ITT: Drop your favourite History-related memes
ITT: Drop your favourite History-related memes
the eternal meme
>The Terror was an act of self-defence
But this is 100% true
>WW2 in 1914
>inb4 ifunny
Unironically this
dropping god tier meme, please don't steal it
1: It was an act of self-defense. Everyone in power during those days didn't care about it as long as it was rooting out guerillas. They only cared when Robespierre pulled the Great Terror on Paris.
2: Why is Napoleon saying this?
90% of this shit can be found on ifunny or /r/historymemes
butthurt europoos removed america from the 1941 picture kek
This one always gets me. It's not the fursona who was guiding the assassin, or that the duke looks like Mario. No, it's the fact that the duke is alone driving his own car.
>America in WW2
Choose one.
Kind of funny shame it's factually inaccurate pro-Western propaganda. The West actually straight up rejected a Soviet alliance in '39 because the war strategy would entail Soviet troops in Poland and Romania, two fascist-inspired anticommunist states they weren't willing to risk losing. (they lost them anyway lol)
Someone one historically literate should salvage this meme, it's a good concept.
>the west actually straight up rejected a soviet alliance in '39
Gonna need a source on that. bub.
Stalin made two attempts (post Civil War) to forge a front against Hitler. First during the Munich crisis, where he offered the Czechs military backing in the event of a German invasion, and second in the lead up to the invasion of Poland. Western """scholars""" like to argue that nothing would have come out of these initiatives, but it's all a bit moot at this point as they were never taken up.
The second panel of the WW2 section is about the eventual results of Barabossa, occurring later in the war than 1941.
>Herman Goering
It took 9 years to finalize the Schlieffen plan but they started in 1897. So change it to 17 years
Overused line, I was about to say it
Fuck, I remember that thread.
desu I dig the Austria-Hungary aesthetic. Aesthetic borders, aesthetic flag, and the title archduke. If only the serbs hadn't sperged out
white supremacists are literally Rick and Morty fanbase tier
Well, they do prop out the IQ stats every now and then.
>If only Austria hadn't sperged out
>Eastern Front
>Fought by the US
Pick one.
>If only Germany hadn't sperged out
>If only Russia hadn't sperged out
What the hell kind of order is that in?
>t. Willy
Not that guy but napeloen was supported by robespierre.
Lol whut? The inverse is probably true though
>he contributes the fall of AU to serbia
you must be serb, arent you? kek
Russia did sperg out though with their neurotic autism over the Balkans.
>equipping soldiers so poorly that their guns don't match their ammunition
Holy shit, surely this didn't happen?
His brother did but still he was even arrested because of it. Also read a book.
>marching straight into serbia's artillery training field
like it mattered lol, the whole balkans was conquered under a few months
Yeah, and it should have taken a week
>be Qing soldier
>get gun
>everyone gets gun in fact
>different gun for each man, very nice, very personalized
>quartermaster asks what bullets you need
>this is a good question
>he brings your platoon a big cart with every ammo type he can find
>platoon sits around cart seeing what fits and helping one another
>white piggu show up
>fire off everything you found so far
>run to cart
>find tiniest bullets because you can be sure they fit in chamber
>pull trigger
>mistakes were made
>Libertarian youth are now white supremacists according to the same Veeky Forumstorians who defend Slate and Vox
who's this again
There's a guy wearing an iron cross in that photo you dumbass. It's right-libertarians' own fault that people call them nazis, because they insist on recycling nazi argument, terminology and symbols.
Chuckled a bit, nice one.
>Iron Cross is a Nazi symbol
My gut feeling tells me you're baiting, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt than you're probably just misinformed
Who is the other guy?
please gib source
You're like a little baby, watch this
Only one security alliance could invade its own member.
Slobadan milosivich - famed croatian playwright
And in the end it was the Germans that did the job.
Dude, have you never heard of inequal or guerilla warfare?
top kek
bad meme
Vox, prageru, bill maher and so on, It doesn't matter, they are all youtube channels that pose as educational history media but have a clear political agenda.
i don't care what ideology you support but these people should be the enemy of every Veeky Forumstorian.
This phenomenon is a real problem
It's a Nazi symbol in the context of modern American pop-politics, much in the same way Robert E. Lee is a symbol of racism.
It took them nearly a year mate, and it was only when Germans and Bulgarians got involved. They couldn't steamroll a country with less than 1/10th of their population.
>Hermann Göring
Soviets tried to oppose Franco and Hitler early but no one from the west would support them. Thats why there was no real outrage at the time over the molotov-ribbentrop pact, it was the next logical move.
It's banned under the German laws banning nazi regalia, and is casually regarded as a nazi symbol. Sure there's a wider historical context, but I don't think any of the dumbfuck dweebs in that pic are going for the prussia references.
They wore it exactly how they wanted people to interpret it.
Hah that's a good one I haven't seen before
Everyone else looks like a child, the bearded guy looks so out of place.
Nah, he looks pretty young. I knew a guy in the tenth grade who had a full beard.
Hmm.. what does that mean?
>I don't think any of the dumbfuck dweebs in that pic are going for the prussia references.
How do you know, dumbfuck dweeb?
In other words 'trust me, I know these things'.
Both sides would lose.
Not so much trust me as I can be about 95% certain that that guy did not put that iron cross to remind people of Prussia.
Let me ask you, what do you think he was trying to convey when he put that iron cross on?
So it begins.