what's the Veeky Forums verdict?
What's the Veeky Forums verdict?
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They don't do much "debunking". 75% of all articles are just a summary of the claims they are claiming to "debunk" peppered with snark and sarcastic quips.
worse than wikipedia
The became what they hated. Conservapedia for SJWs. The website is an absolute joke and a symbol for everything worth with modern """liberals"""
If you're setting out to prove that your positions are the only rational ones then you're already wrong.
"ORMUS, Flat Earth, space reptiles, satanic scaremongering, and YEC are all perfectly acceptable historical perspectives."
~t. Veeky Forums
>conservative wikipedia is made
>its really a "who gives a shit" sort of thing, but far left wingers get really butthurt
>make a wikipedia to mock them called rationalwiki
>ends up being much worse than the original thing they were mocking in the first place
its garbage
I only trust metapedia
Give me some examples of the worst lies of rationalwiki, if you'd be so kind.
>rationalwiki is worse than conservapedia
Hold your horses, fuckboy, just because conservapedia is so ridiculous it feels satirical doesn't make it less of an absolute shit. Plenty of people actually believe the insane trash on there
>He is perhaps best known, however, for his outspoken, direct, pseudo-intellectual, and almost entirely inaccurate criticisms of "left-wing" concepts such as white privilege and toxic masculinity.
how very rational and totally not SJW dogshit shilling at all, just like you totally are not a leftypol shill!
>literally being a real life strawman
>Most revealing about the above traits is the fact that so-called "anti-SJWs" tend to display the very same insufferable characteristics themselves.
What is ORMUS?
>Gamergate is a distillation of the worst of the worst of the Internet
>While Sarkeesian is well-known in Internet feminist circles and her work has been used in university classrooms,[1] she is most noted for the hatred she has received from anti-feminists, especially Gamergate, which include constant harassment and death threats.[2] This transformation from feminist to target of often-misogynistic hate gave rise to the term "Anita's Law" and brought to light sexism in the video gaming community.
seriously, just search any bullshit from the past few years of this culture war.
>it's a brainlet post
you can just imagine what the people who "contribute" to that site are like
I'm not actually seeing lies but rather a bunch of "feelpinoins that I don't like".
Monoatomic gold.
>it's a frogpost
>the magnum opus of classical liberalism
I clicked a hotlink for "free speech advocate" and this is literally the page it took me to
This is totally rational and not at all left wing shilling retardation
>I'm not actually seeing lies
Thats because youre a leftwing nut
wow you aren't joking, what the fuck? I can imagine redditors going there and sniggering at all the quirky wit that utterly BTFOs right wingers.
This. Its hilarious how the horse-shoe theory works with these weird cult ideologies. Claim of being "rational" or "logical" are too pretentious to be taken seriously, not to mention tons of very biased articles. The site is a motherlode of bad logic/rationality. At-least with conservapedia, people know its not rational. Rationalwiki is a mockery of the word rational.
Pretty bad, except for conspiracies.
>except for conspiracies.
bad for those too
>Monoatomic gold.
This has lead me down the weirdest google rabbit hole.
>feelpinoins that I don't like
wether liked or not, "feelpinions" are the opposite of rational and have no place on a site that claims to be rational (not only through its name but also through being in wiki form, so I'm not defending conservapedia either)
How so? I'm not the user that just said the previous post btw. How are they bad on conspiracies?
They take the "conspiracy theories are always insane" approach that leads to people thinking things like mass government spying is on the same level as joke "conspiracies" like flat earth.
t. Andrew Schafly
That's a disturbing and pretty dangerous trend if people are going to be taught that mass govt. spying is the same as "flat-earth" conspiracy theories are the same.
>Conspiracy theorists and other people have long speculated that the NSA has been spying on Americans (and others) over a long period of time. Unfortunately for all of us, they were proven right in 2013 when news about the PRISM project (which collects information from most social media sources and also wiretaps millions of phones....
So instead of thanking these "conspiracy theorists" they say "unfortunately these people were right."
But Ben Shapiro is a quack.
It's a joke pointing out how some people who claim to defend free speech only defend free speech for opinions they like that everyone else is offended by.
Yep, really pisses me off considering all the events of the past few years and yet there are STILL people out there spouting tinfoil hat as an insult.
The irony of that "joke" is palpable.
So in other words, freedom of speech
Lol, lolbertarians actually thinking they have rights. Lol. Get use to it kids, privacy rights and rights in general are just a meme.
Except freedom of speech applies to all unpopular opinions. Many "free speech advocates" are totally okay with shutting down any non-conforming opinions (e.g. countering propaganda) on things like communism or socialism.
it's not about perceived rights
>Many "free speech advocates" are totally okay with shutting down any non-conforming opinions (e.g. countering propaganda) on things like communism or socialism.
how many?
Then why are you complaining about your faggot rights being violated? When the shitskins leave America the NSA will leave us alone. So get use to it. Shitskins don't care about your rights so better the NSA around for a little while.
is that really your evidence?
>Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte (1915—2006), pronounced almost like "pee-no-shit"[note 1] in Spanish, was a murderous dictator and money launderer[1] who ruled Chile from 1973 until 1990.
>Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926—2016) was a Marxist leader and cigar aficionado. He was Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, and President from 1976 until his official resignation in February 2008, being Cuba's leader for almost 50 years.
>Then why are you complaining about your faggot rights being violated?
I'm not
>They don't mention Castro threw gays in hard labor camps.
This is like 8 levels too woke for me.
Don't play dumb you and that faggot agree with each other about being disturbed about the NSA spying on you. Well get use to it faggot because after seeing how bad Europe has gotten with SJWs being more concerned about feelings over security and with Trump now as President, I have changed my view on the NSA and Snowcuck. I have nothing to hide faggot so until we stop Islam, better get use to it. We're at war faggot.
They did a great work on global warming. Haven't read much of the other articles.
Who the fuck said they were?
If you think the people spying on you are on your side you're out of your fucking mind
All of them.
Because "hurr durr, communists aren't people" or "da joos" or something else that triggers specifically them.
And it's a sort of a common knowledge that the ones who botch most about "muh freedoms" tend to be even more oppressive towards dissenters, almost whole of the former USSR became that at one point or another.
>many free speech advocates are totally okay with shutting down non-conforming opinions
Karl Popper says that we shouldn't tolerate intolerance, therefore we shouldn't tolerate SJW opinions that are intolerant of unrestricted freedom of speech :^)
>They don't mention Castro threw gays in hard labor camps.
BASED Castro fighting against bourgeois degeneracy.
Sounds like you're just a stupid fuck and assume everyone on /pol/ or lefty/pol/ and people similar to them account for all free speech advocates
>All of them
that's just blatantly not true, though. Perhaps you should stop strawmanning user.
Anything to prevent terrorism and stop globalists like George Soros and the Muslims from destroying our national sovereignty and allowing Islam to take over are on my side.
Go away PZ
pretty sure you're just baiting/falseflagging at this point, dull.
If that is your reason for being pro-Castro, then realize that Cuba is degenerate now.
I hope she is appointed to succeed her father. It will be fun having Western liberals having to choose between supporting a pro-LGBT activist as a country leader (in Latin America!) or opposing it for heading a Marxist-Leninist dictatorship.
>uses the term fuckboy
>thinks he can fool me into thinking he isn't a tumblr shill
He's one person. If we don't tolerate freedom of speech for the opinions we despise, we don't tolerate freedom of speech at all.
He's listed in Category:Homophobes
Just the liberal version of conservapedia.
Why is it illegitimate?
Pinochet managed to get 300+ criminal charges filed against him IIRC, with the offenses ranging from embezzlement and tax evasion to murder, kidnapping, international terrorism, and illegal weapons trafficking. Castro was a despot who murdered and jailed dissidents but didn't evade taxes or steal 27 million dollars and hide it in offshore bank accounts.
this site was made back when male liberals were the "Tfw too smart for dumbfuckistan" stereotype before becoming emotional nu male women.
I used to troll there back in the day.
That's a different poster.
>damage control
off yourself
stop giving him (you)'s you NIGGER
Nope, afraid not, I care about this country. Meanwhile you are bending over for Islam and cucking for them. You got to enjoy some Sharia law under Obama and possibly under Clinton if she got into power as President but not anymore now that Trump is president.
you're really shit at this
But user, President Trump is sanctioning Sharia Law every single time the government recognizes a marriage between Muslims, just like every other president.
I don't know what you are talking about. I'm being serious man.
Proof faggot. I've been on the_Donald and I have yet see such a thing happen. Trump would never cuck for the Muslims. He's getting the Saudis to drain the swamp and become based again. Now if Lebanon stop being a terrorist country run by Hezbollah, we would help make the Middle East great again.
Muslims are married under Sharia doctrines and protocols.
The State recognizes Muslim marriage certificates and issues marriage licenses to Muslim couples for the purposes of taxation, federal and state benefit eligibility, and recognizes Muslims as ordained to officiate marriages.
This isn't a matter of opinion bud.
>Reddit tries to write a wikipedia and sources 10% of their claims
For example, here's an Muslim marriage certificate issued by an Islamic Center in Florida.
Nope I'm afraid that's not your opinion. And besides Trump will shut down that terrorist center just give him some time. Marriages is between a man and a female. Marrying your goat is not marriage, maybe in Lebanon or in Iran that's a thing but in America, its between a man and a woman.
>Trump will ban all marriages of a specific religion
C'mon, user, we both know that's not gonna happen.
Nigger, reddit is anti-SJW. Rationalwiki is anti-redditor.
Muslims still have to get married by a justice of the peace right? These are basically on par with church certificates and carry no legal weight.
>reddit is anti-SJW. Rationalwiki is anti-redditor.
>and carry no legal weight.
Except these are literally the papers you file on record when submitting your records with said justice. They most certainly have legal weight.
Well they obviously carry no legal weight in of themselves otherwise they wouldn't have go before a judge right? It's just a certificate, muslim centers and whatever marriages they perform carry no legal weight in of themselves.
>how I can tell you're not married
When you go get married at a religious ceremony, afterward the officiating individual will approach you with a slip of paper.
This slip of paper takes the form and aesthetic of the venue in question, and is used as a record of events, wherein the two marrying individuals certify and affirm their licensed intention to marry, with cosignatures by witnesses and the aforementioned official.
This record is then filed with the county clerk.
You MAY elect to use a completely secular form, but if you come in with a record of marriage signed by state sanctioned officiating body, the state's gonna file it.
You can see the pretentiousness just from the name. It wears it's bias with pride and anyone who disagrees with them is just "irrational" and beneath them.
Yes that is nice and all but at the end of the day you have to formalize your marriage with the state, getting married by a religious body is meaningless unless you formalize your marriage with the state, Islamic centers can print certificates all they want but in of themselves they are meaningless and the state at the end of the day is the sole arbiter of who is legally married and who is not.
Yes it will happen. Trump will drain the swamp get rid of the Muslims as well. We need to MAGA and that means no Islam allowed in America! Based Kekistanis everyone!
>if you come in with a record of marriage signed by state sanctioned officiating body, the state's gonna file it.
I dunno what's so hard to grasp about this.
Many states will REJECT a certificate, secular or otherwise, if it's not countersigned by a state recognized marriage official, be them secular, Christian, or Muslim.
That means the state is sanctioning Muslim marriages, which means the state is sanctioning Sharia Law.
The state may sanction muslim marriages and it may not, it is the sole arbiter of it, and Islamic center can marry a couple and the state may refuse to acknowledge it for whatever reason theoretically, and you would end up in situation where the couple is married as per muslim custom but is not considered legally married. The certificate given by the mosque is not legally binding it merely a form of evidence that the state can choose to accept or not. The state is the sole decision maker in this instance and the state is not operating under shariah law for accepting muslim marriages no more than it is operating under papal law for accepting Catholic marriages.
>operating under
I'm not saying it's operating under anything I'm saying it's sanctioning and underwriting individuals and organizations that do.
>Castro killed his own people but at least he payed his taxes hehe
>not liking rationalwiki means you think the earth is flat
really makes me think...
This. Try reading the JFK assassination article. Doesn't even try to counter any of the theories. IT's just "Oh the official story happened and you're stupid if you believe otherwise."
Conservapedia isn't much worse than RationalWiki desu
Fuck off kike