ChainLink more like buttlink haha. Pooplink.
Pee pee poo poo link
ChainLink more like buttlink haha. Pooplink
keep crying bitch nigger
Ding-a-ling link
hello who is this
Haha, more like chink link
I take comfort in the fact that I started this. It may not be a full-fledged meme, and it may be forgotten about in a week, but at the very least I can say that someone thought that I was funny enough to continue it. This may actually be the proudest moment of my life, which is actually sad.
no i started it
damn I wasn't expecting you to show up
What in the fuck did I just look at...
It's pretty funny meme OP, feel proud my man, you are bringing joy to others lives.
It's me. Kill OP
this is Bog. Kill this BogImposter. Now.
I think you have the wrong number
That is a drawing of an anthropomorphic frog performing a sexual act on another, smaller, frog. Glad I could clear that up for you. Have a safe trip back to /r/cryptocurrency.
Its actually a great meme
Hang up the phone or I'll fucking kill your boipucci!
How many of you are there? Please stop crank calling me or I'll call the police!
Wanna sack mah cack? Only 100sat
Lol you know its a slow day when this is the shit people are doing