What does Veeky Forums think of Extra History ?
pleb tier ?
comfy and watchable ?
What does Veeky Forums think of Extra History ?
pleb tier ?
comfy and watchable ?
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It helps you get a basic idea of a topic, but they don't list any of their sources which sucks.
Basic and gives you a rough idea, has some holes, but they try to patch em up at the end of each series.
But it's hella comfy.
It reminds me why i got into history in the first place.
I'd show it to my kids if i were a parent.
New Bismarck episode is out
I find it an overall enjoyable web series
Regardless I wish they would go a bit more in depth on some of the topics they cover
This. Tough sometimes they may go into unnecessary detail to try and humanize the character.
Ex: Taking more than 3 episodes to detail a famous criminals childhood and his mother who KEPT GETTING KNOCKED UP
History digests in the format of Great Man sensationalism.
Their gaming stuff is just completely fucking awful, though.
To be fair, a lot of Ned Kelly's history is based on his backstory and character
Otherwise we have Lord Buckethead's Australian ancestor who started killing cops
There was that one video where he conflated the efficacy of terror bombing with strategic bombing in WW2 and came to the faulty conclusion that bombing civilian infrastructure/industrial targets doesn't work. Also they couldn't even be assed to spell Imagawa right in their Sengoku Japan series. Overall it makes me question their factchecking and worry about their reach to younger, more impressionable minds.
>Their series on Catherine the Great ends up noting that "She cannot be called anything but the Great" but their own content paints her as a Hypocrite who failed to live up to the ideals of her youth, whose avarice for imperialism and land-grabbing ended up causing problems for Poland and in the case of Russia issues that haunt them into the 21st Century, that she set back the cause of reform, and that she even failed to properly manage an able successor. Their portrayal is more of a "good person gains power and becomes corrupt and power-hungry" narrative than a "great man" one.
Pleb tier. It feels like a rotting chair -- sure, it's soft, but for that exact reason it doesn't feel comfy.
>le quirky animation history channel on youtube
reddit shit i only watch documentaries
Comfy af. Plus im hyped about their extra sci fi series
this desu, great for casual viewing
>reddit shit i only watch documentaries
t. reddit
history documentaries are more often than not complete shit.
As others have said, an entertaining but basic introduction to topics. The only problem I have with them is that they constantly fuck up their maps, and that they portrayed Napoleon III as an incompetent buffoon.
>they portrayed Napoleon III as an incompetent buffoon.
What he was
He was terrible at foreign policy, I'll admit that, but he was great at all domestic issues, and if he had remained an absolute monarch into 1870 France would have won the war. I get that his domestic stuff is irrelevent to the bismarck series but they act like he's just a moron rather than a very competent person out of their field of expertise.
Good introduction. If you want comfier... And more strangely delivered, history. Check out historia... Civilis
Entertaining and has a neat art style, but can get a bit too subjective/feely. Not bad for getting a basic grasp about a topic.
I don't know how anyone could call that fucking atrocity of a voice "comfy"
You get used to it fast.
Eventually he sounds to me like a Dreamworks movie character or some shit.
Read a book
Pretty good while being comfy and watchable
Sounds like all the other people which have been called "the great", but I guess that in the end women can never be called "the great".
I do, doesn't mean I can't also see comfy videos about history as well.
He tried to invade Mexico,become king of the Arabs,unify Italy just because and he let Prussia fuck Denmark and Austria in his watch. His foreign policy was a combination of retardation,delusiom and cockyness
>tried to invade Mexico
You serious?
comfy but they try too hard to meme their characters and it's blatant. i.e., walpole, bismarck, etc. they've given a lot of exposure to interesting characters like simon bolivar though so I can't complain too much.