>The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) assault gun was Germany's most-produced armoured fighting vehicle during World War II
why was the StuG III so popular? it doesn't even have a turret man...
The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) assault gun was Germany's most-produced armoured fighting vehicle during World War II
It was cheap.
this and the chassis was outdated, the panzer 3 turret could not be fitted with the 75mm long gun
low profile
good gun
easy to build
Lower profile than the standard Pz III, cheap, could mount a bigger gun than the standard Pz III
>good multipurpose gun
>good chassis
>cheap and easy to build on an existing platform
>good crew comfort
>sufficient armor
Easy to produce, packs a punch, comparatively low profile and CUTE
Good gun, good armor, cheap, etc. The Panzers are overrated by Wehraboos, the actual German army understood that the Stugs made more sense.
>Legio Primus
>Austrian flag
How is it literally impossible for gooks to just sit down and read a fucking book
They did.
You are the idiot that is criticizing a show you didn't watch.
So Austria never got ousted out of the HRE and reconquered western Europe in the name of the Roman Empire?
The characters driving the Stug are history autists, one of them literally LARPs are Rommel
cute girls doing war things annoys me to no end
The stugs only made more sense once they stopped being on the offensive. Its lack of turret didn't mean much if you were using it primarily as an ambush vehicle, but if you were trying to exploit a breakthrough, suddenly it's a much bigger problem.
the best team
It's a sports anime
StuGs were better offensively in the field. The only place they were worse of was in an urban setting
>urban setting
That's what the Stuh and its howitzer of mass destruction is for
They probably could have taken the resources they used to make this moeshit and made an actual good WW2 anime. It's like the gooks only think anime can be used to make moeshit or something.
Not for breakthrough exploitation, where threats can suddenly appear from almost any direction as you're not really being supported by your slower elements such as infantry and non-self propelled artillery. You would have an enormous amount of difficulty doing something like the sickle cut with Stugs.
Why exactly do you think you only started getting the shift from real tanks to those turretless AFV's when the Germans stopped advancing?
>Wanting to watch sweaty dudes driving tanks
Are you gay?
I like traps, so no, obviously.
GuP is good though.
That's not what Jesus told me
>Why exactly do you think you only started getting the shift from real tanks to those turretless AFV's when the Germans stopped advancing?
Not saying your first point is incorrect, but the StuGs and other turretless AFVs in the German Army were produced from the beginning of the war, the StuG III was actually a prewar design.
Easy to produce and very fearsome to deal with (it was p much the only German vehicle the Soviets were ordered to run away from on sight when not even konigtigers were given this order) most of all, because most of not all if not all proper Infantry divisions had Panzerjager abeitlung attached to them. And while Germany did have panzer divisions (which also could have StuG and Panzerjager abeitlung but not always), they only had some 30-40 of them. While they had hundreds of Panzerjager abeitlung with 10-30 Stug III/IV and a couple dozen Marder I/IIs (and other AT weapons) each attached to their hudnreds of infantry divisions.
A lot of good German weapons were not produced in a large amount because there usually was a limit per division (i.e. Sdkfz. 251/16 flame variant, of which only some specific divisions had 6 of them and only if you had a second company of them would you be allowed to have more). So while some weapons might be more effective if they had more there is actual paper reason as to why some weapons lacked in numbers as the division prolly hit their quota of them.
Ehh, I won't debate that they were good in breakthroughs, but they definitely they had their uses in breakthroughs and especially for breaking envelopment (which is an offensive of its own kind).
Er as in that's why the divisions like Wiking became famous for breaking enveleopments when they had THREE Anti-Tank and Assault gun companies
Just considering the Pz3 chassis, you had 732 Stugs built from 1939-1941, compared to 2,692 turreted variants. In 1942, it would be 800 stugs to 2,608 turreted. Then, come 1943, you have 3,214 Stugs to 414 turreted, and come 1944, production of turreted variants had stopped entirely, while they were still turning out thousands of Stugs.
Breakthrough is distinct from exploitation. And especially when you're making a break to your own lines, you don't have nearly the same kind of tactical requirements. Yes, a giant assault gun can be very useful when you know where the enemy is and are trying to break their lines. Once you're actually through though, and are committing to a freewheeling sort of battle where threats and targets can come in almost any direction, you really want a turret.
I think he's referring to the G model being the most produced, the A B and C models didn't even reach 500 produced combined
Yes, but was it a tank?
We really need to establish this.
Fair enough, but the reason why these turretless AFVs were produced in the first place was to combat enemy tanks with cheap and well armed vehicles, even on the offensive years of 39-42/43. In the end the Allies' superiority became crushing, and the need for many tank killing machines became more urgent.
Dumb Kaiposter
Don't summon the "everything on tracks is a tank" autist
Oryou is a cute and she's also my wife
To answer this question, we need to clearly define the concept of "a tank". Wikipedia gives "A tank is an armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat, with heavy firepower, strong armour, and tracks providing good battlefield maneuverability."
This vehicle is armoured, designed for front-line combat, has heavy firepower, strong armor and tracks, and good battlefield mobility. Therefore, this is a tank.
I would personally call it a tank destroyer, but that's up to your taste.
>front-line combat
ehm...no sweety
>no arguments
Nice going there, you're clearly winning the argument.
It's designated as an artillery piece according to Germany
the STUG was not a for front line combat
it was used in the roles of TD, infantry support and sp artillery for both direct and indirect fire.
Caesar is the cutest 2bh
Then it must be self-propelled artillery.
>the british team only uses these shit tier infantry tanks
Amazing infantry support weapon and anti-tank gun as well as easy to produce.
Caeser is a fucking dyke eating Carpaccio's pasta sauce
Who wouldn't?
That's forbidden love
>ywn jump into the bed and fuck them both hard
feels bad
forbidden love is the purest form of love
>17 posters
Fuck off you anime faggot(s)
there's literally nothing wrong with being both a wehraboo and animefag
and yet they're the only team to beat Miho twice.
They can't win when it matters, though
>has zero (0) losses and two (2) victories against the main characters
>won in the movie, the most important match so far
>'doesn't matter tho'
>beat Ooarai just after they formed their team and are completely inexperienced
>beat Ooarai in a team battle, only winning because of the Japanboo retards and needing to be saved by Katyusha
wow, St. Gloriana has such great "achievements"
reminder that those silly Angloboos lost to the Nishizumi Wehraboos and their Tiger Tanks of Doom
The eternal anglo even on its anime form is evil
>nishizumi loses to oorai
>oorai loses to st gloriana
ergo st gloriana > everyone else
They only win becuse Ooarai is heavily handicapped
>First match, they're a bunch of beginners with no more than a crash course under their belt
>In the movie, they have to carry a team of braindead CHARGE retards
And it was still pretty close. Gloriana would stand no chance in a fair match.
Low profile and took part in a large scale defense.
If youre not attacking not having a turret isn't that bad.
ribbon warrior adaptation when
Matilda is my waifu