Did black Confederate soldiers actually believe in the cause or is that just a meme?
Did black Confederate soldiers actually believe in the cause or is that just a meme?
As far as I know, even though the confederate congress passed a bill to establish black army units (and refused Lee's plea to abolish slavery at that point to give them atleast some motivation lol) , they never say any action
The book Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia by Ervin L. Jordan has a chapter devoted to the subject.
IIRC there's a passage where the Richmond city police in 1861 arrested a black man for wearing a Confederate officer's coat under the assumption he had stolen it. Turned out he was a wealthy freedman who was so caught up in the fervor of secession that he custom ordered one.
This might not be the most accurate retelling, but I definitely recommend the book.
Black men were not legally allowed to serve in the Confederate Army until too late in the war for it to ever happen.
Its a meme. There were no black confederate soldiers. at the VERY end of the war, when they were desperate, someone suggested they recruit some of their slaves into the army by promising them their freedom after the war, and this idea, even when the confederacy was on its last legs and needed all the help they could get, was still shot down
The CS military was split into two dual commands, the Army of the Confederate States of America or ACSA (the official standing Army) and the Provisional Army of the Confederate States or PACS (an amalgamation of state militias that were put under the control of the ACSA). Regiments raised by the ACSA would have prohibited blacks from being enlisted but the PACS would've had a far looser recruiting standards. This would explain the accounts of slaves and freedmen (some verifiably true, some apocryphal) serving throughout the war.
i think that everyone believes that soldiers are always gung-ho for the political pushed and ideologies that got them into the war
for most i was probably as simple as
>my country is at war and my homes will be burned and our wives and daughters raped if we lose
and for a slave, they may or may not be content with their position as a slave, but if they feel enough attachment to their homes they wouldn't want them destroyed
Or money. Being a soldier in many parts makes decent money and in a lot of cases the ONLY way to make any money worth a shit in that colony/nation/region of empire.
did the CSA have any laws regarding Free black men?
Well, it was the promise of looting and pillaging that traditionally motivated a career in soldiering. Getting your pay was just fine, of course...
Many places your pay was the pillaging and looting
Yup. That's what separated officers and the cannon fodder.
CSA was just union lite, no good would have come out of it. States should be their own countries. God bless the men who fought for the PACS, white or black
I'm not sure if there were any written laws, but I suspect they had a de facto Jim Crow type thing going on.
The only "black" people who were truly with the Confederacy we're mixed race and wealthy slave owners or middle class business men who feared freedmen competition.
This was mostly Louisiana, Alabama and South Carolina places that to this day also have the highest proportion of whites with African ancestry.
Mind you one drop rule did not exist then and nearly all prominent families had black blood. Ideas of blackness we're not the same as today, the Poet Laureate of the Confederacy was a legally white man with known black ancestry.
Stop being anachronistic when it comes to racial understanding.
No because they were not black, they were white people with black ancestry.
That did not make them black, so no "WE"
>nearly all prominent families had black blood
Now that's a load of shit.
Shut up dweeb
>If the law is made as it now stands respectable families in Aiken, Barnwell, Colleton, and Orangeburg will be denied the right to intermarry among people with whom they are now associated and identified. At least one hundred families would be affected to my knowledge. They have sent good soldiers to the Confederate Army, and are now landowners and taxpayers. Those men served creditably, and it would be unjust and disgraceful to embarrass them in this way. It is a scientific fact that there is not one full-blooded Caucasian on the floor of this convention. Every member has in him a certain mixture of... colored blood. The pure-blooded white has needed and received a certain infusion of darker blood to give him readiness and purpose. It would be a cruel injustice and the source of endless litigation, of scandal, horror, feud, and bloodshed to undertake to annul or forbid marriage for a remote, perhaps obsolete trace of Negro blood. The doors would be open to scandal, malice, and greed; to statements on the witness stand that the father or grandfather or grandmother had said that A or B had Negro blood in their veins. Any man who is half a man would be ready to blow up half the world with dynamite to prevent or avenge attacks upon the honor of his mother in the legitimacy or purity of the blood of his father
>-George Dionysius Tillman (August 21, 1826 – February 2, 1902) was a Democratic politician from South Carolina. He was a state representative, state senator, and U.S. Representative. He was the brother of Governor Benjamin Ryan Tillman.
watch the leftist squirm
It's not even about left or right.
People literally thing One Drop One has 1. Actually existed and 2. Has always existed.
It's historical revision and not based on reality.
Weren't freedmen (free blacks) more likely to own slaves than Southern whites as a whole?
Dunno, but it makes sense. White landowners probably wouldn't be too keen on having their mullatto bastards treated like dirt, since they were kin.
>white people with black ancestry
theyre not white either
They were white the entirety of American history
The freedmen who were recognized as the children of slave owners maybe.
But I don't categorize the freed and moneyed children of slave owners as "freedmen" I use the term for the poor black masses and unclaimed mixed children. Most of whom never owned slaves other than family members in states that made later lays that forced freed people to leave the state.
>white people with black ancestry.
That is, 95% of white people claiming Cherokee ancestry.
I'm saying that purity is not the basis of whiteness and it's more myth than reality. No southern state and in fact no state has ever had a One Drop Rule.
Whiteness was more social and cultural along with having a majority European ancestry
>Such mingled relationships were not restricted to Spanish and Portuguese America. As time passed, the Princeton historian Linda Colley has written, Britain “evolved a more hybrid construction of its empire” as a balance of different, rapidly mixing groups. The conception was embraced by some early U.S. leaders, including President Thomas Jefferson, who argued that Europeans and Indians should “meet and blend together, to intermix, and become one people.” A classic example of this mixing was Sam Houston, first president of Texas and later its governor, who ran away from his childhood home and was adopted by a Cherokee family. He returned to the society of his birth and launched a violent, alcohol-fueled political career. At thirty-six, his marriage having ended, he returned to the Cherokee, married a half-Cherokee woman, became the Cherokee ambassador to Washington, and took to wearing native garb. Angered by his constant drinking, the Cherokee ejected him from his job and threw him out of the group. Houston became president of Texas after it seceded from Mexico. In office, he tried to forge an alliance with local Cherokees to invade northern Mexico and create a bicultural state.
>Jefferson, too, helped create a mixed society. As demonstrated by DNA tests in 1998, he was the likely father of one or more children by his part-African slave, Sally Hemings, who may have been his wife’s half sister. Jefferson freed all six of Hemings’s children—the only slaves he emancipated—and three went on as adults to live as “whites.”
they were fighting for their homeland they had spent their entire lives in, just like poor white southerners
>never getting to stroll out to the barn to fuck and impregnate your wife's half-black slave sister, then go back inside and creampie her pure white sister's pussy.
I wonder if they did threesomes.
Rebel scum.
>white people with 12% African ancestry aren't white
>yet black people with 20-25% white ancestry are blacker than the ace of spades