Why would the Christian God make a covenant to a race to send them a savior...

Why would the Christian God make a covenant to a race to send them a savior, make a savior of their race who also happens to e the savior of mankind, and then have representatives of that race deny him and murder him and ask for their descendants to bear the weight of that decision? How am I to perceive this as a Christian gentile?

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>Trying to make sense of jewish lies


>and ask for their descendants to bear the weight of that decision
What do you mean by this?

Matthew 27: 22-26
22 “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked.

They all answered, “Crucify him!”

23 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.

But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”

25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

26 Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.

>“His blood is on us and on our children!”

wtf I love Christianity now

afaik jews don't accept the messiah because he doesn't fill their requirements. judaism and christianity are pretty different to each other in culture

I think this is more about how from then on the Jews (their decendents) would deny christ thus his blood is on their hands.

If they go over to Christ they are forgiven but if they continue to be Jewish (christ deniers) the blood remains.

Do you really have to insert yourself into every discussion about Christianity on this board? It'd be one thing if you were larping as a Jack Chick tier Protestant or a Trad Cath but you lack even the most basic amount of competency when it comes to general Christian knowledge.

It's like having a discussion on Veeky Forums about sauces and you keep talking about ketchup

>Why would the Christian God make a covenant to a race to send them a savior, make a savior of their race who also happens to e the savior of mankind, and then have representatives of that race deny him and murder him and ask for their descendants to bear the weight of that decision? How am I to perceive this as a Christian gentile?

The Church doesn't know what it's talking about. God never made any covenants with the Jews - they just wrote themselves a "blank check" in the name of God. The gospels are an attempt to correct the "blank check" - a "way out" for Jews who don't want to be subject to divine punishment for the crimes of their tribe.

God despises Abrahamics:


Was addam and noah jewish? Abraham even? Were they not chosen by god for a covenant/task? God has made more than one covenant and asked different things of them. When a covenant is broken eg eat the forbidden fruit and new covenant is made eventually

Because the god of the jews, Elohim. Killed The Father in single combat twice. And threw him into the pits of tarturus among the burning wastes where humanity suffers for their sins. People began to worship this figure en masse, as they remembered the stories hidden in their souls, so God created the bible, that church et al to satisisfy their desire to worship him. Then he taught what that God was, weak, dead, and spiteful. And as the children of Elohim, we owe our lives to The Father's death, hence, that blood is on everyone's hands. As the primary benefactors of The Father's death.

Term jew didn't exist back them

You people are so stupid, use the term hebrew when you refer to the ancient people that followed GOD

>use the term hebrew when you refer to the ancient people that followed GOD

The ancient Israelites didn't follow God like the modern ones don't either. They followed a terrorist called Moses.



this faggot again

I don't understand any of this.

take the schizo pill and you'll see connections everything. sounds pretty sweet desu

People have to stop trying to make sense of religion, apart from when you are studying it subjectively.

>studying it subjectively.
a true sophist

>Lorica Segmentata

>believes in a god that gives little kids cancer and lets them get raped

>he buys into /pol/'s delusions
read the just world theory

Christianity was originally just a Jewish reform movement. Jesus never intended to start a new religion, or be worshipped as God. All that came later, with Paul and his successors.

>God controls everything meme
Fuck back to r/atheism

Can God stop kids from getting cancer but he doesn't?
That makes him evil and not a God worth worship.
Can God not stop kids from getting cancer?
Then he is impotent and not a God.
Get your head out your ass.

>Dude bad things happen therefore God doesn't exist

they deserved it for their impiety. probably a nigger too

>Can God stop kids from getting cancer but he doesn't? That makes him evil and not a God worth worship.

well how do you know that God didn't have an ultimately good reason for not stopping the cancer? And why does the existence of these bad things make God evil?

>That makes him evil
every single 'kid' grows up to die a weak bitter man. And hes a hero for killing those impious fucks

you know that restating the argument does not work in your favor right?
What possible reason would God have to give a little kid cancer? Not even stop it, why give it in the first place?
And a God that purposefully lets his creations suffer is evil, that is just common sense.

actual fucking retards, a shame you are allowed to vote

Well i don't know the reason, but can you say with certainty there isn't one?
>And a God that purposefully lets his creations suffer is evil, that is just common sense.
Well no, if God gives us free will, then there is bound to be evil and suffering. Are you saying we deserve to live in a utopia?

But getting cancer or getting raped has nothing to do with having free will, it's just God sending shit at you. I'm not saying that no bad thing should ever befall people, but if it does it should be as a consequence of our actions, not just having bad luck.
I'm not saying he is not a God for being evil, I am saying that if he is a God he is evil and not worth worship.

God didn't send that nigger after that kid, the nigger raped with his own free will.
Also cancer sucks and everything but as harsh as it sounds every disease is the earths way of dealing with overpopulation.

>But getting cancer or getting raped has nothing to do with having free will
Are you serious? Rape is definitely about free will, the rapist chooses on his own free will to rape someone. And while cancer can be spontaneous, it can also be caused by individual actions, smoking too much, for example.
Again, how can say for sure there is no good to balance out the evil that occurs in this world? That there is a good reason for God not to do anything? I still don't understand the point you're trying to make, that because we don't live in a utopia without evil, that God shouldn't be worshiped? There is a place like that, it's called heaven

Yeah, but what did that kid do to deserve to be raped? It's not its free will that got it raped. In fact getting raped is the exact opposite of free will. Why didn't God direct the nigger to rape someone who deserved it? Or even trick his mind into not raping at all? We know he can, and we know he knows, so why didn't he save the little kid?
Also I'm pretty sure God didn't design cancer with reducing overpopulation in mind.

>no argument
atheists are retarded and belong in camps. Your whining would mean something there
>why isn't God my one stop shop for free shit and cookies?
you become a nazi if he does that

The rapee doesn't choose to be raped though, does he? As in, getting raped has nothing to do with the victim's free will, I'll correct myself.
As far as cancer goes, and getting raped as well, I am talking about undeserving victims, hence the little kid.
I can't be sure that in God grand scheme he might have had some use for a little kid getting raped and murdered. But I know destining a kid to be raped and murdered is objectively evil, regardless your cause.

you want a counter argument against "people deserve cancer for being impious" and "God is right to let kids get raped and murdered because otherwise they grow to be impious and weak"? The fuck is wrong with you my dude?

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

If you believe Jesus truly was the son of God then you can only conclude that he had the power to save himself and if he didn't then it was voluntary and no race or empire is at fault.

God allows us to reap the consequences of sin because we disobeyed him. Anything other than eternal damnation is the mercy of God.

What sin can a little child have possibly committed to deserve rape and cancer?

Well you would be correct if we are talking specifically about the victim, but to say rape as an action has nothing to do with freewill is wrong.

>I can't be sure that in God grand scheme he might have had some use for a little kid getting raped and murdered. But I know destining a kid to be raped and murdered is objectively evil, regardless your cause.
So you admit you can't rule out the possibility of good coming out of something evil, yet you still dismiss it as evil regardless of cause. How then can you be so sure it is evil? And i'm quite surprised that you say it is evil regardless of cause. You're saying that even if the cancer of a child ends up bringing world peace, you would still say it was evil despite the good cause?

I'm saying that the individual action of giving a kid cancer is evil. Maybe the end plan is ultimately good, but the individual action is objectively evil. The kid gets to suffer, for the greater good, sure, but it gets to suffer, and will not get to see what it suffered for. And if he is God, why does he absolutely necessarily need the kid to get cancer? The Church goes on about all the times God has performed miracles in the physical world, why couldn't he just perform a miracle to skip having an innocent suffer?

>theology is contradictory and defies logic
What a shocking discovery user

Ask a Catholic priest user, why would you ask the internet that

Ok but if you admit that the evil can lead to the ultimate greater good then doesn't the point about God being evil no longer make sense? If all the evil in the world will ultimately be for the greater good, then doesn't that make all of God's intentions good as well? And therefore God wouldn't be evil?

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God

In a world without sin would there be rape or cancer? This is not gods fault but our own. Sin causes nothing but destruction and not just our own. Satan seeks nothing more than the jealous destruction of that which god had placed above him and sin is his tool.

It's not just about intention, it's about how the actions affect the people. For that kid that got affected, its life is hell.
Besides, God is supposed to be all-loving, and would never cause *undeserved* suffering (although the new Testament would lead you to believe God would never purposefully cause any suffering at all). Hitler had a plan which would ultimately bring his people eternal happiness, it doesn't mean the cause justifies the means.

How has a little kid that just got out of the womb sinned? How is it the kids own fault that it got raped or that it got cancer? Hell, there are parasites out there that thrive out of killing little kids. it is not an objective evil that befalls people, it's how that creature lives. Why would God design creatures that literally live out of causing suffering?

Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me Psalm 51:5

For the wages of sinisdeath Romans 6:23

Death is the consequences of sin, but hell is only for those who reject god.

>quotes old testament
considering the amount of horseshit and god being vengeful and anthropomorphic in that book, you just made an argument against yourself

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

So God created man in hisownimage, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Jewish moshiac is Christian antichrist...so no, Jesus didn't meet requirements.