FACT: The American Civil War is the most interesting civil war.
FACT: The American Civil War is the most interesting civil war
Other urls found in this thread:
>a bunch of poorly trained bastards led by generals who have never seen a real battle before
>MOST interesting EVER
*teleports behind you*
The generals beat up Mexicans, that has to count for something.
Theres a reason the whole world knows who Lee and Lincoln are and no one knows who some irrelevant slav retards murdering each other over communism are
>General Lee is more well known than Stalin
Whatever helps you sleep at night, burgerlard.
>inb4 you didn't post Stalin
I posted Kolchak because I like his ridiculous facial features
>implying the poorly trained soilders weren't used purely for cannon fodder and bulk expenditures.
>implying the majority of Generals on either side wernt American Aristocrats.
>overrated meme general like lee
>more famous than the likes of stalin, lenin and trotsky
Good meme
>Generals that had fought a war againts even worst trained and bad armed bastards
lol triggered leftypol fags detected.
>America beat a country that beat the ever living shit out of France
literally nobody gives a single shit about the US civil war except for rednecks in former CSA
t. American
Is this the Russian civil war thread now?
please give me the biggest battle of the war the biggest one that I found was the one for mexico city, which was less important than this battle en.wikipedia.org
>What is the Russian civil war
>What is China
>What is Korea
>What is Vietnam
>What is the Congo
>desperately trying to shill the russian civil war, something literally no one gives a shit about, as more interesting than the US civil war
>thinking anyone gives a shit outside of russians
All boring irrelevant engagements (other than the ones that involved America) that insecure europoors have to pretend is more interesting?
Mexico beat france until 1862
During the first Franco-Mexican war the french beat the shit out off Mexico
>OP this butthurt his shitty thread got derailed
Are you joking? Do you genuinely believe those famous leaders of the revolution are less well known than a general in the ACW?
As a non-American, I actually do find the Civil War interesting because of the fact that both armies were absolutely non-standing Armies which was freakish in the day.
Like, America's paranoia over standing armies and their reliance on regiments formed by volunteer militias - some of whom BROUGHT THEIR OWN FUCKING WEAPONS AND UNIFORMS- were put to their breaking point during the war, which started a rethink in America's entire military structure that up to that point has faithfully stuck with the US founders' notion of "citizen soldiers."
I do scoff at dumbass notions that it was "hurdurr first modern war" or that it was a preview of WWI.
>Veeky Forums threads all the time about the US civil war
>"t-the chinese civil war and the congo civil war are way more interesting! This is totally not an insecure europoor pretending to give a shit about these boring conflicts out of my inferiority complex!"
go look at the archives of how many times the US civil war shows up compared to any of those meme ones you mentioned. Also, Stalin is famous because he was the leader of the Soviet Union and one of the big dogs in WW2 and the first boss battle of the Cold War, not because of his involvement in the russian civil war you dumbass
its not like he was a field commander and was responsible for the Red victory due to his abilities at Tsaricyn
Are you sure? There are civil wars within civil wars in this one.
It's always bugged me that literally every movie depicting the Civil War shows all the Union troops in those blue uniform and all the Confederate troops in those grey uniforms, when there were tons of bizarre custom uniforms from all the quirky meme regiments that were equipped by a crazy rich guys.
Zouaves are a meme hated by every single soldier that had to fight with them
I'm still not sure whether you are serious or not
NO ONE, when Stalin is mentioned, says "The red army commander from the russian civil war?" They say "the dictator of the soviet union during the 30s to the 50s?
Stop pretending to be retarded now that your meme goal post moving point got called out.
It was shown in Gods and Generals though in its first half.
probably looks to zanny for the average normie.
NO ONE, when Hitler is mentioned, says "The Kraut soldier from the WW1?" They say "the dictator of the Germany during the 30s to the 40s?
I know user, you are making my point. WW1 is a whole different animal. Youre getting to emotional and are missing the point. If your whole claim of the Russian civil war being more interesting is "muh stalin" then that sucks, because no one knows Stalin from the civil war, they know him as the dictator. Everyone knows Lee, Grant, Longstreet, Stonewall Jackson, Lincoln ect from the US civil war. Theres also the fact that the US civil war is discussed here WAY more than the other civil wars that were mentioned.
Nobody outside America gives a shit about the US Civil War
nobody outside of Redneckland ever heard names like Lee, Grant, Longstreet, Stonewall Jackson and Lincoln, stop pretending like pre-20th century Burgerican history is relevant in any way
>nobody outside of the south knows who Abraham Lincoln is
yeah, youre done. Go away and pretend to give a shit about a boring conflict just to "stick it " to americans out of your petty europoor inferiority complex
No one outside of the US gives a shit about proto Burgers stabbing each other over blacks. Get a grip on reality, user
Nice /r/dankmemes rip
>yeah, youre done. Go away and pretend to give a shit about a boring conflict just to "stick it " to americans out of your petty europoor inferiority complex
do you have proof that he's wrong? why should people know about lincoln outside the US? Seriously?
The Spanish civil war is far more interesting.
>tfw the Chinks got so many bloody civil wars I can't even name a notable save for the generic Civil War
>Sherman's March to the Sea destroys much of the South's economy
>Southerners are still butthurt over this
>Tfw you'll never serve in his glorious army led by a literal madman
Most Union and Confederate Zouave regiments lost their unique uniforms by the end of 1862 (they were not designed with durability in mind and there were no replacements to be had) although some kept their unique uniforms longer. 11th Mississippi Infantry Company A (University Greys) for instance still had some of their red and grey laced frock coats until just prior to the Gettysburg campaign for instance.
The one Zouave unit known to have kept its uniform for the entirety of the war was the 14th Brooklyn, which had special state funding to purchase new equipment.
Fuck I really should proofread before posting
Fun fact, Sheridan was actually asked for his input on European military matters when by Bismarck he went on a military observer mission to the Franco-Prussian War. He was very disappointed by the French and was sure that any equally-sized American force could drub them. And the French were far better off than just about any army in the world besides the Prussians (who Sheridan considered "the perfect military system").
I wonder what role George Soros played in the American Civil War. He's just such a Madman.
playing Kaiserreich made me form an irrational hatred of Admiral Kolchak. I hang that prick every time I play a game as Russia
He caused it, he's responsible for all the Revolutions of 1848 as well
Just because dixiefags can't get over the fact that the Civil War was about slavery doesn't mean it is the most interesting
He has this "I've killed a lot of civilians in my life" look on his face.
Is there any low he won't sink to? I heard he helped Marx and Hillary Clinton write Das Kapital.
Just read his wiki page /myguy/
I've heard the fall of Rome was orchestrated by him
Russia's is absolutely more interesting on a grand historical level because it's from a more recent era and concerns a more relevant ideology than chattel slavery. The American Civil war may be incredibly interesting tactically and was one of the first, if not the, first truly industrial large scale war in the world. But that doesn't compare with a war that featured communists, anarchists, monarchists, social democrats, peasant guerillas who fought everyone, and pic related, a Tsarist radical who used a cavalry division to conquer Mongolia and restore a Khan to power.
t. American catholic reactionary so you don't whine about leftypol
>catholic reactionary
>civil war distills to slavery
sounds about right
>ameriKKKans are so dumb and entitled and shit they think the world revolves around america fat pigs don't even know about the 40th King of France's inbred uncle LMAO AMERICAN EDUCATION
>i don't need to know who Lincoln is Europe is so fucking superior to your shitty history the entire world revolves around us you're only 300 years old kid. Fuck off.
It was the formative event in American strategic thought for the better part of a century.
>minor battle against the whites
oh wow
>abandons Tukhachevsky during the battle of Warsaw to take some unimportant town
thx tovarisch
ok. but, memes aside, can you answer the question, faggot?
EUROPEAN EDUCATION how do you NOT know about Abraham Lincoln.
Who the fuck is Lee?
He ended a centuries old system of slavery and more importantly prevented the US from being split in two. Lincoln had a lot of pussyfoot opposition that wanted to concede to the Confederacy and let them secede. Had that happened it'd be likely that the USA wouldn't have been as big a player in the world in the coming decades. Sure it's of bigger significance to Americans than others but you're on a history board, if you don't at least have some basic background on the most important leaders of major countries I don't really know what you're doing here.
>the whole world knows who Lee and Lincoln
Lincoln is on dollars, but who the hell is Lee?
>play as Japan
>he drags you into a retarded war with Russia over Siberia
Fucking K*lchak
I know Abraham lincolnn, and Lee because a fast read in this thread seems to have been a general than torched the south.
>if you don't at least have some basic background on the most important leaders of major countries I don't really know what you're doing here
To be fair, the same can be said about the Russian civil war. Sure, you don't have to know meme favourites like Kolchak or Ungern-Sternberg, but you should definitely know Lenin, Stalin, Kerenski, Trostky and maybe Kornilov
I agree wholeheartedly, I think whichever war is most interesting is a matter or personal opinion but you ought to know a bit about the key players.
>hey since Transamur is a bunch of Russian people lead by a Russian admiral, you think that maybe it should rejoin Russia now that a legitimate ruler has taken charge and restored most of her original borders?
>nah lmao fuck off
>ok but seriously, Transamur is rightfully part of Russia and I don't really want Russian blood shed over your petty power mongering, just put it to a vote at least
>haha ok dude *rigs the vote then cries to Japan when he gets found out*
>>abandons Tukhachevsky during the battle of Warsaw to take some unimportant town
>dude I have literally no idea what happened but i'm gonna blame Stalin because he's literally Satan lmao
he was a weak dictator, nothing is worse than that.
t. Franciszek Latinik