Just a reminder that the Romans won the first battle of Manzikert
Other urls found in this thread:
> Romans
> Turks
>people still call the Byzantines "Romans"
Stop trying to give them relevancy.
>brainlets still call the Romaioi/Rhomeis "Byzantines" and Basileia Rhomaion/Eastern Roman Empire as "Byzantium".
Stop trying to give them relevancy.
but they are romans, the empire divided, it didnt get independence
>the state of the eastern "'"'"'""""""roman""'"'''"''"""" empire
>selling fellow christian to the turks
Jesus christ, the 4th crusade was justified
The venetians had been selling christian slaves to the muslims since the 8th century.
Venetian and Latin propaganda.
venetians were proto anglos
Ah yes, the classic byzzieboos
byzantium is a direct continuation of roman empire and so is russian through the orthodox church
> The venetians had been selling christian slaves to the muslims since the 8th century.
You are both correct.
It did happen, but the brutality in medieval sources was nearly always exaggerated for effect.
>t. Hohol
Roman = American
Byzantine = Mexican
Accurate desu
So the same thing.
>Greek Church
Stay mad muhammad
> Greek language
> Latin cubes
> Frankish pubes