manage to tell the Italians to fuck off though so it was not all in vain

Still longer than Iéna Auerstaedt.


It's the time it took us to conquer Germany in 1806

So what's your point ?

due to terrible mismanagement by retarded generals. they eventually came back to paris and had the 3rd largest army in europe by 1945 iirc.

Still 2 weeks.

We never lost in WW2
The fight continued in Africa, Middle East, and so on
As for France it was captufred in a month and a half, and it took two Armies (Italians + Germans) to beat us, and you didn't even beat us in fait fight but but rushed to Paris to take in hostage our people

14 days



>10 May – 25 June 1940 (46 days)
>2 weeks
>American education

>this same asshole who literally doesn't understand how pronouns work


Woah 10th may is my birthday :))

what doth thou mean thot? (USA Btw DMV)

336 hours

France was part of the axis in WW2 so they technically lost.

20160 minutes

Imperial system I presume?

1209600 seconds

Convert it in centuries please?

Combination of shit. German psyops completely fucked the French, it was utterly inconceivable that they'd come the way they did, and WHEN they did they started by taking the trains, and were suddenly everywhere. The Ouiaboos thought the army was fine for before it had even begun to fought so they folded.

0.00038461538 centuries

>we wuz historically literate n shieeet

At least they won in the end lmao

Nope. France joined the Axis. They lost sweetie.

>rushed to Paris to take in hostage our people

It is smart. In Poland we fought pointless Warsaw uprising and even use children in army(and we are proud of this)

> France never lost WW2
I seriously hope you're joking, despite having a massive line of fortifications along the entire Franco-German border, an expeditionary force from the UK, and a number of heavy tanks invulnerable to any tank the Germans could field, AND a shitload of time to prepare for the inevitable German attack you still lost.


desu you lose twice

First time when you lose it to germany
Second time when you lose it to allies

[citation not needed for fake news]

So lame. And it only took 5 years for the USA, USSR and British Empire to push Germany back. Really, shamefull France. Where are you from sweetie?

>Extreme Über Deluxe Frenchiboo

it was 6 weeks anglo

>lose the war in a few weeks
>embrace collaboration with the Germans
>proceed to get counted as one of the victors anyway
>get a seat on the Security Council
>become the world's 3rd most powerful nuclear power
How did this happen ? Was De Gaulle literally a genius ?

Shut the fuck up you cuck.

You fight the invader to the last drop of blood, only cuckolds bend their knee and let invaders fuck their women.

Only retards and cucks like my countryman fight to the last soldier.
Have you ever heard "he who fights and runs away may live to fight another day"?

Smart man do not fight when he cannot win because what is a point of fighting without chance to win?

I tip my fedora to you

>prussia was conquered in 19 days when the fastest an army could move was walking pace
Really makes one ponder.

>Was De Gaulle literally a genius ?
Maybe not a genius, but the guy was very obstinate. I understand why Americans might dislike de Gaulle, but in the end, he always did what was best for his country.

But that's just my point. Pretty much all of the Allies disliked him because he refused to do their bidding, and his policy of not taking sides during the Cold War made it even worse, so how did he manage to secure so much advantages for France ?

1)De Gaulle genuinely was a good negotiator, the French government managed to utilize whatever got thrown to it in 1945 to pry open more and more diplomatic advantages until they were treated as an equal great power.
2) The French were critical for Western Europe, and the British in particular wanted to rebuild France so that they could have somebody to form a counter to the USSR, because the American reliability for protecting Europe was always doubtful.
3) Americans were idiots and tried to put in China on the security council as their puppet or just genuinely because Roosevelt had some autism boner for China, so the USSR and the UK insisted to have France on as a balance to the Americans and their Chinese puppet. Ultimately China flipped and France was an American ally but it does show that god has a special providence for idiots and Americans.
And after that, it was all clear sailing really

>b-but the other ones
Nice try baguette, but not everybody on this mongolian basket weaving forum is kraut.

it doesn't metter

If you are European France either fuck your country in war or save it during some kind of war

france is truly the batman of europe

>batman of europe
That would be Poland.

>have a chance to finish off Teutons for good
>create a Prussian vasal instead

>have a chance to finnish off Russia before it even begun for good
>nah fuck this man, we don't need the Russian throne
Literal Autism.

>19 DAYS

What is this?
Is it some kind of slav document about Dalmacia signed by Napoleon?
It looks a little bit like old polish language(long s-ſ f.e.)

My guess is either Croatian or Polish

That's Croatian

t. polack

It's the declaration of the Illyrian provinces by Napoleon. The left side is german, the right side is pre-reform slovene.

How was saxony at the battle of the nations?

>Being proud of his betrayal

The Absolute State of Germany

eternal hun at its finest

No one said the Battle of France wasn't a completely preventable disaster.

t. overweight virgin who would probably run at the first sight of combat

Uber ouiaboo detected

>wanting your people to live is being a cuck