>Asked for his thoughts on Monero, Snowden said it was "amateur crypto"
>Snowden has come out in support of the privacy-oriented cryptocurrency zcash, calling it the "most interesting alternative" to bitcoin.
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Shit, you just reminded me I was supposed to buy 100k today.
Thanks user.
Meh. He's still citing that old fud article.
Proves he's literally retarded and doesn't do his research, look at the responses on the tweet that he posted, every single person calls him crazy for not pointing out Monero,
Zcash is a backdoor shitcoin.
>Guy famous for revealing secrets cares about privacy
>government has a backdoor
>i love this XD
fuck off retard I hope he hangs
t. amateur crypto
the dev of zcash himself said he's shitcoin is backdoored
Charlie Lee believes that Monero is better than Zcash. Zcash is not truely private. Zcash is shit.
dont he know verge lol
zCash blown the fuck out.
This high school dropout knows jack-shit about cryptography or crypto.
He was a fucking sys admin who abused his superuser account to help an enemy state.
Just a mouth piece for the Kremlin right now, sitting in his safe house with his stripper girlfriend.
>guy hiding out from muh big bad uncle sam
>supports a coin where the dev built in backdoors just for criminals
This is a joke right? Guy is either retarded or has never stopped working for the cia.
anyway I just bought 10 because its about to pump
he's right.
Monero is less secure.
Nice just bought 100k.
He's wrong.
Monero is more secure.
>Snowden backs zcash whose dev said they would put in a backdoor if law enforcement wanted them to
This is confirmation that Snowden was a limited hangout.
hes a spy
xmr/btc chart is literally in a death spiral since it 2x'd
it's found the bottom IMO
lol where. every day it closes lower