Why were The Romans so much fucking better than the Greeks ? The Romans were everything the Greeks wanted to be and more, everything from their Architecture to their Pantheon of Gods were just fucking Bismarck levels of Fucking Great.
Why were The Romans so much fucking better than the Greeks...
The Romans were Greeks mixed with local tribes.
more resources, once they figured out how to grow a lot of grain in the slightly cooler regions of central Italy they exploded
The Romans took the best ideas Greek had and made them work, and improved them. They were a superior civilization, and its gay as fuck that Brutus dicked over Caesar that way.
Reminds me of the first French empire
>The Romans were everything the Greeks wanted to be and more
literally the other way around
every good idea the romans had they stole it from the greeks, from architecture to the sciences
Thanks for the Wojak, I shall add him to my legion.
the city of rome was founded by greek refugees
>stole it from the greeks
and then did it 10 times better
No it was founded by Etruscan colonists that rebelled against them. later breeding with Greek colonists that came up from the South. thats how we got the Romans.
Caesar was a tyrant and a usurper of the legitimate government, go lick a boot.
this meme is as stale as wop pasta
Most Pre-Christian Emperors were actually rational (with exceptions) and did not let the power go to their heads, Trajan was a good example of this. Caesar's ethics are debatable.
christians are degenerates and their humanism contributed to their downfall
Agreed, Constantine fucked everything up and pussified Rome, if they remained Pagan (and somehow pushed back Germanic Invasions) the Western half of Rome would have been around much longer.
Caesar most certainly had personal ambition involved, but his policies were sound and benefited the Republic as a whole, not the rich aristocratic senators who'd fucked up Rome in the late republic with slaves taking jobs, fucking over the veterans and letting public works go to shit.
How did they do it better?
Sure, their Empire lasted a lot longer than any Greek state, but how did they do anything better?
Did they have any philosophers in the scope of Plato, Aristotle, Herodotus, and Thales? Did they have any playwrights equal to Aristophanes and Sophocles? Did they have architects equal to Callicrates? Sculptors equal to Praxiteles?
The answer is no.
They could copy the Greeks, but they never surpassed them. Hell, their best known works of art are just copies of Greek originals.
Not really, Latin and Greek are really different languages
Agreed. Fuck the optimates boot lickers
But Latin is heavily influenced by Greek. Tons of words are Greek in origin and the Latin alphabet itself is based off the Greek alphabet.
The greeks had philospohers who just sat around and thought a lot. The romans didn't have time for that, so they just read the greek books instead and went on to produce people like Cicero who did other things than just sitting and thinking
Lame excuse for not having any great thinkers
>if they remained Pagan (and somehow pushed back Germanic Invasions) the Western half of Rome would have been around much longer.
What bullshit. The "paganism" was already dead. What remained were mystery cults from the East like Sol Invictus no different from Christianity.
Christianity is the bedrock of western civilization. Paganism is dead for a reason.
Paganism is dead because of Christian "tolerance".
Christianity took hold because of the willing conversion of royals and people of influence. Paganism couldn't compete with Christian scholasticism, philosophy, or martial prowess. Christianity became synonymous with civilized Europe after Charlemagne. Then you have the golden age of European geopolitical influence (directly inspired by its Christian faith) until the gradual secularization of liberal Europe. Ask 90% of people in Europe who Thor, Zeus, or Apollo are and they will tell you they are irrelevant comic book characters. Paganism left its mark on our culture but Christianity conquered the world and tamed the savages. Your head is up your ass if you think polytheism did more for Europe in any respect than Christian theo philosophy. Greeks are very devout Christians today, as are Italians and many Spaniards as well. Same with Bavarians, Swiss and Austrians. Christianity=West. That is how the history books will tell our story when we're 1,200 years into the future teaching children on Mars.
This, the Romans were clearly a degenerate people that only succeeded thanks to the vital lessons taught by educated Hellenes. If a Roman wished to achieve anything in life, he learnt Greek and offered himself up to a Hellenic tutor. Truth.
>western civilization predates and will post date Christianity
>brainlet says that Christianity is the "bedrock" lmao
Enjoy the hebrew mythology while it lasts, blind faith will be classified as a mental illness soon enough.
>Paganism couldn't compete with Christian philosophy
Lmao, pretty sure there is no such thing as "christian philosophy" given that Christians subordinate reason to faith.
christianity is what destroyed the roman empire. If you claim it started, something, it only started feudal monarchies. Which lead to centuries of humiliations for teh west, from nordic pagans, muslims, steppe tribes, and 'hereticl' 'schismatics'. It wasn't until the modern age, with the rediscovery of greek and roman learning, that the west began to recover.
>the willing conversion
No. Christianity took hold because Christian emperors started to persecute pagans. Many atrocities were committed by Christians against pagans and pagan monuments, including the destruction of the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, one of the wonders of the ancient world, by saint Nicolas.
>Paganism couldn't compete with Christian scholasticism, philosophy, or martial prowess
It could. In fact all the great philosophers, scientists, and thinkers until the renaissance were those of ancient Greece and Rome (pagans). Not sure what martial prowess has to do with religion.
>Christianity became synonymous with civilized Europe after Charlemagne
You mean to tell me that Christians made themselves synonymous with civilization? By God, what an achievement!
>ne. Then you have the golden age of European geopolitical influence (directly inspired by its Christian faith)
No. The age you are referring to is the renaissance, which was in fact inspired by a return to ancient Greek and ancient Roman (pagan) values.
>Ask 90% of people in Europe who Thor, Zeus, or Apollo are and they will tell you they are irrelevant comic book characters.
What kind of argument is that? We all know that paganism is dead, the issue is whether that is good or bad and what caused it.
>Christianity conquered the world and tamed the savages
No, imperialism did. Nice try though.
>Your head is up your ass if you think polytheism did more for Europe in any respect than Christian theo philosophy
It did in fact. The renaissance was directly inspired by ancient pagan values, meanwhile Christianity held Europe back technologically for at least a thousand years.
>Greeks are very devout Christians today, as are Italians and many Spaniards as well
So the biggest shitholes in the West are devout Christians. Not sure how that works for you.
Nope. Christianity has left its mark on the west, but it is a scar.
>Rome and Greece
That's 2017 Italy and Greece, retard.
>Roman pantheon gets filled with filthy Asian gods
>"no more philosophy guys, sorry, but we have to conquer"
>city-state? fuck that!
>"naked aristocrats wrestling? nah man, let's just throw some slaves into the arena with bears"
Greek contributed way more to western thought through philosophers and literature. The closest thing Rome had was Virgils fanfiction.
>Germanics in charge of roman history
this is really sad
go home, the republic was in crisis for a long time and everyone was using violence
>being this retarded