Did the Holocaust happen?
Did the Holocaust happen?
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probably not
It did.
No, George Soros invented it at the Frankfurt School so he could enact his plan for White Genocide
Remember to NEVER question the Holocaust. It is 100% certain every detail you hear about it happened.
One day you'll stop being retarded and edgy. It' just a teenage phase.
Maybe you can explain some survivor's accounts to me and how they could have possibly happened.
>some guy was in a small outer camp in Auschwitz complex (there were like 20 sub-camps) and never set foot in Birkenau and saw Crematories
>therefore Gas Chambers never existed
the mental gymnastics the stormfags go through to confirm their shitty conspiracy theories...
>There was no Vietnam War because some people lie about being veterans
This is what you sound like
Hey, could you explain the historical intricacies of this Holocaust account? It's from a survivor so that means it's true.
>holocaust survivors
you're under arrest
Who cares, civilian death toll on eastern front dwarfs it and there was a ton of other bullshit going on like all the starving PoWs.
Nazis don't get a free pass whether they gassed jews or not.
>some senile jew makes up shit to get free gibs
>no academic or scholar takes his testimony seriously
>these holocaust survivor liars are generally despised, both in academic circles and by the real survivors who live in Israel or somewhere else
>holocaust survivors
you're under arrest
Wow appeal to ridicule straight out of the gate. Not even going to bother trying to substantiate your own claims. Just go straight for muddying the argument with nonsense and bounce right? How intellectually honest of you.
Yes, and yeah it's possible they were in Auschwitz and never saw the gas chambers. It's unlikely they never heard of them, though.
Here's the intricacy
>A lot of people die
>Some survive
>Make up more and more elaborate and outlandish stories because you have crippling survivors guilt
I don't really know what point you're trying to make here, take it to Veeky Forums because that sure as shit isn't a history book
Haha CHECKMATE atheists, your liberal principles won't allow you to question the accounts of these survivors even though they challenge the traditional narrative.
You know that if you question their veracity, you will be JAILED FOR HOLOCAUST DENIAL. There's nothing you can do, HAHA.
I could really use some explanation on these accounts and how they could have occurred. As survivor accounts they are confirmed history and thus perfectly fine to discuss on this board.
>As survivor accounts they are confirmed history
So you're an idiot and think novels = history book?
Pardon me but are you questioning survivor narrative? Holocaust denial is against the rules, you aren't supposed to act like /pol/ here.
Perfectly possible. A lot of the guards were simply sadistic fuckups (many of them were Ukrainians, not Germans). It has nothing to do with the holocaust, though.
These are all survivor accounts found in legitimate historical texts concerning the Holocaust. If you keep denying them I'm afraid someone will report your posts for /pol/ garbage.
Continued intellectual dishonesty and appeal to ridicule. Why change a shtick right?
Is that why none of these claims made it into the Nuremburg Trials?
I'm deeply insulted you would imply a survivor's narrative could be in any way seen as dishonest. Thinking like that implies the Holocaust somehow has some lapses in truth, which as we know is illegal.
Holocaust denial is perfectly legal in most countries.
Hey why did the people on trial not like, call out these lies? Just curious.
>people lied about stories on d day therefore d day never happened
This is you.
I'm afraid not, see and be aware continued denial WILL result in legal action against you. You're not as anonymous as you think...
>implying d-day isn't an anglo hoax
That's quite enough Holocaust denial from you. Your posts will be removed very soon, /pol/ trash.
>According to the Camp Commandant of Treblinka, 80,000 people have been gassed in the course of half a year.
>I have been constantly associated with the administration of concentration camps since 1934, serving at Dachau until 1938; then as Adjutant in Sachsenhausen from 1938 - 5/1/1940, when I was appointed Kommandant of Auschwitz. I commanded Auschwitz until 12/1/1943 and estimate that at least 2.5 million victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease, making a total dead of about 3 million. This figure represents about 70-80% of all persons sent to Auschwitz as prisoners, the remainder having been selected and used for slave labor in the concentration camp industries; included among the executed and burned were approximately 20,000 Russian prisoners of war (previously screened out of prisoner-of-war cages by the Gestapo) who were delivered at Auschwitz in Wehrmacht transports operated by regular Wehrmacht officers and men. The remainder of the total number of victims included about 100,000 German Jews, and great numbers of citizens, mostly Jewish, from Holland, France, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece, or other countries. [There were no Jews from Hungary among the victims while Hoess was the Commandant from May 1, 1940 until December 1, 1943.] We executed about 400,000 Hungarian Jews alone at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944. [Hoess was brought back to Auschwitz-Birkenau on May 8, 1944 to supervise the gassing of the Hungarian Jews which had begun on May 2, 1944 when two trains filled with Hungarian Jews arrived at Birkenau.]
I just wrote a paper about it, you're full of shit dude.
you're a fucking retard and should go back to /pol/ or r/holocaust with your shitty cherrypicked jpgs
when you get called out why you're wrong, you just pretend nothing happened and spout the same line over and over again, thinking you're OMG LE SO FUNNY AND REDPILLED when you're actually just a dumb amerimutt who knows jack shit what he's talking about and just believes everything that /pol/ says
Then surely you can assist me in verifying these accounts (which all happened, as they are survivor stories) and explain to me how they could have occurred.
>We waz good boys we dindu nuffin
>We just wanted to be Roman Kangz n shiet again nigguh
>Wuz about upliftin' ourselves, not putting other nations and races down
>Shieeeeet ignore all that conquest nigguh that was us just playin' dog.
>97,000 killed in 3 vans
I believe the Holocaust happened but those must've been some big fucking vans
so did the Khmer Rouge not exist because the current government banned denying their crimes?
And of course the Soviet Union must have never done anything wrong in Poland and the Baltics because all of those countries have banned pro-Soviet symbolism