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>taken from the Wikipedia page "List of wars involving Poland"
I wonder what could be behind this post?


Is it safe to say that modern England would not exist were it not for the power of Wendish auxiliaries?

Thank you Polan for saving history.

If only you were able to utilise such military prowess a millennium later.... Ah well.

Do you realise that Polish Legions wiped the floor with Spanish and English troops?

Read up about Battle of Somosierra. Not to mention pic related which is just hilarious.

>assault Poland nine times in a row
>Poland still exists
>every other state listed in those wars is dissolved


But Britain won in the end while you didn't even exist for another 100 years, so why should they care?

>Britain won

Do tell, what happened to Napoleon's empire?

Russia and Prussia finished him off.

And whose side was Britain on?

Paying other to fight for you isn't the same as fighting, you know?

Can't say that I care, honestly.

>French come to your frozen wasteland
>They crush you
>Run away from them as far as you can
>They burn and pluender your capital
>Hide from them
>They rampage throughout your territory
>Flee further away from them
>Winter comes
>French froze
>Call it a victory

The Absolute State of Russia

>Plunder your capital
>Russia's capital
Imagine being this retarded.

It was the unofficial capital since the Romanov


>Call it a victory
Seems about right

>Romanov were boyars of the Grand Duchy of Moscow
>Moscow not the true capital of Russia

>>Moscow not the true capital of Russia
It wasn't the capital of Russia during the Romanov reign, so no.

>say something stupid
>get called on it
>I know what I'll do: I'll double down on it

Hotzendorf srs

So you ?

>Ancient families of Moscow nobility that have been recorded in the service of Grand Dukes from the 14th century (e.g., Romanov, Godunov, Sheremetev).

Known as a theological and a political concept "Moscow is the Third Rome", it was formulated in the 15-16th centuries in the Grand Duchy of Moscow.[3]

Taking Moscow mean taking Russia