>A war is never undertaken by the ideal State, except in defense of its honor or its safety.
Did he live up to this ideal?
>A war is never undertaken by the ideal State, except in defense of its honor or its safety.
Did he live up to this ideal?
Other urls found in this thread:
Officially all wars Rome waged were defensive
>"they might attack us in the future"
>"we must wage a preemtive offensive defensive war with a preemtive defensive offense right away!"
Were there any wars when he was console?
Yes the holy war against p*pulares scum
the war against the proletariat truly the champion of killing gommies
>Cicero was a scumbag for how he handled the Catalin Conspiracy. How could he murder those poor men without trial? It was a complete violation of their rights?
>Yeah, you go Julius Caesar! Kill those Gaulian civilians for personal fame and money! Become Dictator for life you're so awesome!
>Yeah, you rock Marcus Antonius! Proscribe the enemies of the state!
>Augustus is my homeboy! I shed a tear thinking how he made himself Emperor for life!
Why the hypocricy?
>muh laws
>muh constitution
>muh republic
>*murders everyone involved with catilina without a trial*
what a hypocrite
>>*murders everyone involved with catilina without a trial*
>populares: we'd rather that people own fields to farm instead of living of welfare
>idiots thousands of years later: ahah what a bunch of communists
Know the context. Rome was a powder keg. The conspirators had an army. Avoiding Civil War was his highest priority.
Cicero did nothing wrong.
I KEKED hardly when this annoying crybaby said he should've killed himself because he was exiled for some months from Rome
>Agatha - CUTE!
>Cicero - not that cute
real patricians of good taste understand cuteness comes before anything else. Agatha > Cicero
Wew lad
wtf is this Agatha anyways?
>in defense of its honor
That sounds like it could be used to justify any war.
>except in defense of its honor or its safety
But recall he was Imperator when the Caesarian war broke out. Poor bastard never got his triumph.
Compared to Cicero, though...
What the fuck is happening on this thread?
That's what I'm thinking too.