Me Too?

What if ancient documents reveal he sexually harassed people?

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Any evidence of Jesus' wrongdoings (if any) is either destroyed, locked inside the Vatican's vaults, or buried somewhere in the desert.

They do. Did you forget that naked boy in the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus?


Roy Moore's actions will suddenly make a lot more sense.

Jesus Christ has a foot fetish. Apparently
must be clean first. Holy Bible texts say
as much. Mary Magdalene high heels.

Damn bad pictures of me. I don´t want to look like a pussy! Those harmless looking so called men are not the jesus i recall. He survived the hardest torture and shall look like an elite soldier.

Also that time in Bethany he spent the night with a naked youth teaching him the "mystery of the kingdom of God".

It's canon. Oily hair incident.

The Jews are operating on full force tonight.

there aren't even ancient documents that he existed

>What if ancient documents reveal he sexually harassed people?

If he's a King it doesn't matter as he has divine right.

What if documents indicate the Jews massacred, plundered, and raped villages full of innocent people in the name of God and bludgeoned women to death simply for not being virgins?

God is objectively right to hate virgins like you Imperial Cult.

Just because you aren't tripfaging doesn't mean we don't recognize you.

>God is objectively right to hate virgins like you Imperial Cult.

Chads go to hell for treason against the Emperor and cucking the King.

Also, I'm not a virgin.

I'm not trying to hide my identity.

>told all of his friends to take off their chanclas and rub their dirty, smelly feet
>friends can’t say no, boi is the son of god but also god himself while also not being either at the same time
sounds like sexual harrasment to me

The Jews asserted the right to betray and murder the King, to rebel against the gods, and to rape and murder as they see fit. If Jesus, as King, decided to flirt with a Jewish woman, it'd be to her benefit as they're otherwise going to hell for treason and material support of terrorism.

I don't want Doug Jones to go to Washington. He is to pure the will beat him up and take him lunch money.

t. Synagogue of Satan

roy will win because it's alabama where everyone has sex at 12 and the salt on twatter will be epic

OP, pls delet this heresy immediately or I will be forced to alert the inquisition

Mary Magdalene raped me.
It is true. I am a victim.
And innocent.

Missing In Action :-)

killed it.

his alter ego is already responsible for every rape that has ever happened
>inb4 muh free will