What does Veeky Forums think about the Hanfu movement?
Technically, can you truly revive a lost culture?
What does Veeky Forums think about the Hanfu movement?
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>Technically, can you truly revive a lost culture?
The Jews sure did it with modern Hebrew, recreating Israel, etc.
Keep up the good work chinks, expel the foreign influences.
Funny thing is this new movement is basically what Japan and Korea have been doing as their normal cultural state since WW2.
Language != culture brainlet. In no way is modern Israel a recreation of some lost Jewish culture, they hold mostly the same traditions they did before the creation of the country.
Chink hipsters.
>Japan and South Korea
>racial purity
They really aren't by east asian standards.
That's not what they think.
Great news. Question is. will the government allow it?
Why not, it's Chinese characteristics, so long as they retain the communism part, it's good.
How is this different from promoting the Kimono's and the Korean Hanbok????
>can you truly revive a lost culture?
That would honestly take a restoration of the monarchy and the values surrounding it, which would never happen after a century of republican and communist brainwashing.
10/10 import it worldwide.
Tell that to Falun Gong...
Chinese traditional culture was never lost, certain aspects (especially clothes) were just suppressed for about 20 years.
The Hanfu movement isn't very popular, but it's interesting because it attracts both hardcore communist nationalists and the smaller contingent of liberal nationalists on the right.
Can the communist party lose the mandate of heaven?
>Suppression of millenarian whackjob cults.
A very traditional Chinese thing to do.
>It imagines the numerically and culturally dominant Han—nearly 92% of China’s population—as the target of oppression by both China’s minorities and “the West"
Are these riceniggers serious?
And I think it is impossible. Look at Rome importing Greek culture, even then they gave their own spin to it. No culture can remain the same, it's stupid to think it can even be brought back. Wearing clothes is one thing, which I do support, but keeping the mentality that justifies traditions is another thing. Unless commies think they currently have the Mandate of Heaven.
Bullshit, nobody in China cares about racial purity except some weird liberals who simultaneously worship the West for its political and economic institutions.
The movement to restore traditional culture is mostly a project of the Chinese left and connected to the rejection of Western political and economic influence. These people are very often Han chauvinists, but they recognize that Hans are an agglomerate people thanks to 3000 years of expansion and assimilation.
literal sjw-mentality
very larpish, considering how the mainland society has no history or culture
>has no history or culture
Communism tends to do that to a country.
Please no. I'm having flashbacks to when I finally caved to my niece begging me to take her to Shen Yun. We were not fucking prepared for the bullshit to come. She still apologizes for that evening.
Chinese culture and values result in total stagnation, and then weakness. Confucianism is a recipe for this.
No thanks.
Hmmm. This is the first I'm hearing of the "Hanfu movement" having to do with racial purity and nationalism in that sort of way? I used to follow Chinese sites where people posted their Hanfu fashion coordinates and they always talked about it as a way to preserve traditional Chinese culture in the same way that people in Korea and Japan wear hanboks and kimonos at festivals, weddings and special occasions, and in certain niche cultures as everyday fashion again.
>the mainland society has no history or culture
Literal "America has no culture" tier Bullshit
Yes, newspaper articles from government newspapers have been very supportive overall.
Today's Chinese government is all about reviving traditional culture. In Shandong Province schools, now there are even classes based on the Confucian classics.
Fuck off you nitpicking cunt.
Wtf I love China now.
america has culture its founding people have their culture and spirit to the present day, communism is foreign, and destroyed the culture, what remains is a nonchinese culture living in a husk
If it promotes societal stability, the government will be all for it.
Korea and Japan are the most ethnically and culturally homogeneous states in the world. China is the one with a meme ethnicity.
they are one of the least pure races, they have been invaded and raped so many times, several by northern barbarians, hence why the japs call them chankoros, they are nothing but slaves
Not anymore. Women wear the traditional dress but men almost always wear a Western suit to formal events.
What the fuck is China?
>CCP does everything it can to eliminate the older Chinese traditions, destroying Confucianism, temples, art, anything from the previous governments to create true Communism
>actually lol we are still a many thousands year old nation and actually nationalists
What the fuck
t. 56%
Western Civilization has two foundations: Greco-Roman Civilization and Christianity. In the West, the first is under heavy attack from pedantic academics and is in an advanced stage of rot. The second, echoing Nietzsche, is now useless not only on the institutional level but also for increasingly so for personal belief.
Science is not the cause of Western greatness, it is the result. Without a revival of the foundations or a replacement, the West will surely crumble.
>Are these riceniggers serious?
They're infected by the ethnochauvinist meme, just like /pol/niggers they 100% believe that irrelevant minorities and ebul foreigners oppress them
That said there's nothing wrong with wanting to connect to your heritage and wear fancy clothes
It wasn't really the CCCP but a bunch of uni students Mao unleashed on the Party. They went out of control fast and everyone came out of it worse for wear. Mao should have died in 52.
>racial purity
>Han is literally an admixture of about 20 different ethnicities that the original Han conquered
Lol no
Those uni students were an arm of the Communists, same deal really
They can do whatever the fuck they want, but I wonder when they will realize that communism and state capitalism aren't traditionally chinese.
Every day I hope Burgerland gets rome’d so that this stupid shit will stop flowing into china
Israel is basically larping.
It's basically Liberia but more larping.
This reality scares me.
Hellenistic philosophy was what built Western Civilization. It was however largely incompatible with Christian even though some managed to mend certain characteristics between the two, Augustine of Hippo for example, Neoplatonism was killed, the Stoic schools shut down, etc.
The Church-vindicated feudal kingdoms took Christianity to it's logical conclusions, much like Islam, an absolutist understanding of the world provided by Abrahamic religion demands that government follow suit, only sensible if you truly believe in the Bible/Torah/Koran.
But with the decline of the Kings and Church, and the death of the Hellenistic philosophy that truly permiated society, we're lost. We're Christian without being Christian, what do we do?
What a sagacious response! I am most awed by your great wisdom.
>We're Christian without being Christian, what do we do?
Being something else? You've been Christian for so long that you took it for "granted" when others had to to be preached/converted/coerced/forced/persecuted into it.
Even if I fully dedicate myself to Christianity, society hasn't. I don't think we're going to see kingdoms with the divine right of Kings in a long time, if ever, as an accepted method of governance.
I also like the Platonist thought better.
mad mongrel mutt?
>Church vindicated feudal kingdoms
Holy shit you know jack shit about feudalism. Let me tell you this. There were three popes at one point, all fighting each other. Those popes were named by feudal kingdoms.
>Those uni students were an arm of the Communists, same deal really
Not really.
You have Red Guard Niggers wrecking temples up.
But at the same time you have CCP Elites like Zhou Enlai protecting heritage sites.
Good example is the Forbidden City. Which Zhou Enlai ordered the PLA to surround it to defend it from any vandalizers. As an added bonus, Zhou started the practice of hanging a bigass portrait of Mao on the palace gate to tell Mao's fanatics to fuck off.
Mao's autism is gone from China. It's basically a nazbol superstate at this point.
I am for the most part describing it's philosophy, not it's actual results.
I know that it, like most things, had it's fair share of shitshows, but it was at least in concept sound in it's reason regarding it's understanding of the world conceptually.
The Red Guard was started by Mao himself, but more importantly, they were meeting out Communist ideology in it's more faithful way. They made perfect sense by the Communist playbook.
Except Chinese Communism is an odd mix of Orthodox Communism, Mao's Ideas, and Chinese nationalism. It's far more complicated than them being "real" Communists.
In addition Mao didn't sit supreme. The Cultural Revolution happened specifically because Maoists felt unsafe after the tremendous fuckup that was the Great Leap Forward.
Asia pretty much is a place where "left" and "right" dichotomies go to die.
>China not only mocking the west for its cucked leftism, but embracing their own nationalism and race
It was Bismarck who said an idiot learns from his mistakes and a wise man learns from the mistakes of others
You mean the "Gang of Four", you know Maos last wife and the three litteral whos?
In theory I think this is a cool idea.
But a problem is that it is ultimately fake. "Western" clothes are organic and naturally evolved as common wear, not forced top down by people with an ideological agenda. Hanfu, as I understand it, is clothing for the .01% aristocratic elites. It was never meant to be worn day in day out by the common joe. It was never designed for comfort, durability, and economy. Probably the opposite.
Even the suit, which today is pretty extreme to walk around in to the corner store, was not designed as aristocratic wear. More evolved from upper-middle class wear - as I understand it. You wouldn't see a bunch of people in the west running around in 18th century French men's stockings and powdered wigs, which is what this is more like.
The idea that this is simply "reviving" traditional Chinese fashion styles for the Chinese is naive.
thats the problem with most things like this, its a pseudo-history they are returning to. I bet if you told any of these gooks what you just wrote out, they would just give out some angry response and call you whatever their "jew" is
Create a new cult to the Twin Philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, and get right back on track. Leave hebrew mythology behind. The Classical world will be reborn beautiful and new; the future is bright af.
t. I don't know what I am talking about
Hanfu was used by the commoners too, tho simpler design.
>I bet if you told any of these gooks what you just wrote out, they would just give out some angry response and call you whatever their "jew" is
see Nice projecting btw
All ethnicities are memes.
“Hanfu” just means “Han clothes”, brainlet.
>Hanfu, as I understand it, is clothing for the .01% aristocratic elites. It was never meant to be worn day in day out by the common joe.
Are you saying millions of ancient Chinamen were just walking around naked...
at least 50% of this thread are rapefugees from int and pol.
I'm curious as to what era fashion they're larping since ming dynasty stuff looks objectively awful
The cultural revolution failed
What’s the most fashionable Chinese Dynasty?
>Asia pretty much is a place where "left" and "right" dichotomies go to die.
Those dichotomies dies pretty much every user. It's mostly the west that projects it on other nations.
if we go by the tumblr lady the wei-jin, northern and southern dynastiers. Ming is absolute shit tier desu
Tang because they were chubby chasers and liked boobies
purity is a meme, name one great power that isnt a mix of ethnicities.
Bullshit. Mainland China is absolutely not "less Chinese" than Taiwan, which itself is just a Japanese-American puppet.
you can try, but you'll always end up with something fake in the end
It doesn’t matter. All “culture” is LARPing.
I love how ignorant Veeky Forums is about Chinese history because we get gems like these . It gets even nuttier with India stuff.
Republican is Veeky Forums as fuck.
>Hanfu, as I understand it, is clothing for the .01% aristocratic elites.
Fucking no?
*tips fedora
It does speak to the transformative power of dedicated LARPing though
>the mentality that justifies traditions
You say this like its wrong, please elaborate.
Aren’t these the same people who make up conspiracy theories about how the Manchus control the government and media like Jews do?
What Japan and Korea did is just preserving what they already had, Aka Japanese culture as we know it from Edo and Meiji era and Korean culture from Joseon era
What China did is bringing back pre-Manchu influenced Han Chinese costumes, which has been dead for 400 years, reconstructing it using paintings, tomb findings, and undoubtly influenced by modern taste
People in more remote areas continued to wear Ming-style clothing until at least the late 19th century.
There were also official attempts to revive Han clothing in the earliest part of the Republican period.
I'm not even american you retard :^)
if I had to guess I would say that you likely fit your stupid pol meme
the only enlightenment you deserve is that of the sun shining through the hole in your head created by my morning star :D
if you say so
Revive the Ming dynasty!!
>People in more remote areas continued to wear Ming-style clothing until at least the late 19th century.
This. Other than governmental robes,Hanfu wasn't outright banned for the civilian populace, Buddhist/Taoist clergy using it on a regular basis.
There are photos dating as late as the Republican period that show Hanfu wasn't completely abandoned by commoners either.
>there's nothing wrong with wanting to connect to your heritage
WHY though?
>for fun
Okay then
>for any high minded ideal at all
>And wear fancy clothes
I fully support this, traditional clothing is usually GOAT.
Wait, so you're saying -- China is commie in name only? Woah...
Right. So it didn't actually reflect reality, or else we wouldn't have ended up with three-pope autism.
This is so gay. Read literally any amount of philosophy, please.
People who say China has no culture because of the Cultural Revolution have no idea what they are talking about. Even Mao himself, despite his views on "traditional" China, alluded to Chinese history and poetry all the time (example: comparing the Sino-Soviet tensions to the Chu-Han Contention after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.
After Mao's death, essentially everyone was tired of revolution and wanted to go back to normal routine.
I'm largely in favor of this as long as it doesn't cause a crisis. To the degree it should be restored depends on what we find is necessary for post-industrialized societies work vs pre-industrialized ones like the Qing.
Yes, but it would take more than economic downturns to topple it at this point.
Song or Ming personally. Tang women were too thicc.
Apologies then, it was just a joke. However, even though I have been on /pol/, I don't care for their circlejerks about skin color, retarded conspiracy theories, or the shitfling between Nordicists, Christian fundamentalists, Fascists, and Libertarians. I am just trying to say if Christianity or Hellenistic philosophy falter, it would be in the best interest of the West to find something else.
Why so mean :(
This, pre-Qing styles were still very well-remembered. Pic related is Yuan Shikai and some officials during his brief stint as Emperor of China.
I'm okay with another dynasty. No need to hang onto dead dynasties if there is a more suitable one.
>too thicc
Wtf is wrong with you
What's your diagnosis about this topic then? I was talking more about philosophical and social foundations, the whole framework of "legitimacy" behind political models.
Furthermore, the political faults of caesaropapism in Catholic countries is not necessarily indicative of a general flaw in Christianity. This religious-political model was not even present in other Christian countries like the Byzantine Empire.
Brainwashed by the Japanese government via Chinese cartoons.
How can they tell the difference?