>read history
>start to hate germans as a country and a nation
anyone else?
before I was your run of the mill edgy /pol/fag and wehraboo thinking they were cool as shit and just misunderstood
Now I realize that Nazism was the high moment of the German nation to chimp out and destroy the world. Inside every german, there is that black hole that makes him want to ruin others lives and commit attrocities, except they mask themselves as civilized to fool others. English, French and Russians knew all along to what the eternal Kraut was capable of and tried to stop him once and for all but of course the Americans intervened in WW2 and gave them more liberty and basically saved their asses from Soviet vengeance. I wish Soviets would occupy all of Germany, rape their women, kill their men and erase them from existence.
Read history
Other urls found in this thread:
>I used to be a /pol/fag
>I used to believe that inside every jew and nigger was a black hole that made them want to ruin the lives of others and commit attrocities
>now I think that inside every German, there is a black hole that makes them ruin the lives of others and commit atrocities
No, user, you're just an autistic mouthbreather who just oscillates between two extremes, and literally just bases his opinions on the last thing he read.
Germans literally are the bad guys of history.
I'm still a racist though and don't think of blacks as my equals.
I have respect for the jews though because of their sheer cunning and intelligence.
Hell, jews are everything that stormfags so desperately want to be
>posting this meme on Veeky Forums
You're openly admitting you don't know shit about history.
Otto van Bismarck singlehandedly justified Germany's existence
t.kraut apologist.
>genocide prussians
>start calling yourself prussians
>ywn personally march every single Hun into the blood refineries
Too bad, he and his Germany are dead.
You're still a /pol/tard, only now you added Germans to your boogeyman list.
Wanna know how I know you're American?
Because only Ameritards think that Europeans not liking other Europeans is "Jewish".
Why are they using Yugo mausers?
European Jews were annihilated in the Holocaust
Now they're only holding power in Israel and Hollywood with some Zionist proxies like Soros meddling in our events.
Germany with their refugees welcome policy has done more harm to Europe than any jew possibly could hope to do.
>not licking German arse means you love Jews
Again, you're American, you don't know shit about Europe. When you learn, come back, until then don't embarass yourself.
Anti semites are the REAL semites?
Captured equipment. Until later war SS mostly got second-hand equipment and shit Wehrmacht didn't want.
1st picture :
>implying germanics = german
>implying the Empire at its end wasn't a corrupt piece of shit that was destroying well enough on its own, so much that Alaric storming Rome was seen by contempories as not only a great event, but by christians chroniclers as a great thing
2nd picture :
>posting knights as germans
>the knights of the 4th crusade were french
3rd picture :
>implying that all protestants were germans
>implying all germans were protestants
>implying that while Luther was a reformist, it wasn't Calvin who brought the worst philosophical work
How did you identified them as Yugo?
You didn't understand my point, Amerimongrel. Now go LARP as a German on /pol/.
>kikes control modern Germany
And how did you came to this conclusion, goblin?
I don't hate Germans, Cleetus. That is the other poster. I'm merely telling you Europeans dislike other Europeans and did so throught the entire history. There's nothing "Jewish" about it, you dumb nigger.
Hate is not going to get you anywhere my man
Curved wood at the top.
I own one.
Yugo mausers were produced after the war.
Lol great non argument
Then it's obviously a different gun. Maybe that Czech one mentioned in one of our debunking pictures.
>anyone else?
Too much wewuzzing and not enough accomplishments
>Curved wood at the top.
And that's enough to tell it from vz. 24?
>germanics = german
>all knights were from 'german' states
>that france and ottomans attacked catholic europe isnt important
>or that only northern germany is lutheranian
>wilhelm is bad because the serbs and russians did nothing wrong
>and the french revanchism is also no reason
>or the russification of eastern europe
>implying hitler wasnt the only one actively fought communists but lol whatever
It never happened
>implying hitler wasnt the only one actively fought communists but lol whatever
Look again, moron. It's from 1939.
Could be one.
You have to remember that vz 24 were stopped producing in 1942 which was replaced by standard karabiner models. And mainly the SS and romanians were using vz 24s.
It's virtually impossible to defend Hitler's action. You can justify other German chimp outs but not WW2. Hitler started that war by signing a pact with the communists. And no, he wasn't the only one fighting against them. In Poland, which was destroyed by German-Soviet pact communist parties were illegal and communist jailed in prisons and the Bereza camp.
>read history
>start to hate Britain as a country and a nation
anyone else?
before I was your run of the mill edgy ledditor and angloboo thinking they were cool as shit and just misunderstood
Now I realize that Churchill's Britain was the high moment of the British nation to chimp out and destroy the world. Inside every anglo, there is that black hole that makes him want to ruin others lives and commit attrocities, except they mask themselves as civilized to fool others. Germans, Italians, and the Icelandic knew all along to what the eternal Anglo was capable of and tried to stop him once and for all but of course the Americans intervened in WW2 and gave them more money and basically saved their asses from S
aryan vengeance. I wish Germany would occupy all of Britain rape their women, kill their men and erase them from existence.
Theres is literally no date mate.
I'm not defending hitler.
But saying that he was supporting commies with a pact that was broken later on while the west sent them trucks, clothes and shit is a blatant lie.
As a spaniard, I felt the same thing, but with anglo people.
Anglo civilization is the reincarnation of evilness.
>Not enough accomplishments
*sips commie blood*
I'm sure those are some Einsatzgruppen soldiers. They were under the SS.
>3 million German deaths
>Takes into account soviet POW deaths
>Axis casualties conveniently listed as "other"
>No sources
>Looks like we are about to commit a war crime
>Better take a photo of it
Why is it *so easy* to lie to people?
The US should have pushed the commies back to the Ural, the moment Hitler bit that bullet.
Hitler and Stalin worked together until the Barbarossa. Gestapo and NKVD together fought against the partisans, Germans and Soviets signed two or three commercial treaties and so on.
Yes, and my belief is strengthened the more I read.
Example, just yesterday I was reading about the commemoration of the Franco-Prussian War and WWI in Eastern France
>France gets massively BTFO at Sedan in 1870
>despite this, builds a war cemetery for both the French and German soldiers and civilians who died there, laying them to rest side by side
>over an ossuary containing the remains of soldiers of both nationalities, build a monument memorializing the war and all who fought in it, with the inscriptions having a generally anti-war message
>WWI rolls around
>the Germans capture Sedan in the early days and hold it until 1918
>they fucking blow up the French monument >disintern the graves of the French soldiers and civilians to make room for German WWI war dead
>where the previous monument once stood, build a big arch celebrating Germany and Germany only (pic related)
>and after the war the French didn't even retaliate, they left everything the Germans did standing and just built a new French memorial across from it
Fucking Krauts
Soviet military deaths go from about 8 million to 13 million depending on th estimate. So this is about halfway at 11 million :D
>All that tankie butthurt
Yes. YES. Feed me your tears
So why wasn't war declared on them too?
I mean they were literally allies?
really activated my almonds bud
>At 11 million
*13 million
They often took photos. It was of course illegal but many soldiers didn't care about that. Read about the case of Max Taubner. He also made photos and sent them to his family.
>You have to remember that vz 24 were stopped producing in 1942 which was replaced by standard karabiner models. And mainly the SS and romanians were using vz 24s.
Why do I have to remember it? The picture was taken in 1942, I see no reason why would you think the rifle is a Yugo one or how the fuck is the fact, that the rifle is not Kar98, remotely an issue.
>Hey I'm gonna rape this girl then execute her family wearing muh uniform
>Ayo hol up lemme get a photo of you doing it tho for the lulz
Why is it SO EASY to lie to people? Remember how the Holocaust was supposed to be super duper secret but in reality soldiers were taking photos of their crimes and probably bragging about them all the time?
>go from about 8 million to 13 million depending on th estimate. So this is about halfway at 11 million :D
Now can you provide sources? Because I have, for a second time now
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a tankie
This is not how you convince people you're in the right.
It's about invasion of Poland, which happened in...?
German soldiers often took photos of war crimes as trophies. It's really not that incomprehensible when you realize they didn't regard what they were doing as war crimes but as legitimate anti-partisan actions
>Believing propoganda
Really activates my almonds
some Treblinka guard literally took pictures and labeled them as "Happy times"
they were sick in the head
>Remember how the Holocaust was supposed to be super duper secret
But that's wrong
>Looks like we are about to commit a war crime
>Better take a photo of it
Yup, shit like that never happens.
>People are rationalizing this
>This hard
Huh so I guess it really is that easy to lie to people. Fair enough my dudes
I believe documents and testimonies, you believe neo-nazi blogs. Stop being such a brainwashed idiot.
But that's right?
No not really , especially we are talking about cameras in the 1940's
Not an argument.
There are people on /pol/ today talking about how they'd love to be able to kill niggers and kikes and so on. Is it really that hard to believe that the /pol/acks of their time had the same attitude, that they thought what they were doing was nothing to be ashamed of?
>be france
>use moroccans to rape civilians
>be france
>blame defeat on woman and kill her
>be france
>make treaty so shitty that an austrian beta gets so butthurt about it and plunges europe into war
>stay at the other side of the rhine and dont do shit while poland screams for bloody help
>meanwhile france doesnt expect ardenne offensive so far to the west
>even with superior equipment they lose and surrender early on against a country that used horses as main logistics
>anglo have to flee because of stupid france
>after war france is being such a dickwad to countrys that saved their asses and leaves nato once and after years joins again
What about 1940s cameras?
Just saying.
Cant be wehrmacht.
Isn't the consensus that it was Schutzpolizei?
>I have respect for the jews though because of their sheer cunning and intelligence.
>Hell, jews are everything that stormfags so desperately want to be
Finally someone figures it out.
t. Jew
>implying the Germanics that defeated Western Rome were the same as the German nation
>implying Germanics were the aggressors when it was the Romans that invaded Germania first
>implying the takeover of Western Rome set back progress by hundreds of years, falling for the "dark ages" meme
>implying the crusaders of the 4th crusade that sacked and decisively weakened Constantinople were Germans
>implying Luther's reforms weren't absolutely justified
>implying it was the religious divide that caused the 30 Years' War and not the French-Habsburg conflict (both catholic)
>implying Germany was the only aggressor in WW1
>implying the Russian mobilization and the Entente alliance were "completely shaky grounds"
>implying the refugees/economic migrants didn't already swarm in Italy, Greece and Lybia (which Germany didn't destroy, unlike other Europeans)
>implying it's not EU law (which all members voluntarily agreed upon) to share the refugee burden
TL;DR: fuck off
>be france
>use moroccans to rape civilians
Actually it was mostly consensual. German women craved Muslim cock, same as now.
It's Ordnungspolizei or something similar. It's obviously their uniforms.
Thats why france is 100% white haha
And paris looks like 1900
nice try ahmed but jews arent that stupid
>I believe the testaments and logics from my blog but muh ad verecundium means any sources you provide are wrong a priori
How about some sources from wikipedia?
[301] Vadim Erlikman. Poteri narodonaseleniia v XX veke: spravochnik. Moscow 2004; ISBN 5-93165-107-1, pp. 20–21
Il'Enkov 2001, pp. 73–80.
The last one maintains that the number is 14 million actually :D
Kill yourself
But as soon when it is about gibs you count down all the times germany touched sour jews.
Refute these () points.
>There are people talking on /pol/ right now about killing blacks and Jews
Want to know how I know you don't post there?
/pol/ is nowhere near as edgy as people make it out to be. Hasnt been since like 2013. 8pol on the other hand is everything you are looking for, and everything they say never has to do with wanting to spree shoot blacks and Jews
Need to try harder to get that AZ Quotes look, lad
>No not really , especially we are talking about cameras in the 1940's
Whatever sinks your uboat, lad.
This, /pol/ nowadays is literally /r/the_donald.
>He believes in the rape of Nanking as well
I bet believe every atrocity you have ever heard of a priori, desu
Are you so fucking retarded that you literally don't even take 2 seconds to read what Erlikman had in mind?>Russian historian Vadim Erlikman pegs total war deaths at 10.7 million, exceeding Krivosheev's 8.7 million by an extra two million. This extra two million would presumably include Soviet POWs that died in Nazi captivity, partisans, and milita.
>Russian researcher Vadim Erlikman puts Soviet military dead at 10.6 million; he maintains that Soviet military casualties should also include the deaths of an additional estimated 1,500,000 conscripted reservists captured before being listed on active strength as well as draft age men treated as military POW by Germany, also about 150,000 militia and 250,000 Soviet partisan dead.
Christ, I thought the Sovietboos claiming "muh undefeatable soviet army" was bad, Wehraboos are next fucking level. Are you even 18?
Rommel is my bff
>2 million starved to death
Sounds about right, but I guess you are ignoring the source that says it was 14 million because... Oh right
>Massive butthurt
>le Yugoslav partisan face
B-b-but muh clean wehrmact is a MYTH
The SS made extensive use of captured weaponry, particularly the Czech Vz. 24 rifle and the Yugoslavian M24. See pic.
It was actually 2.7-3.3 million.
Hope you don't get sand into your boipucci.
>2 million starved to death
Where does it say "2 million starved to death?", it says "that died in Nazi captivity". You appear to not be addressing the source as a whole, you simply took the source from supposedly Wikipedia (Which I couldn't find, even by looking at the number of the footnotes). Could you perhaps actually provide the URL for where you got this from? I literally quoted (straight from Wiki btw) that Erlikman says 10.6 million died, not 14 million military deaths.
Yes yes... But it was actually 14 million according Russian historical agencies
Isn't the newest figure 5.3 million deaths?
>8.6 million
>10.6 million
See >Russian researcher Vadim Erlikman puts Soviet military dead at 10.6 million;
Where are you getting 14 million from? Erlikman himself says 10.6 million at max, and he's included POW deaths, too.
The only thing shitty about the Treaty of Versailles was that it was too lenient
the only thing shitty about the ira was that they didnt take out much more
scotland freedom next
>2 million died in Nazi captivity
Of starvation and disease. Remember that Scorched Earth and Hunger Plan thing? Kind of leads to a uh "shortage" of food.
>Couldn't find the sauce
My dude, I posted another name after Erikman
Il-Enkov 2001
However, the official figure of 8.7 million military deaths has been disputed by some Russian historians who believe that the number of dead and missing POWs is underestimated.[5] Officials at the Russian Central Defense Ministry Archive (CDMA) maintain that their database lists the names of roughly 14 million dead and missing service personnel.[6][7
And welcome to the political side of history btw