Redpill me Veeky Forums

redpill me Veeky Forums

on hitler

was it a murder or a suicide


You could have answered the question and saved your time retard

I'm not even 100% convinced he died. He might have escaped. It's a slim possibility but it's kind of suspicious that soviet troops wouldn't at least take pictures with the body to gain politburo points as national heros or something.

What are you going to do, retard? Shitpost?

He escaped to Antarctica

suicide by reds

Say what you will about Hitler but at least it wasn't Islam that toke over. Hitler didn't have Sharia law like Germany has today.

>give up on life
>refuse to give up the war or your hatred of Jews

What an asshole.

Hitler liked Islam you fucking dolt

No he didn't you sandnigger lover, and even if he did, he didn't bring Sharia law to Germany and put women in burkas.

But it was because of Hitler’s autism that lead to the demonization of nationalism which lead to today’s willingness to ignore national borders

hitler admired arabs for their culture and history, but he didn't want them in germany

Indirectly, his actions did, because it lead to a collapse of the colonial system that held the sandniggers back in their containment zone.

>"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France"
>"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

>it's a /pol/fags realize hitler liked Muslims episode

his corpse was cremated to avoid such shame, as the story goes.

>they had cameras in 1945
Retard detected

I'm neither a /pol/fag nor have I just 'realized' Hitler admired Arabs. He liked Hindus even more.
But he still didn't want them in Germany, because Germany was for Germans only.

He's talking about Islam the RELIGION.
Hitler's preference would be Nazi Germany as a nation of Muslim-converted ethnic Germans.

>body was burnt
>only Soviet remains were those of a woman
What a (((coincidence))).
Didn't expect anything less of a cryptokike of course.

Hitler didn't know shit about the Koran. He was a Christian, believed in the divinity of Christ and thought the Muslims did as well.


You sound like /pol/tard

/pol/tards love Hitler and hate Muslims
all I'm doing is pointing out the contradiction in that logic

Nope none of that is true. There was no Sharia law in Germany under Hitler. Show me where he said he liked Islam. You can't women were free and they didn't have to cover up or wear burkas. It was like the Taliban.

That's ironic