but she walks so silly
>Im superior
Really makes you think
I'm just saying that when you reach savant levels there are tradeoffs. She loves life, I love being with her, but there is still a struggle.
>Hillary Clinton
>Haven't tested but my mom told me it must be near 200
Jefferson Davis
doland drimpppf is an orunge turrrd xd
i took the giordano pierleoni pill
Sounds hot af
That's fucking adorable