Are dutch sort of germans ?

Are dutch sort of germans ?

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sort of :^)


Denmark is German

Germanic is the word you're looking for

Nothing is German.

Well, they speak a garbled joke language that's "totally not German, guyz"

What about the swiss?


too rich for the germans

Definitely Germanic, like most of north and central Europe

yes, except we have the proper amount of chromosomes.

you mean unlike the flemish ?

Are Danes Germanic?

Is Romansh too close to Italian? I guess that doesn't really matter though since like less than 1% speak it

them too

is it true the dutch put all their retards in flanders ?

it was mutually beneficial for us to do so, you see. Our average national IQ rose because of it, and so did theirs.

>and so did theirs.


the similarities go much further than a common germanic inheritance.
what we call dutch today developed from old frankish, just like many "german" dialects* and dutch dialects forms a continuum of mutual intelligibility with german ones. The distinction between the German and Dutch language areas is essentially purely political, though differences on both sides of the border have been amplified by the top-down influence of the different standard languages.

*there are also low german dialects in both Germany and the netherlands which developed from Old Saxon


Germany : 80 millions
Netherlands : 15 m
Flanders : 8 m
Elsass lothr: 3m
Austria: 8 m
alemanic swiss : 6m
Prussia : 15m
Sudetenland : 3m
Nordic countries: den + swed + nor + islad: 21m

Total : 150 millions

thats a nice base map you got there OP

shouldn't England be part of this too?


D*tches are little bitches for the TURKish BLACK cock

germanic tribe

since when ?

Definitely swamp germans


Romansh was literally a meme added to their national languages to convince the nazis that Switzerland isn't German.

Sort of, but they are a filthy people and so they didn't made the Reich.
>never shake hands in the Netherlands

That saying is the equivalent of rather dead than red, it's meant to show how much you hate something by comparing it to something that is universally considered horrible. Saying you'd rather be T*rkish than Papist is meant to be an immense insult to the pope because everyone knows how vile T*rks are.

1/3 of europe are a sort of germans
Swamp germans
Banking mountain germans
Regular mountain germans
Peninsula germans
Eastern proto germans
Western proto germans
Weird accented swamp germans
Sea germans

It meant that even a non-christian like the turkish sultan tolerated all kinds of christians while the head of christianity on earth didn't.

[spoiler] am i the only one here who doesnt [/spoiler]


I am from northern Germany (between Bremen and the Dutch border) and I can understand Plattdeutsch (Low German) fairly well. I don't exactly speak/write it with any real confidence as I haven't learned it formally, but my parents can speak it and it is/was all 4 of my grandparents 'first language'. I understand English too, obviously, and consider standard 'Hochdeutsch' as my first language.

Now with all of these, Dutch (niederländisch) sounds to me honestly like just another local dialect. It's obviously more 'foreign' to my ears, more divergent. But I swear I can understand a lot of it, especially written Dutch (pronunciation of similar words can vary a lot between the languages/dialects), but I still get the gist and some details when words are similar. And I've never studied it formally at all. If I go to Netherlands, I can just speak English of course, but I have a few times spoken German in a more 'Platt' way and been understood (with weird looks).

Even if I had no clue of linguistics, it would be obvious that German/Platt, Dutch and even English (the queer cousin of the Germanics) are on a geographic language continuum.


We are all citizens of the universe and should welcome all sorts of people into our uncultured homogenous wh*te countries.



Hey, why is everyone so quick to dismiss England as German? It would mean that those fucking Anglos and their Empire that Never Fucking Sets would be classified as Rightful German Clay.

Is Northern Italy Germanic?


No, /pol/ack. Northern Italy is not Germanic.

Belgium isn't Germanic either.

Lombards are German, even if half of Veeky Forums is too stupid to know what a Lombard is.

It's no less German than Denmark and Slovakia, fuckstick.

Pull out the haplotype charts.

Thing is the Lombards didn't completely replace the local Roman populations, though they did move in and dominate as the new ruling class. And yes, the regions had become depopulated and unorganized by the collapse of Rome, leaving a vacuum the Lombards filled. But still, they would have inter-married over the years, and that was with the more 'typical' central and even southern Italians.

So, northern Italy has some Germanic heritage, (excluding Südtirol) but the Italian influence obviously won out. Otherwise they'd be speaking Langbartischdeutsch.

How the fuck T*rks got 94%? do they wash their ass with their hands and water like poos?
Why Portugal got 23% above Spain?


Sort of, as the traditional dialects spoken in the Netherlands and Germany form a continuum. Keep in mind however that the West Germanic dialect continuum is more diverse than the North Germanic dialect continuum (i.e. dialects in Southern Germany/Switzerland are more different to Northern German/Dutch dialects than the Scandinavian languages are to each other), so one might just as well say that Norwegians are "sort of" Danes or that Danes and Norwegians are "sort of" Swedes.

It's correct though that the Dutch-German distinction is the result of political processes; the "natural" distinction would have been the distinction between Low German (including Dutch) and High German. When medieval folks talked about "Niderlant" (in opposition to "Oberlant") they meant not only the Low Countries but also Northern Germany.





We are a few different anons here, but no not at all.

Lombards had no successional connection whatsoever to any Roman power. They never actually completely dominated lands they claimed. They had no hereditary dynasty and all their dukedoms were pretty autonomous. Over time they adopted Late Latin as their language and were pretty much fully culturally absorbed by 'Italians'. Later they were steamrolled by the Franks.

So I'm saying a bunch of Germanic barbarians took over and filled the power vacuum after Roman power contracted like your dick into your FUPA on a windy February night in Siberia. By this time anyhow, the Roman army was largely staffed by various Germanic barbarian tribes who had shifting loyalties, and northern Italy was where they were playing out their dramas. So the region was already unstable for a century or more at the time. Lombards were just in the right place at the right time,

t. d*tchie sissy bitch

Yes and no.

Low, Middle and High Franconian had the same roots but Low Franconian wasn't affected by the High German consonant shift. Add centuries of drift and diversification and modern Dutchmen would have a hard time understanding even the the closest German dialects like Hessian. The Saxon dialects which straddle the border certainly are mutually intelligible, but they have been marginalised in both countries for centuries in favour of Low Franconian and High German.

Socio-politically it's quite complex. Burgundian rule had fashioned the disparate cities and dukedoms into a quite close-knit political conglomerate which would form the basis for the later Republic, whilst the rest of the HRE was increasingly falling apart into independent
petty fiefs. Another thing to keep in mind is that the Low Countries were turning into one of the most urbanised, literate and 'enlightened' societies in Europe from the Late Middle Ages onward, whilst underpopulated Early Modern Germany makes the Yugoslav Wars look like a picnic. It isn't surprising that 17th century Dutchmen looked down on their Eastern neighbours and didn't really consider them the same people. They often referred to themselves with the old endonym 'Diets' or 'Nederduits' whilst disparaging Germans with names like 'mof' or 'poep'. It wasn't until the 19th century with the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, the emergence of Nationalism and a united German state that 'Nederlands' became the norm. Accepting kingship with Low Germans is a lot easier when they're divided into underdeveloped statelets, and not part of a nationalist economic powerhouse two centuries later.

Since the Jutes, Anglos and various waves of Scandinavians settled there.

Thank you, captain fucking obvious. What the fuck do the Lombards have to do with modern-day Denmark, Netherlands and Belgium?

>including flanders
this guy gets it


>Anonymous 11/11/17(Sat)14:04:44 No.3667870▶
>It meant that even a non-christian like the turkish sultan tolerated all kinds of christians while the head of christianity on earth didn't.

it wasn't the pope as much as philip II

So now we know the TURKposter is an angry fat turk somewhere in the Netherlands

>I am from northern Germany

how does it feel not having a culture?

What the fuck did you do

Nothing really, and that is the point. I didn't bring them up, just pointing out that no one here is WE WUZing about it. Maybe some Lega Nord faggots?

I am not sure what you're talking about, sorry m8.

My wife is from Freiburg and we are there a few times a year. I think both 'sides' have theirs pros and cons.

A lot of Germanic admixture but not native to England.
It's a mix of the Saxons/Jutes and the Celts

There are no Germans in Poland and the Czech Republic anymore, or Kaliningrad

They aren't because they say so.
That's how it works.

In This Thread:
Veeky Forums confuses linguistic groups and races.

Come one, you morons. It's not that hard.

Pretty sure dutch isn't german. I'm also pretty sure flemish aren't dutch.

Wrong, there are still some, but they've generally all slavicized their names by now.

It's funny when you look at Czechs in particular. Many of their last names are just Slav versions of very typical Germanic last names (rather than the -ovic/-ova patronymics otherwise common in Slav places). Just because they don't have a patronymic doesn't mean they're German background, but it's a good sign they might have German ancestry.

My wife's grandmother was German, but born in what is today the Czech Republic. A small village near the armpit of Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. She was evacuated/fled in 1944 when she was 10ish, but she already had some older siblings who had married locals. Some married Germans, some married Czechs. It was a bilingual mixed area.


Washing hands is mandatory after taking a shit in Islam.

Portuguese are more civilized than Spaniards, also less noisy and less smelly.

are you 14 or autistic?


> t. /gsg/

>write old as fuck joke
>get dubs
>get "kek" replies en masse

Its like a penis size.

I have it in my head that all German men are cucks, any credence to my preconceived notions? Is your wife tolerant of Islam?

You can't seriously think all of them are, especially after AfD did so well.


I know an artist from Berlin who voted AfD and doesn't believe in the Hollocaust, so i suppose not all of them are.

Mix of German, French, and Italians.

He h

Remember /pol/ is populated by angry 15 year olds who've never left mom's basement, let alone the country.

Young urban liberals tend to "be OK" with refugees because it's a virtue badge, as if to say "LOOK, SEE!? I'M NOT A NAZI, SEE GUYS? NOT A NAZI HERE, I LOVE EVERYONE!!". It's more about signalling to their own in-group than about really caring about some brown durka-durkas they'll never meet.

But honestly the average person, men included, are skeptical at best that refugees should be resettled here. Most want them to go back, at some point. It's a bit taboo to say this out loud, but you can sense it.

In my job I meet groups of Syrians/Iraqis (and the occasional Afghan or African) who all had started university before they left, and now trying to re-train in their field by German standards. There are some very smart, quite secular, driven/motivated, and they learn languages fast. There are lazier more entitled among them too though, and it's obvious none are used to 'high' western standards of academia. Plus a lot of various emotional baggage as you might expect...

Something I noticed though is that the mostly female teachers/counsellors they meet ALL really baby them. They are poor precious lambs who can do no wrong, no matter if they didn't even start their homework, skipped 3 classes in a row, are talking loud in class while a lecture is going on and eating from a crinkly chip bag. Shit German students would not do. It's mostly young men, and I honestly feel they FEEL babied and unchallenged by these well-meaning but clueless ultra-liberal maternal-wannabes. Now when I get them, I "firm but fair" have told them to be quiet while another is talking, that if they don't do their homework, they won't succeed in Germany and will be sent back to clear mines in the desert (in-joke with the group), etc, etc. Honestly? I feel they respect me much more than my female colleagues because of it.

They are Celtic and so are Austrians as well. They just happen to speak a Germanic language.

Also, a funny aside: Most believe, to some extent, in various conspiracy theories about American/Russian oil companies and Israeli/Iranian/Saudi meddling. The notion that ISIS is an American false-flag group is not believed by all, but is quite common. Many view American/Western concerns about human rights and democracy and stuff as a cover, and If you grew up in the middle east in the last 10-15 years, it's not hard to see why they might believe such stuff.



>vs 1 Turk

The Guy that is beating the sissy dutch is a Morrocan Bull

They are germanic

Is this a bait thread or you cant use google?
So you are skipping germanics invasion?

>get dubs
>gets dubs

Why didn't you post any image?