Abrahamic God: I'm the only true god...

Abrahamic God: I'm the only true god, everyone else is wrong and the billions of intelligent and virtuous people who have worshiped different deities (or none) are all going to hell because their gods are actually demons. Everything Satan says is a lie don't listen to him.

Satan: Only according to God's propaganda am I and the other "demons" considered "evil". Those "demons" are beings like Athena, Odin and Vishnu which people have worshiped throughout history. Ever wonder why I'm portrayed as a goat? That's because my real name is Pan.

I was raised in an irreligious household and I'm trying to make sense of world religions and find out what I believe in. Now Satan seems like the more logical choice to me here but obviously Christians would argue that it's because he's the great deceiver, etc. What proof is there for either side of the argument?

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inb4 people respond seriously
inb4 "the state of this board"

>everyone else is wrong and the billions of intelligent and virtuous people who have worshiped different deities (or none) are all going to hell because their gods are actually demons.

The Jewish God doesn't really care about your religion, just don't be a polytheist or idolize through icons and follow the 7 noah laws (which are all common sense) and you get into heaven according to Him

Last I checked religion fell under the &Humanities side of the board, we have religion threads here all the time.

Didn't know that, interesting. What's the point of Judaism in that case, if you don't have to follow the religion to get into heaven?

There are two major misunderstandings of Christianity here, which also tend to turn people onto "laveyan Satanism". I'm not a Christian either, but raised-atheists constantly conflate actual biblical canon with biblical LITERATURE like Milton's Paradise Lost, and retroactive suppression of native cults in the Hellenic world.

Think of this:
1.) There's nothing inherently goat-like about Satan. He is compared to goats because semitic shepherds at the time tended to be very familiar with how shitty goats are relative to sheep. Thus the omnipresent shepherding metaphors in the NT.
2.) Pan, related to Hellenic Dionysian cults, had a lot of overlap with gnostic Christianity that the Nicean Council formally considered heretical. Pan, being chthonic/earthy/sexual/indulgent, is "satanic" and anti-christian but is not considered to be literally Satan himself.

Satan hasn't been represented like a goat since like the 16th century.

I knew Pan was incredibly popular in late antiquity, but how is it possible to combine Hellenism with a strictly monotheistic religion? Although admittedly I don't know much about Gnosticism

>going to hell because their gods are actually demons

Hell is Indo-European concept

Semites(Judaism included) believed in Sheol which is pretty much nothingness

tldr of Gnosticism is hellenic/shaivite ritual + semitic theism. Certain kinds of esoteric indulgence/asceticism and rituals will reunite your soul with the Sophia/Knowledge (Heaven of the REAL god(s), not "God") and free you from the yoke of the Demiurge/world creator (capital g God, identified rather with Satan). Gnostics were huge on mystic orgies so you can see the controversy.

That sounds absolutely fucking nuts mate, as if regular old theism weren't enough

reminder Satan is fake news

the "anti god", enemy, adversary, devil, etc. is just a deviantart-tier cartoon bogeyman invented to very literally demonize european faiths

don't even quote me some fucking vague isaiah shit 3 translations removed from the original greek text where some retard capitalized and bastardized luciferos into proper noun Lucifer instead of just translating it

reminder YHWH reportedly didn't need a jealous enemy to do his job of tempting people and then nuking them when they failed the test

I don't think Pan was popular in Late Antiquity, or even worshipped anywhere anymore. The only reference to him off the top of my head is a passing mention in a panegyric by Sidonius Apollinaris.

This is why the "Satan=Pan" thing is such utter baloney. Awareness of Pan seems to have died out in the 2nd century and not been revitalised until the 18th.

>Those "demons" are beings like Athena, Odin and Vishnu which people have worshiped throughout history.
While Christian missionaries often told savage/pagan peoples that their traditional gods were demons serving Satan, that isn't really a position supported by Christian scripture.

The scriptural Christian viewpoint is that God is the only god. Jesus never says that the pagan gods are lesser beings in league with Satan, rather he doesn't acknowledge them at all. The Christian view is that these other gods are entirely fictional superstitions.

Honestly, you seem to have a pretty good grasp of it already.

As you realize satan just offered demons for you to worship, is that not proof that God told the truth about him?

To be fair, anyone not saved by God is a goat, and anyone saved by God is a sheep. Sheep and goats. That's what we all are. One or the other.

The devil exists to give you the option to reject Jesus, and you have. You've thrown your lot in with the devil, and he's already lost the war.

Not smart.

Jesus addressed, and cast out, many demons.

>The scriptural Christian viewpoint is that God is the only god. Jesus never says that the pagan gods are lesser beings in league with Satan, rather he doesn't acknowledge them at all.
True, but Satanists would argue that what Christians call "demons" are actually those lesser gods. So when they summon demons they're actually summoning minor dryads and nymphs and such which the Greeks knew of.

I believe he's rejecting the existence of Satan rather than casting his lot with it/him

Correct, the analogy is in the New Testament (Matthew 25:31-46)

The goat symbol may relate to Yom Kippur and the scapegoat rite in Judaism. The apocryphal Book of Enoch may have affected the later Christian cosmology as it's earliest record is at the foundation of Christianity

>What's the point of Judaism in that case, if you don't have to follow the religion to get into heaven?

Judaism exists to destroy worship of God on the planet and for no other reason. It's sole purpose is to overthrow legitimate divine authorities and replace them with charlatans and fools.


I'm sorry you were raped as a kid, that really fucking sucks, but I don't care about your schizo videos

>The Christian view is that these other gods are entirely fictional superstitions.
this is what nu-christians actually believe

Nigga that's baphomet created by a French larping Jew occultist to represent hermetic ideals

Sure it is but my claim is that the archetype is linked to the book of enoch. In context the character (i.e. azazel) does indeed represent hermetic ideals

Who? Legion? That was just a metaphor for him btfoing Rome.

>Satan: Only according to God's propaganda am I and the other "demons" considered "evil". Those "demons" are beings like Athena, Odin and Vishnu which people have worshiped throughout history. Ever wonder why I'm portrayed as a goat? That's because my real name is Pan.
where did Satan say this?

It's more that Big G God isn't actually Big G God; that dude is way away from us, while the Demiurge generally fucks everyone over and pretends to be Big G.

So basically it's universe simulation theory for iron age goat herders?