Saddam Hussein did nothing wrong
Saddam Hussein did nothing wrong
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Sorry but no,
>Christopher Hitchens
kys peabrain
literaly why we are on the edge of nuclear war with north korea right now
Baghdad had the most protected air space in the world and regardless we just flew in and fucked up his shit
alot of dictators learned pretty quick if you dont want the americans to fuck up your shit, you need nukes. thanks america.
That was pretty evident throughout the entire cold war you retard.
Well, he did one thing wrong I suppose. He failed to build a proper army that didnt consist out of pansy loyalists who didnt really want to fight.
Or, you know, they could just not commit human rights violations
Just a suggestion
> Entire country getting liberated
> your shitty generals cant even hold out for 3 days and go on to join a terrorist group
> dont commit sepuku
> dont go out gunz blazing
> run to mommy's village and hide in a hole
> Publicly humiliated in the US
> Sent back to Iraq to be executed in some construction site by a puppet gov
> No journalist or film crew, just a shitty grainy cell phone footage of your death
He fucking did something wrong.
This is bait but I'll take it. America doesn't intervene to protect human rights, we intervene to protect out interests.
If all the US cared about was minimizing violence and oppression, we'd have already invaded Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Sudan.
>human rights violations
you mean don't have natural resources we might covet goy
>saddam didn't exist during the cold war
t. elnairB
Mock me again, and I'll devalue your shitty currency
>being such an asshole that the whole Middle East, including your ba'athist brothers, team up with America against you
>being such an asshole that the Arab world puts aside their problems with Israel to take you down
Nah, he was a stupid cunt
>take pride in being the primary cause for terrorism and global instability
I'd call you anglo but even they had a conscience
Saddam was alive during the cold war and even if he was a fucking millennial I would expect him to have read about it and know that having nukes would make it undesirable for the US to fuck with you. My point is, everyone knew you needed nukes before the fall of saddam, and that is certainly not why we are "on the edge of war with N Korea."
Uh oh, looks like someone needs a bayonet up their ass
I think that the main problem with dictators and despotic leaders is that it is hard for them to assure a legacy and getting the army to be loyal, especially when the more authoritarian. It was similar with Gaddafi. Sure you can say he got deposed because he wanted to get rid off petrodollar and all that stuff than even MSM mentions, but the thing is that Lybia had become stagnated after some first few years of prosperity. This added to some questionable acts of power (i.e Execution of Al-Sadek Hamed Al-Shuwehdy) made the way to insurgent groups and opposition that would later help in his overthrow in 2011, It was really the same with Saddam, after the end of the Gulf War and the uprisings that came with it, you could see that Saddam was basing his power over an unstable structure that would later blow up in his face.
found the europoor.
Hi Peter Hitchens.
Pakistan has nukes, you tard.
> Three genocides under your belt
> Goverment ran by a minority group that made up only 20% of Iraqi population
> Constant purges by intelligence service with proportional casualties being there up with USSRs great purge
> The longest conventional of 20th century with a million casualties and literally nothing gained by either side for it
> Bankrupting the wealthiest Arab state
> Failure to capitalize Saudi weakness after Grand Mosque seizure, Iranian revolution or the clusterfuck that was Levant in 80s to gain a leading position in Arab community
> Sharia law re-introduced to Iraq after decades of secularism
> Lost the support of US, UK, France and USSR in just six months
> Bizarre cult of personality dictatorship with romance books written under his name, a Quran allegedly written in his blood and "Allahu Akbar" being added to the Iraqi Flag
Literally what does this guy have going for him that people even ironically think that he did good or wasn't completely and utterly awful
>Literally what does this guy have going for him that people even ironically think that he did good or wasn't completely and utterly awful
Because everything somehow got worse when he was gone
>Three genocides under your belt
K*rds deserved worse
I unironically start to like Saddam the more I read about him, Iraq's history and the sad current state of the country
But muh Ba'athism memes