How historically accurate is Hamilton?

How historically accurate is Hamilton?

I know the Founding Fathers weren't black, but besides that.

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It makes Hamilton seem like more of an abolitionist than he really was

Besides that I don't think there is many issues besides minor details changed for plot reasons. Good play still tho

Pretty much this.

>inb4 hurr durr Hamilton wasn't a nigger


This is on the same level as slam poetry to me

good soundtrack

Hey, come on, this is better than slam poetry.

>I know the Founding Fathers weren't black
ayo hol' up white boyii

Why does all slam poetry sound the same?

This is so fucking cringy. This is like a scene out of one of those lame movies about the cool white teacher who saves the shitty ghetto school by rapping history to them

This is embarrassing

>real founding fathers do not abandon the nation for 19 years


But it looks like you are

you aint seen shit yet

Hamilton doesn't turn into a snake after "Take a Break" so I'd say the script's pretty faulty.

Why would you make a play about a historical figure and then make no effort to make the actor look like the figure in question. The only answer is publicity. People getting upset is the only reason I know this play exists.

It's actually been sold out for a long time and been a "talk of the town" type of shit. Maybe it's white guilt from the intelligentsia, or maybe its popularity sprung from an explainable cultural meme, but it is very popular right now.

Personally I've only heard of it, but seeing that it's some weird quasi rap performance in powdered wigs just adds the cherry on top of the part of me that already thought Hamilton was a federalist piece of shit.

I heard "The room where it happens" before even knowing the play existed, let alone know the twist was that all the black actors.
It`s a good song. The rest I`ve heard is meh, but I still like that one.

The guy who made the play got pretty much all his information from a single Hamilton biography that like many biographies cant help but treat its subject with all the blinding shine of a spotlight. As for specific instances I can't rightly say.

The Slave Trade was a mistake

lol who has the pasta? I know someone here does.

About as accurate as any 2.5 hour piece of media spanning about 35 years and attempting to cover the personal/social life, romantic life, and political actions of 1 main character plus supporting roles all within that same timeframe and while still producing a cohesive narrative with clearly defined characters, motives, and arcs.

so, not very, because real life doesn't lend itself well to being told through a limited narrative.

Its worse than that, they intentionally cast them as black and the English as white to frame it as a racial metaphor, as in "the founding fathers were just like us now"

I don't remember anything about it except the songs about Lafayette so who knows lol

George III was black in the workshop for the show, but the actor dropped out to do another show. When they went pre-Broadway they ended up reworking George III to reflect the predominately white Brotish pop era, and then later made the decision to seek out white actors for the character from then on.


At some point Afrocentrism gets to a point where they waz so many things they owe themselves reparation and Europeans dindunuffin.

>a durhurrr we wuz!!!

No one involved with the show had ever claimed any of these historical figures were not white. Stop being a retard.

it pretty much ignores the fact that Hamilton was hell bent on bringing utter destruction to the democratic system.
Face it, if he had his way the US would have been at war with revolutionary france in a period where Napoleon wasnt facing a massive European coalition. Hamilton would have invaded Florida, triggering the spanish american war nearly a century early, and would have started a war with France in Louisiana. If the British metaphorically with one hand tied behind their back, and their free hand restricted to the use of three fingers, were able to humilate the americans for three years and burn down washington suffering only one major defeat, AFTER the first defeat of Napoleon, then how could he possibly hope to succeed against the french? Just imagine the destruction that the Spanish and French would have brought with virtually nobody willing to support America in Europe.
He also literally betrayed the Federalist party sacrificing the presidency of John Adams for that of his arch nemesis Thomas Jefferson literally just out of spite.
Hamilton did one good thing with setting up a banking system but if he had gotten his way in literally any other matter this country simply would not exist.

This. Also user you're too smart for this board.

>Hamilton did one good thing with setting up a banking system

tell us how you really feel

this time with no poorly argued alt history

Theater has a pretty well established history of colorblind casting. Hamilton definitely had a political bent to its casting, but pretty much no theater production ever cares about actors looking like historical figures. Just look up any number of productions of Julius Caesar with black actors that no one has cared about.

I dont understand which part you disagree with.
Its pretty clearly documented that Hamilton proposed these invasions before the Napoleonic wars truly began meaning that by the time France could react, they would not be dealing with multiple european nations of considerable power. This would also take place well before Napoleon invaded Spain back when the two nations were still allies, so the scenario ive laid out is the most obvious one that would have played out.
Perhaps you disagree with the fact that the US would have lost this war? Napoleon certainly wouldnt have invaded the US himself but his subordinates were all extremely talented as well and more than up to the task. Hamilton was in charge of the army and at the time the only competent commanders were George Washington, who was far from capable of leading since he was on his deathbed by this point, and Henry Knox. So clearly we are sorely lacking in military capability. The British certainly werent going to stick their necks out for us in 1800, they would focus on France only when it began to threaten the balance of power in Europe itself.
Do you disagree with Hamilton betraying the federalist party? This would be pretty stupid of you since this is objectively true. He slandered John Adams all the way through the election cycle leading up to his defeat, and then fought vigrously to get Jefferson, the man who admitted to wanting to destroy federalism in its entirety, elected President just because he had personal issues with Burr.


Theater loves colorblind casting, and it's done all the time.

If the only reason you heard about the show is people getting upset, you're obviously not someone remotely interested in New York or the entertainment industry or theater as a whole, and therefore not the target audience anyway. This show blew up popular culture and social media and the only publicity that was NON-WHITE ACTORS PLAYING WHITE CHARACTERS A BROADWAY PLAY!?!?!? were from yokels who weren't going to see a New York Broadway show in the first place.

t. physiocrat

ikr, best tech in Empire desu