>WWI ended 99 years ago today
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The Great War
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If you're gonna blame it all on one person, it should be Conrad von Hötzendorf, not Wilhelm.
I blame the hubris and impiety of man
I have pics if there's interest
Go ahead
why did nicholas inherit the throne
why couldn't it have been michael instead
Should've just had the Emperor be a figurehead while the Minister of Finance/Prime minister would've ran the whole thing desu.
The same factors would have come into play no matter who was in charge. Germany wanted a war and they made it happen.
Michael would have been goat
the revolution might not have happened
gommunism would have passed into obscurity
RIP men of Europe, no more brother wars
does that mean we have one more year of the great war youtube channel? hope that channel decides to tackle a different historical event.
Give it 365 days. Then we'll talk.
Why should we be happy on the day the greatest nation in history accepted defeat and dismemberment?
That's not how you spell Helmut von Moltke.
That's not how you spell Crown Prince Wilhelm.
That's not how you spell Germans.
That's not how you spell Chancellor Bethman-Hollweg.
That's not how you spell Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina
That's not how you spell the obvious encirclement of the Central European powers by geopolitical rivals
Pretty sad huh? :(
Both my grandfathers fought in ww2 Germany vs Canada, against each other. That was a great family get together the first time lol
Pssh... nothin personnel... Belgium
In retrospect, they should have done the exact opposite, fighting a defensive war on the western front while attacking Russia aggressively in conjunction with Austria. It seems very unlikely that France and Britain would have put much effort into saving Russia.
Wilhelm should have fucking listened to Ludendorff regardless.
I want to see the timeline where the Central Powers won.
That was the plan until Schlieffen and his autism. The French would have been absolutely obliterated too, seeing as their plan involved a massive offensive through the Franco-German border.
Leave Veeky Forums
What did he mean by this?
That's not how you spell Third Carpathian Offensive.
Schlieffen was dead by that point. Rather it was the autism of the General Staff that insisted war with France was both foregone and needed to happen in Not-Germany.
Also, I keep hearing conflicting stories about elan and revanchism's role in the leadup to the Great War. Pretty much all the historical narratives I've read insist that France was determined to get revenge for the Franco-Prussian War, and that Alsace-Lorraine's concession was heretical. But I've also heard people arguing that France mellowed out by the time of the war.
>Schlieffen was dead by that point.
Yeah, but he was the progenitor of said autism. He literally tinkered with the plan pretty much everyday up until the day he died. Moltke also regularly tinkered with the plan and arguably made it worse by strengthening the left flank and weakening the right.
>Also, I keep hearing conflicting stories about elan and revanchism's role in the leadup to the Great War.
I've been hearing that also. Personally, I think that as you said the French had mellowed out a bit by that time.
That's not how you spell the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
That's not how you spell Caesar crossing the Rhine
>when your entire plan hinges on beating up belgium quickly and you still manage to fuck it up
say what you want about hitler, at least he didn't get cockblocked by friggin BELGIUM
That's not how you spell God creating the Universe in six days
The real celebration would be 2018. The centennial.
>YWN sign up with your bros after school for a pan European war adventure and shoot some Krauts.
Why live?
WWI was so aesthetic
Trench raiders looked so cool
Don't look at Kaiserreich for the Hearts or Iron series, it's socialist fanfiction.
I wish I could give more context for these images
14th Canadian BN with their mascot, I have a couple more pictures of Canadian soldiers id there's interest
Pic was dropped on beaches of Gallipoli
I mean, it's not wrong.
Jewish Germans celebrating Hanuka in a trench
They could have very easily won just by moving inland more quickly.
not inaccurate desu
>Quickly moving inland in Anatolia while fighting in WWI conditions
Even if it was that easy, they had an abysmal commander.
they may have taken the coast, who can say, but what could the anzac corps of 60k men with no real supply lines have done inland in the ehart of turkey against the ottoman army of almost 3 million?
>sydney gets renamed
Fuck youse cunts
t. newcastle.
>But I've also heard people arguing that France mellowed out by the time of the war.
It had been pretty much a dead issue in the first decade of the 20th century in France. It got revived again when Raymond Poincare got elected president. He was an ardent nationalist and had measures passed through parliament such as provisions for conscription and a drafted army and remodernization of military on top of recommitting to the alliance with Russia. This is why he was travelling to Russia when Archduke Ferdinand got killed.
1871 you tards, Imperial Germany saw France as little more than a paper tiger with an insanely divided political system
Given the majority of forces were British and french who gives a shit?
Tbh now I wish the Germans had won WW1 so I could go on vacation in Kaisermania.
Also I should add despite this most French people didn't give a shit and so Poincare was kind of a maverick. This is why french press and political establishment didn't give a shit about the assassination of the Archduke and why everyone was focused inwardly on the Caillaux affair.
canberras not on there either and they're way more important than you idiots
also it's such an obvious name change to new berlin, no brainer really
Was it 1871 that made France so divided and bereft of nationalism? Or was it the Revolution? Was it the end of the Hundred Days?
>gommunism would have passed into obscurity
I wish, but that's extremely unrealistic
If Michael becomes Tsar and the Central Powers win the First World War there's a pretty good chance of it.
France was never lacking in nationalism, especially among the political elite. If anything it only became stronger as the 19th century progressed. As for divisions, France was as much divided before 1871 as after it. In some ways it became more united after 1871 in certain ways. The Third Republic created the education system that basically created a national identity based around the French language and culture (i.e. the language and culture of Paris). I think the greatest legacy of 1971 is a gigantic insecurity it created among the French political elite vis a vis Germany. It was present in the culture, in speech, in constant need to demonstrate martial prowess through annual military parades and songs. There was this utter obsession with decadence, decay and decline: a feature present in the fin de siecle in general but given a more acute political edge in France because the Franco-Prussian war seemed to indicate a genuine decline of French martial spirit that many had taken for granted before that point.
This was made more serious by such events as the Boulanger affair and the Dreyfus affair. These were events where these insecurities were made manifest and the legacy of 1871 directly invaded politics. Dreyfus brought up ugly divisions and tensions in the military and in French society and Boulanger in the 1880s tried to cash in on his reputation as revanchist #1 (he was known as general revanche and was referenced in the most popular song of the time) to try to Coup the French government.
Is that a fucking Ptarmigan? If so, that's incredible. I wonder if he survived the war.
>TheMacAdam Shield-Shovel also known as the Hughes Shovel, was an item of Canadian infantry equipment during theFirst World War combining function as a spade/shovel and as a shield.
>the shovel’s blade was incapable of stopping even small caliber bullets. Its value as a digging tool was also questioned as soldiers commented against the shovel’s weight, its inability to be easily carried, and the fact that the blade was poor for shoveling loose soil as it contained a large sight-hole.
I don`t think the UK would had join the war without the invasion of Belguim. So it`s just France against not simply Germany, but a Germany without a naval blockade, so they can import food and fuel.
And Russia fell for less than that...
>tfw you will never be able to visit hindenburg or kaisermania
truly, we live in the worst time line.