(besides marriage)
Meanwhile chinks are assraping us because they don't waste their time on anyone besides themselves.
Charity is society's biggest form of cuckoldry
you're an idiot
You're the one with a problem if you have no feelings. Years ago it was giving someone a price of your dinner, now it is giving them $10
You two are complete fucking losers beyond belief. There is no point to earning money if you don't use it to benefit yourself. Giving away your money is literally worse than sitting at home unemployed and jerking off and is quite literally economic cuckoldry.
Lol. Greedy brainlet OP.
>There is no point
Found the 1% of the population that's a narcissist
yes because there is a perfect linear correlation between wealth and happiness. For every million you make your happiness goes up 1 point. T-that's how it works, r-right guys?
No you fucking jackass. Research suggests that beyond basic survival needs and not having debt, there is absolutely no correlation.
You are a fucking idiot chasing dopamine in the form of monetary goals. You think once you reach x y z your life will be fulfilled. The brain doesn't work that way. Hedonic treadmill. Habituation. It's all a matter of neurochemistry.
might as well relieve the suffering of someone who wasn't born into as good of circumstances as you. Charity feels good, it releases dopamine and norepinephrine the same as any other pleasurable activity. Is it self absorbed for that reason? Yes. Pure altruism does not exist. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't engage in it.
Compassion is no coincidence. If it's built into our brains, it's because it made us better and more likely to survive than the merciless. A single monkey hoarding all the food in ancient times would be the death of the species
poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope
>y-yeah bro i don't need to be rich. i-i just need to make 82k/y and be financially stable and then i'll be just as happy as a billionaire who has threesomes with supermodels twice a day in his private jet
Go live in a fucking hippie commune and get off a board dedicated to making money, you delusional bitch.
You are mostly right, but giving charity within your community or social network to those who actually have met misfortune (unforeseen circumstances) and who are redeemable human beings will give you respect and social power. And further it is a form of primitive insurance that under the above conditions is worth it in a material sense. Basically it benefits you directly in social power and indirectly by acting as a stabilizing mechanism sort of like insurance.
As for welfare or state redistribution of wealth, its mostly complete dysgenic horseshit and a symptom of the error that is collective sovereignty, but under certain circumstances it is rational to do even in privately owned state (monarchy).
That's my autistic break down anyway.
>poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope poorfag cope
How did you get access to the internet?
How much does Bill Gates donate to charity? And how does your bank account stack up to his?
Only the white race seeks to do good
It's a great virtue and vulnerability, and I'm dead serious. Whites have an almost patological altruism, whilst the other races give no fucks at all
Christian missionaroes in africa? White. Peace volunteers? White. Doctors helping people across the globe? White.
The list goes on
The white men needs charity, its on his dna
>Charity feels good, it releases dopamine and norepinephrine the same as any other pleasurable activity. Is it self absorbed for that reason? Yes. Pure altruism does not exist
Not really true, people do things that they hate doing because they know it's morally good all the time
I'm buying moral satisfaction. Morality is a fungible good as well, hence according to the subjective theory of value I can maximize utility by spending the right amount of money in order to obtain the feeling of being morally superior. It's no different from e.g. butt plugs. Some people love butt plugs and waste money on them. Others don't see a reason to buy a butt plug at all.
>Whites have an almost patological altruism, whilst the other races give no fucks at all
I don't think so, blacks can be altruistic as well. But gooks, nah. Not sure about latinos
Those who give away money to homeless are in my scum list of people, a little bit behind those who spend money on slot machines.
What makes them scum? Explain your reasoning.
There's this weird new meme where it's considered good to be selfish, they call it "rational self-interest"
Many Christians are getting into it, which makes it even weirder
Bill Gates donates money because he is rich enough that philanthropy will build him a legacy. He undoubtedly wants his name to be mentioned with people like Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Nobel, and not like the thousands of other super rich technological moguls who were ultimately forgotten by modern society.
I will concede to and admit that charity does have minor social benefits, but it is generally just a massive waste of your resources.
Latinos are mainly white, so they carry on the genes
Blacks are more primal, they act on instinct, thus tend to be more violent and prone to drug use and prison
Maybe I'm from a different background, in Europe the average homeless asking money are lazy niggers.
I might emphatize with unlucky dudes that lost everything they had because of something that was not their fault, but that's like the 1% of the homeless.
this, white people are the proponents of goodness in the world, and we have ultimately been deceived by those to use this virtue to undo us.
The difference between an evolved man and the rest of humanity is
In fact go buy some CoExistCoin for being such a bellend.
The only thing i would ever give to a homeless person is bus fare to get thr fuck out of my city.
What do you mean "us", bro? You're all for your SELF, remember.
Rationally speaking why would you attempt to convince others to not be charitable?
>stop spending money on things I don't like