>Here's the story of Rhodesia, a land both fair and great.
>On the 11th of November, an independent state!
>This was much against the wishes of certain governments whose leaders try to break us down and make us all repent!
How is the Rhodesian/Zimbabwe/South African legacy looked on today in the Western world? Is it looked at at all? It seems that after Apartheid and the fall of Rhodesia, nobody here in the west covered or cared about that area of the world ever again.
Here's the story of Rhodesia, a land both fair and great
>How is the Rhodesian/Zimbabwe/South African legacy looked on today in the Western world?
Generally poorly, as the only vocal fans of Rhodesia/South Africa tend to be autistic white nationalists. Among military enthusiasts, there's some more benign admiration over their unique militaries, but that tends be fairly quiet because for the most part the West doesn't give a shit about Africa.
>the only vocal fans of Rhodesia/South Africa tend to be autistic white nationalists.
Not to sound like one of these autistic white nationalists, but does it not seem impressive that an African country could achieve Nuclear weapons or build so much infrastructure in such a quick span of time? It baffles me, and I've never heard a good explanation besides the white nationalist talking point that it was the superior ingenuity and intelligence of the ruling whites that created it. Was it all just diamonds and Israeli scientists?
Dude. Would you give your wife and daughter to some filthy jew/mongrel/degenerate aristocrat
for exchange of "much infrastructure", most of which you wouldn't use anyway, because it's built for people, not the subhuman animals like you?
Rhodesia had it coming. And only white nationalists who live in parallel reality where they are allowed to do anything without consequences still struggle to deal with that simple fact.
operation eland
n eland
vast majority dont even know it existed, and those that at least know Rhodesia was a country will often confuse it with apartheid south africa
Nobody except Nazis care about Rhodesia to score martyr points
Also the Blacks did the right thing and reclaimed their lands
That chick lean.
>Also the Blacks did the right thing
Honestly Smith was a retard, he had a million chances to work with the African moderates and allow this slow transition to majority rule they claimed to be fighting for but no. Smith attacked all opposition and grouped them as "communist sympathizers" if Ian Smith allowed more representation and created Rhodesia - Zimbabwe much sooner we could if possibly see another Botswana in the region. However no Ian Smith turned the whole world against, blacks flocked to communism and soon Rhodesia would fall to the communists. Poor Rhodesia.
but many were communist sympathizers and the Zimbabwe government was communist
Not all blacks were communists. They were a lot of multiracial parties like the United African Party before the UDI
What happened in Rhodesia (white genocide) will be repeated in South Africa. Western media will raise zero outrage, deny or cover up any war crimes committed by blacks, or generally blame whites and equivocate that they deserve it for being white. Western governments will once again do nothing to stop the collapse.
Then in 60 - 100 years the same thing will happen to the U.S.
Yeah if only be had compromised he could have been in a similarly terrible situation to South Africa, dying a slow death by incompetent nigger rule, instead of choosing instant replacement and giving us all the end picture of nigger incompetence.
It doesn't matter, this is Africa. The only way to survive was to work with the Africans. Botswana and Namibia are fine because blacks and whites worked together rather then fought each other.
unfortunately both of those places are now being infected by South African ANC commie poz shit wrapped up in BLM rhetoric, so they're going down as well
Nobody knows about Rhodesia outside Veeky Forums. Zimbabwe is only know because it has a funny name.
> Zimbabwe is only know because it has a funny name.
and hyperinflation.
Communism was very attractive to the Black population because two of the key tenets of Communism are anti-imperialism and wealth redistribution. In a place like Rhodesia where you have both minority rule and extreme wealth disparity, Communism springs up like maggots on a turd.
>but does it not seem impressive that an African country could achieve Nuclear weapons or build so much infrastructure in such a quick span of time?
No, no really. It's not as if they were airdropped half-naked into the African wild and built their country out of the twigs they found lying around. Europeans in Southern Africa were the descendants of colonists with active financial and material ties to Europe.
It's no more impressive than a millionaire moving to a new country and establishing a prosperous family while still having access to his accounts and contacts back home.
>In a place like Rhodesia where you have both minority rule and extreme wealth disparity, Communism springs up like maggots on a turd.
They won't understand. They don't just need losers in their country, they need said losers to be grateful for the existence of "winners".
Mugabe is neoliberal
>but does it not seem impressive that an African country could achieve Nuclear weapons or build so much infrastructure in such a quick span of time?
It's not hard to do it. South Africa had the help of a Pakistani engineer (I dunno which one) to help them develop it, Israel may have helped . The thing about nukes is that it's easy to do now because all the hard work was done by Americans long ago.
You really have no idea what you are talking about
>Dude. Would you give your wife and daughter to some filthy jew/mongrel/degenerate aristocrat
for exchange of "much infrastructure", most of which you wouldn't use anyway, because it's built for people, not the subhuman animals like you?
The shittiest thing is how they would interact with the inferiors. Combine a patronising racial superiority complex with barely disguised disgust and disdain and a cauldron of other stuff and you'd get a pretty awkward at best to horrible interactions. Fucks sake when a UN plane got shot down the Rhodesians literally threw out the witness statements and accounts of Black people who saw the plane as it as because "they were unreliable"
Calling a man who is not family or basically family a boy is a great way to emasculate someone.
Mugabe is a neoretard
ITT: liberals and communists try to ignore the racial elements of Rhodesia an chalk up all if their achievements to environmental causes
Yes because biological determininism doesn't exist and white nationalist is for autistic spergs xD
>White genocide
But you can't be racist towards or even genocide white people. White people have power, and you cant be racist towards people with power
Racist laws like apartheid did nothing but separate people arbitrarily and rhodesians were nothing but white supremacists. Nobody cares about white people, fuck off
>Not to sound like one of these autistic white nationalists, but does it not seem impressive that an African country could achieve Nuclear weapons or build so much infrastructure in such a quick span of time?
It would be impressive if they didn't have all the tools and government power to achieve it from the start.
You're taking one answer for everything and replacing it with another answer for everything. It's collectivism either way.
>white people fought majority rule in Zimbabwe
>white people accepted majority rule in Botswana
>Botswana is better than Zimbabwe