How did the Anglo-Saxons become the most successful group in human history?
How did the Anglo-Saxons become the most successful group in human history?
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Coal, luck, and Napoleon.
By letting their women sleep with Normans.
People are always talking about the muslims. What about the Saxons? The Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain in the Dark Ages and they (eventually) calmed down and adapted to the human rights. People think that the Saxons are dead and all gone. That's not true. The Anglo-Saxons originally came from Saxony in Germany, and Saxony still exists (with its Saxons). The Saxons are still raping and pillaging in Germany and they want to take over the whole Germany (plus the whole world). But these Saxons won't reveal themselves for the rest of the world. In reality they are still teaching their sons to be great warriors who will one day invade the world. The Saxons are a proud people. The Saxon men always have a sword with them wherever they walk. From they are small, they learn how to make swords, axes, knives, shields and arrows. They learn how to fight, kill, rape and pillage, and they take pride in it.
Why aren't people afraid of the Saxons anymore? I've been to Germany and I've talked to people from Hamburg who were shivering when they talked about them, but people outside Germany seem to think that the Saxons are all gone. That's not true! I am a true Celt/Welshman/Irishman (Welsh father and Irish mother) and I fear that the Saxons will come over here and invade Wales. I also fear for Ireland and Scotland. I don't want to see the Celtic women raped and destroyed by Saxon warmen.
What do you all think? Do you fear the Saxons?
A willingness to engage in perfidy, to harm the innocent, to seek profit above all else, to spill blood for the sake of spilling blood.
Their descendants managed to industrialize first, allowing them to become a colonial empire until others nations catched up with them.
Then because americans are culturally primarilly anglo-saxons (genetically they are too mixed to be really considered anglo-saxons) they became less irrelevant than the other european peoples when the United States became the next big thing.
Brits/English or whatever they call themselves at the moment are hardly Anglo-Saxon.
By letting themselves be conquered by the French
Let's listen to an Anglo-Saxon to know the answer
Thus from a mixture of all kinds began,
That het’rogeneous thing, an Englishman:
In eager rapes, and furious lust begot,
Betwixt a painted Britain and a Scot.
Whose gend’ring off-spring quickly learn’d to bow,
And yoke their heifers to the Roman plough:
From whence a mongrel half-bred race there came,
With neither name, nor nation, speech nor fame.
In whose hot veins new mixtures quickly ran,
Infus’d betwixt a Saxon and a Dane.
While their rank daughters, to their parents just,
Receiv’d all nations with promiscuous lust.
This nauseous brood directly did contain
The well-extracted blood of Englishmen.
The wonder which remains is at our pride,
To value that which all wise men deride.
For Englishmen to boast of generation,
Cancels their knowledge, and lampoons the nation.
A true-born Englishman’s a contradiction,
In speech an irony, in fact a fiction.
A banter made to be a test of fools,
Which those that use it justly ridicules.
A metaphor invented to express
A man a-kin to all the universe.
For as the Scots, as learned men ha’ said,
Throughout the world their wand’ring seed ha’ spread;
So open-handed England, ’tis believ’d,
Has all the gleanings of the world receiv’d.
Some think of England ’twas our Saviour meant,
The Gospel should to all the world be sent:
Since, when the blessed sound did hither reach,
They to all nations might be said to preach.
’Tis well that virtue gives nobility,
How shall we else the want of birth and blood supply?
Since scarce one family is left alive,
Which does not from some foreigner derive.
wait, didn't you mean to say the French speaking Normans?
>ywn waste the flower of the Anglo-Saxon nobility because some Bretons feigned retreat and they took the bait
Common law
English forms of land tenure
Yeoman individualism
Representative assemblies
Scottish and English banking systems and thought
Emphasis on the idea of liberty
Limited government/night-watchman state.
Emphasis on team sports
Grammar schools
English language
Join-stock companies
>Anglo-Norman French
>A direct consequence of the invasion was the almost total elimination of the old English aristocracy and the loss of English control over the Catholic Church in England. William systematically dispossessed English landowners and conferred their property on his continental followers. The Domesday Book meticulously documents the impact of this colossal programme of expropriation, revealing that by 1086 only about 5 per cent of land in England south of the Tees was left in English hands. Even this tiny residue was further diminished in the decades that followed, the elimination of native landholding being most complete in southern parts of the country.[99][100]
>Natives were also removed from high governmental and ecclesiastical office. After 1075 all earldoms were held by Normans, and Englishmen were only occasionally appointed as sheriffs. Likewise in the Church, senior English office-holders were either expelled from their positions or kept in place for their lifetimes and replaced by foreigners when they died. By 1096 no bishopric was held by any Englishman, and English abbots became uncommon, especially in the larger monasteries.[101]
What they don't tell you explicitly is that those 4000 English nobles who died at Hastings all had wives who promptly remarried with the conquering Normans.
they migrated to an island and then 1 millennium later their descendants decided to build a yuge navy and invest in colonies
so modern english people have norman ancestors and aren't pure anglo-saxons?
thanks for admitting it buddy
The Anglo-Saxons were a fine people indeed. Western Europe would have been a lot better off if they had annexed Northern Germany and the Benelux.
>Anglo-Saxon women played an important role in the years following The Conquest by providing the opportunity for intermarriage into the landowning class of Saxon society. This intermarriage gave legitimacy that cloaks the conquerors with respectability.
>An obvious way to secure land was to marry an heiress. The Breton Geoffery de la Guerche apparently acquired the lands of Leofine, Harold's brother who died at Hastings through marriage with Leofwine's daughter Aelfgifu.
>Marriage between incoming Normans and native English families was commoner than surviving sources indicate. There was inter-marriage at all levels of society. One evidence is that women's names changed less rapidly than men's names suggesting that newcomers sought English women as wives. Marriage with an English heiress might help secure possession of her family's lands.
>Henry 1, of course, married the greatest English heiress of them all Maud /Matilda of Scotland who was the niece of Edgar Aetheling often regarded as the true and rightful heir to the English throne after Edward the Confessor's death.
>Also, often, the dispossession of male English aristocrats meant that many aristocratic English women who married into the first generation of Normans, French and Bretons, lost what family backing they once had.
>The Norman Conquest is well known for the marriages, probably forced in many cases, of English widows to Franco-Norman noblemen as a way for those noblemen to get their hands on the wealth that came with marriage.
anglos can weasel word the wiki all they like, the truth will out. Their male nobility were completely replaced within a generation.
As a proud Lower Saxony Saxon, I can only agree. One day the Perfidious Albion and his Gallic compatriots will cower before SÄXON warriors again!
>english people are descended from anglo-saxons and normans
>hey guys 1,000 years ago some of your norman ancestors supplanted your anglo-saxon ancestors in royal households
>fuckin anglos btfo right? right? guys?
>from anglos and saxons and normans and britons and scots and welsh and cornish and French and danes and dutch and norn irish
They got FRENCH'D
England has been a French crypto-colony ever since
>The Romantic Anglo-Norman marriage! She wed the knight!
Normans weren't French.
France is a meme nation
>The name Norman-French is sometimes used to describe not only the Norman language, but also the administrative languages of Anglo-Norman and Law French used in England. For the most part, the written forms of Norman and modern French are intercomprehensible.
>also known as Anglo-Norman French
vandalizing the wiki again are we Nigel?
>t. Quebecois
>t. Metis
WE WUZ NORMANS N SHIT. Sorry, but Normans as the name says it all were Norsemen.
They were Germanic.
literally the Austrasian Franks?
>breton lord taking over english land and women
Its like pottery.
Yes, the Franks were Germanic.
if you say so
by prepping the norman/ danish/ norwegian bulls
By stymieing the best group in history, the Brythonic advent.
>The early sources' account that the Saxons were thrown back around this time seems to be borne out by archaeological evidence. Studies of cemeteries (at this point, the Anglo-Saxons remained pagan while the Britons were Christianized) suggest the border shifted some time around 500.
nevar forget
England is shaped like an aircarrier just begging for tougher mountain sailors like celts and later saxons and then vikings or Danes in 1080 to come from safer inland eddies and use England as a trade post, unforchantly England is near impossible to protect, but the good news is that every war in England has been their future ancestors coming and killing, raping their own ancestors.
They were a Germanic tribe that spoke a Germanic language and followed Germanic paganism. They were slowly assimilated Romano-Gallic culture but originally Germanic none the less.
There were no Britons in England since 700bc when the beaker people wiped them out, then shortly the celts
that's not even counting Romano-Britons.
Seriously, you never learned about Boudicca?
>"Ay look anglos ze normanz a danish dezended peepul conquered your anglo-saxon ansestorz a danish dezended peepul, chek mate you are blown ze fuck out hon hon hon!"
By being germanic
>Franks were racially Gauls (see Coon's Races of Europe)
>Franks were a Gaulish tribe (See Notitia Dignitatum Salii Gallicani aka Salian Gauls)
>Franks spoke Latin
>Franks call themelves Gauls and CLEARLY distinguished themselves from Gayrm*anic (See Early live of Charlemagne by Notker)
>Yet Franks are Germanic
Are you seriously suggesting that from 700bc til 44ad that beakers would have any identity seperate from celts over 700 years? You need to stop smelling bath salts and start opening a book
No amount of your autistic screeching will change the fact that they were Germanic.
The Normans of the 11th century descended from more French ancestors rather than Danish ones. They spoke Old French ffs, the vast number of French loanwords in American is a testimony to the influence.
Just because Danes had sex with French women doesn't make the Danes French.
Still doesn't matter because we are the descedents of the conquers and we admitedly have french admixture from Huguenots anyways and the genetic drift between NW Europeans is negligeble. Let's stop this petty "my medieval ancestors were better than yours" shite.
Did you just say American, as if American English is called American, as in anyone but 4th grade dropouts call it that
the Beaker culture arrived in the British Isles ~2500 BC, are you confused?
Friendly reminder that this is *literally* you
It makes their offspring French generationally, speaking Old French, introducing French words to Britain.
Besides, the Normans were a fairly mixed bunch to begin with.
Between 2500bc beakers and the 700bc saxons, where are the britons in this picture? I think the farthest back we can go are the mount builders, and we know nothing of them, but the religion is totally different from the beakers. After that its just invasion after invasion wiping out the old
>700bc saxons
>mount builders
go to bed faggot
700bc celts, my mistake
>t, descendant of germanic peoples
Coming from north-eastern Germany myself I can confirm that the Saxons are indeed brutish savages
>Yeoman individualism
Go to bed, Jefferson.
Here is a pic of a Germanic English, try to not laugh :)
Here is some English poety :)
But grant the best, How came the Change to pass,
A True-Born Englishman of Norman Race?
A Turkish Horse can show more History,
To prove his Well-descended Family.
Conquest, as by the * Moderns 'tis exprest,
May give a Title to the Lands possest:
But that the Longest Sword shou'd be so Civil,
To make a Frenchman English, that's the Devil.
These are the Heroes that despise the Dutch,
And rail at new-come Foreigners so much;
Forgetting that themselves are all deriv'd
From the most Scoundrel Race that ever liv'd.
A horrid Medly of Thieves and Drones,
Who ransack'd Kingdoms, and dispeopl'd Towns.
The Pict and Painted Britain, Treach'rous Scot,
By Hunger, Theft, and Rapine, hither brought.
Norwegian Pirates, Buccaneering Danes,
Whose Red-hair'd Offspring ev'ry where remains.
Who joyn'd with Norman-French, compound the Breed
From whence your True-born Englishmen proceed.
>Britons (Britanni) - They spoke Britonic (an Insular Celtic language of the P Celtic type).
Tom JONES is Welsh.
>It makes their offspring French generationally, speaking Old French, introducing French words to Britain.
How many generations were there, do you reckon, in between the Norse occupation of Normandy and the Norman conquest of England?
[spoiler]It wasn't as many as you think[/spoiler]
The Frank is immunized against all dangers: one may call him an autist, subhuman, shitskin, Germanic, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But post his collage image and you will be astonished at how he recoils from a thread, how injured he is, how suddenly he shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Is he Welsh as well ?
>autumn 911
well, it seems like 150 years to 1060, let's say with a generational cycle of 30 years we're talking 5 generations from Rollo.
>live on island
>no lads can get at ya once you have a big enough navy
>island is also big enough to support a large population
>so irrelevant that you need to fuck around in the new world to gain any respect
>this somehow works out and you start bringing in wealth
>discover that your island is filled with coal
>industrialize first and fuck over everyone else
>colonize even more backwards savages and play empire for a bit, extract the world for every resource its got
also being ruled by the french and later the dutch probably helped more than anything
So a Briton is just anyone who comes to the island and wipes out the inhabitences then speak pidgin old celtic like japanes speak old chinese.
Got it user, sounds about right.
Nice source there user, youll be an expert historian in no time, maybe one day someone will use that book youre never going to write to prop up a chair
i'm I just feel no need to respond to an outdated pic, especially since the Trojan part was ironic
Now i have DNA studies backing me up
Friendly reminder that French are Bronze Age Pannonians
Friendly reminder that Franks aka Early French claimed descend from Pannonia
Friendly reminder that there were indeed Sicambri(a Gaulish tribe who Franks claimed descent from) in Pannonia
>The treaty permitted the Normans to settle in Neustria in return for their protection of Charles' kingdom from any new invasion by the "northmen".
Keyword here is settle, Pierre. It means the Frankish King recognizes Normandy as a Norse state.
Apparently Brand is 1/64th German, so that's obviously where he got his swarthiness from.
hahahaa, what a numale face
Normans mixed with the local population to the point where Scandinavian admixture was negligible by the time of the Norman conquest of England.
No, the Normans swear fealty to the Charles III of France.
>Pic related is responding to me
Don't you have to some Paki bull to prep ?
You look as swarthy as the guy you posted. Except he has paler skin than you and better hair genetics.
You wish, Angl*id
I went to England, and you all look like inbred version of Russel Brand, the best looking guy that i saw in Britain was in fact Polish
But you're literally swarthier than Russell Brand. Unless of course you want to post a photo that proves otherwise :^)
the nipples never lie
I will convert to Islam and join my brown brothers inshallah
>How did the Anglo-Saxons become the most successful group in human history?
England is the chosenist of God's chosen places and peoples.
cunt looks like an iranian grandma
why are british men so desirable then? if you are a white, british male who speaks english then the world is literally yours for the taking
kek well said user
>How did the Anglo-Saxons become the most successful group in human history?
The most successful group are the indigenous people of SE England, Benelux & Northern France. The English themselves are simply a mix of the older isles population together with more recent invaders (surely the Vikings and French were related to the people they invaded).
Ultimately they are pre-Celtic and pre-Germanic, these are just languages.
You could say NW Europeans generally, outcompeted the other European peoples. It's no accident that the old core of the US population was English, Scots, Dutch & French. Not German, Scando, Polish.
>this is what angl*id force themselves to believe
Positive thinking doesn't work m8
I'm not wrong though am I
Yes you are
Beady eyes and crooked teeth are ugly features
>England is near impossible to protect
>Somehow defend it for ~850 years
>Beady eyes and crooked teeth are ugly features