Why Veeky Forums has such an hateboner for atheists / irreligious people?
Why Veeky Forums has such an hateboner for atheists / irreligious people?
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Thats /pol/acks, strangely they mostly don't really believe in anything too.
One word
Contrarian LARPers and Americans.
not true
Because usually they're pseudo-intellectuals from Reddit
Thats a pretty accurate way to describe this board in general.
>implying you are better
you are
>Why Veeky Forums has such an hateboner for atheists / irreligious people?
Worshiping Yahweh makes nobodies think they're somebodies.
>T. Psuedo-intellectuals from Reddit
>Contrarian LARPers
what a great way to describe europeans on Veeky Forums
t. reddit
Gb2 /pol/ with your imaginary friends and degenerate cartoons.
New atheism has a popularity issue.
Right-wingers never liked atheists. And the new right is more socially conservative than the neoconservative one or the neoliberal one, so they tend to be on the side of religion.
And now the modern left hates the new atheists too. The modern left has its dogmas. And when some evidence goes against some of those dogmas, the new atheists will side with the evidence. Which leads to this conflict. Also, new atheists hate all religions equally. Which also is not something that is palatable to the new left.
you are
maybe Jesus Myth theories are ridiculous?
Mormon here (best religion:)
I have no problem with atheists. Some of my best friends are atheists/agnostic. My problem is they lack the understanding that regardless if it is true, Christianity is the foundation of the great nations.
Most religious folk don't want to believe that religions (including theirs) fade in and out over great stretches of time.
Actually, it's mostly "out"
why do a lot of people, who might not even believe in god themselves, dislike the "atheist movement"?
because movements are never really about their ideologies.
new atheist are annoying cunts and most importantly, are really really stupid people who need to be taken down a notch through regular bullying
Rude as fuck, Kurisu
Gee I really don't know
>being atheist means believing jesus myth theories
>religion is good
a big part of being a Christian Conservative in the USA is to believe there's a liberal conspiracy coming to take your (christian) religious freedoms away.
It doesn't, there's just a very vocal minority of extremely upset and vocal religious people who get booty blasted at being told horoscopes don't work.
And don't you dare pretend you're not
Looks like I hit too close to home lmao
You are connecting unrelated things.
Christianity played a part in development in Europe but to say its the foundation of modern world is fucking retarded.
What's that got to do with being religious? It looks like you got your knickers in a twist after some /pol/tard made you spill your gender fluids. Atheism today is a fucking meme, there's no hard evidence to prove that there isn't a creator of some kind, it's just the easy way out for your everyday millennial moron.
What most noo atheists don't get, because they are annoying, stupid cunts who need to be taken down a notch or two, is that most Western technology doesn't actually work without Christian prayer, that is why China and Muslims are so far behind us.
How is OP being autistic?
>there's no hard evidence to prove that there isn't a creator of some kind
there's no argument for one either which is what's important.
>What's that got to do with being religious?
Denying reality. Most religious people are recovering drug and alcohol addicts which is why you mostly find them on street corners screeching about Jesus and handing out leaflets.
>Atheism today is a fucking meme, there's no hard evidence to prove that there isn't a creator of some kind, it's just the easy way out for your everyday millennial moron.
Because christcucks can't handle the fact religion is objectively shit, so they retort to mocking atheists.
Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.
Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.
Daily reminder religious people are less educated
Debunk Rowe's evidential argument from evil right now.
Nice debunking, cuck.
Rowe's argument is legit philisophy, not some pop-sci trash.
That's really cool
What you said is still retarded, the burden of proof is on you and you don't need an excuse to not be religious.
That's TheImperialCult. He's a frequent enough poster on this board for him to be well-known, but no one has any idea what the fuck he's talking about
>be religious
>believe in sin and hell
>come into Veeky Forums where I post BLACKED porn, call everyone niggers and kikes, and claim several different groups of people need to be murdered, all the while being generally nihilistic and cynical
>lecture people about not being religious enough
You're all gonna land up in the eternal hotbox.
Christians usually don't bother too much with the new atheists. Your new adversaries are at the other side.
“[God] cannot remove all the horrors from the world, for that would frustrate his plan for reuniting human beings with himself. And if he prevents only some horrors, how shall he decide which ones to prevent? Where shall he draw the line?—the line between threatened horrors that are prevented and threatened horrors that are allowed to occur? I suggest that wherever he draws the line, it will be an arbitrary line.”
Who cares about some literal who faggot you worship
>claims there's no evidence for atheism
>doesn't even know about the most well-known evidential argument in philosophy of religion
Dunning-Kruger in action
Fucking brainlets
Nice quote, cuck. Literally not an argument
>most Western technology doesn't actually work without Christian prayer
I'm not even an atheist, but if you're unironically saying what I think you're saying, then your post might be the stupidest thing I've ever read on this website
There is absolutely no way we can tell, if you strongly believe therr is hard evidence otherwise, then explain how the big bang happened.
Literally completely unrelated to the argument, you subhuman brainlet
Most Westerners who call themselves atheists don't know anything about philosophy (even less than your average Christian apologist) and just take a secularist, liberal, materialist viewpoint for granted while jerking off to pseuds like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris (who have no idea what they're talking about regarding religion) rather than actual philosophers with sensible or at least consistent arguments.
How did everything come to be?
>inb4 from nothing
It's got to do with tge existence of god and is the biggest argument for and against atheism. Explain it.
Not an argument
>big bang is an argument against atheism
Fucking brainlet lmao
Make a formal argument, with clearly stated premises and conclusions that logically follow, right now
Going onto Veeky Forums is a sin. See all of you in hell
What are some good "atheist" philosophers then?
Nigger it's real fucking simple. If there is no god, who created everything? Fucking show me, enlighten me you massive faggot. And do it without screeching anout some pseudo-philosopher with some elaborate theory that at the end of the day, can't even answer the basic question. How does everything exist? You literally can't prove god doesn't exist.
>If I call the philosophical first cause "God" then my god-jesus is real!
That's what is so dishonest with religious people, philosophy is only arguing at best for the most barebone deistic deity possible but you act like that make all your other claims not complete bullshit.
You're clearly out of your element, brainlet. It's so fucking simple you can't even make a single cogent argument lmao.
>If there is no god, who created everything?
Literally facebook-tier "argumentation" lmao
Cursing is a sin. See ya in Hell faggot.
What other claims? I literally did not make any other claim what so ever. I didn't even state my religious affiliation. For all you could know, I could be an atheist my self.
>but I know this really cool guy that I came across and nobody has ever heard of that has this really epic theory about evil and shit so yeah!
Literally not a fucking argument. My position id that we can't ever know if there is or isn't a creator. And most people that stick to the extremes, especially modern day atheists are arrogant and have little to know consideration about the human nature or cultural heritage of religion.
Simon Blackburn, he's actually a philosopher.
>nobody has ever heard of
William Rowe is one of the most influential philosophers of religion in the last several decades, you massive cocksucking brainlet. Stop embarrassing yourself, you subhuman
Rowe's argument is literally, LITERALLY, an argument, one you cannot even begin to rebut, yet you claim atheists have no arguments lmao. Don't talk about fields you know nothing about, mongoloid
Pick literally any random living philosopher, chances are he's an atheist
Except religion IS bad and it SHOULD be banned to protect the youth of tomorrow.
>most influential philosophers of religion in the last several decades
>since the 1970's
>Rowe's argument is LITTERALLY an argument
One that I didn't even bother to refute. Why is it so hard for you to understand that some """"philosopher"""" from the 70's isn't a primary source on the existence of god.
I don't think Veeky Forums does. I think it's more a reaction to crossboarding shitposters of either theistic or atheistic bent that get in the way of less trite topics of discussion. Is god real, is he non existant? Honestly, why should one care in current year, unless they've got home schooling or autism compelling them to care.
>primary source on the existence of God.
Well, this certainly gave me a chuckle and brightened my day.
>He actually implied that Christians are Tech Priests from WH:40K
While that sounds cool AF, your statement is demonstrably false.
>If there is no god, who created everything?
The wording of your question should set off alarm bells to you
Why the fuck are you insisting Rowe isn't a philosopher, but a """philosopher""" or pseudo-philosopher? Do you thinks this makes you look less clueless and retarded?
>muh 70s
Not an argument you fucking brainlet. Hang yourself
>Dude base your reality on empiricism my man
>*disprove how empiricism is a perfect way to prove reality and how most athiests don't actually base their views on empiricism in the first place*
They are just to anti-dialectical to have a rational thought
I don't know if they're more socially conservative. They care more about race bullshit, but you'd never see the old right accept openly gay spokespeople or fap to BBC and trap porn.
The Emperor himself is an Atheist you inquisitard.
I'm an atheist and I'm okay with people being religious.
Lol jk we'll corrupt those faithful conservative kids and turn them into coal-burning homosexual muslims
>Because usually they're pseudo-intellectuals from Reddit
I remember when being what is now considered fedora tipping to be standard Veeky Forums culture.
Imagine being so contrarian you hold no genuine beliefs
We should believe in Christianity because it is the only way to be grateful towards the history of Western Civilization... got it.
they're is correct.
Contrarianism and the idea that "atheists are such jerks" even though internet religious people are just as condescending if not worse.
That's to be expected though as atheism becomes more and more of a mainstream thing (which it is). Not everyone is philosophical.
Your summing up of the situation in your greentext strikes me as extremely anti-dialectical.
Is there any lewd of Christ-Chan?
We're talking about religion not lesbians
Because of retarded children like this
>third world countries have shitty education and high unemployment
>they spend all their time on religion
>also, all the communist third world nations with 90%+ atheism are left out
>first world countries have better education and greater demands on their time
>they don't have time to go to church everyday
>also, low religiosity doesn't mean they're fedora tipping atheists
>hurr durr they're uneducated because of their religion! All you need is the sufficient amount of atheism to become an advanced spacefaring nation!
>As an atheist, I am literally NGT and Bill Nye The Science Guy of my generation!
I understand your point but living in a well-developed country still seems to cause a lower religiosity.
The only big exception is the christ belt in the US but people here are poorer than the rest of the US (that has a similar low religiosity as western europe).
Most eastern europe countries are a lot more religious than the western ones and again they are a lot poorer.
Replace "religion" with "believe in gender fluidity" and see if your argument holds up without a confirmation bias.
You can't be a heretic if there are no such things as heresies.
>Most eastern europe countries are a lot more religious than the western ones and again they are a lot poorer.
Absolutely not. Communism banned all religious expression. Te countries were their poorest once cmmunism fell and they were practically 90%+ atheist, something that has never happened in Western Europe at any point in history.
Nowadays, the people are no more religious than before. They view saying they are in surveys as a way of showing the middle finger to the old regime.