I wish I was dead in a battle or war worth fighting for instead of this unrelenting Modernity.
The Modern World is a Lie
t. never fought
What a surprise, I wish you had died in a battle too.
Are you implying that I would hate war if I went through it?
That's false. Some of the greatest men of history were young officers yet went on to engage in even more wars when gaining power.
Thank you, friend. Glory in death.
>mussolini image
Fascism was a Modernist ideology.
>Fascism was a Modernist ideology.
I agree actually but I thought the image expressed a particular kind of feel.
You can still fight elsewhere. Gang warfare or go to Syria
You won't because you're a pussy, don't blame the era you were born in
10 bucks says OP is an autistic overweight friendless virgin who would probably run away the firdt time he hears a shot in anger
Go away, Jews. The numbers do not lie.
>Are you implying that I would hate war if I went through it?
yes. I know this because youre either morbidly obesse or skinny fat, and a passive nerd who shreiks from confrontation, even something as simple as pushing pass a stranger in public causes you to have a mini panic attack. You have never been in a fight in your life (having chad slap you around and calling you faggot in 9th grade doesnt count) and more importantly by the fact that you arent in the military now. You can easily sign up and request front line combat roles, but you wont, because youre way to narcissistic and cowardly to take any sort of risk. Also, you wouldnt make it a week in boot camp and would probably cry from the drill instructor and in the rare case of you actually making it through, your entire squad would probably hate you as some weirdo fucking nerd who puts everyone else at risk with his retarded, wannbe deep esoteric bullshit, and they would probably frag you themselves.
Honestly, same here. I wish I could at least die for a purpose rather than wasting my life away in nothingness
>Fascism was a Modernist ideology.
At first glance it was but when considered in the context of the era and the governments of most of Europe at the time it was really an attempt to approach the future with an ideology based on traditional principles, or a modernist approach to traditionalism.
The social climate was such that the population of no European country would have accepted a full 100% return to traditional ways and it's fair to say fascism was a system designed to preserve tradition in the face of a relentlessly modernist world.
Haha this
How dumb do you have to be to want to fight in a war
Modern Life is so comfy, holy shit. Go for a walk outside and go calling camping sometime you retard.
really bad shit happens in wars, stop romanticizing it
I feel the same. I pray to God every day for a conventional world war 3 so I can risk my life for something meaningful.
are you implying that 6 million was an accurate estimate?
Nah, you are probably just a pampered manchild "Muh time is so much worse than anything else, muh glorious war, my high living standards are so terrible"
Well I wish your dad pulled out, can't always get what you want
>Go to war
>Get disease
>be hungry all the time because Jhonny accidently got his bread truck blown up in a minefield
>can die in a moments notice or bleed to death for hours until you die
>all the friends (if you made any) might die infront of you
>come back without any job since barely any country cares about it`s veterans unless they wanna quickly start another war
I went through a period of thinking a global war would be neat. Under constant threat of death, there would be no reason to hold back at anything, nothing to save myself for and every reason to apply myself completely. Life would have meaning in the present moment. But to be as vague as possible, it would be an East vs West war with a few back stabs and new alliances thrown in, fought over preventing a hegemony challenge while its still possible. Think WW1. What exactly am I fighting for? Who am I fighting for? Why am I fighting? Go down to your local shops, I see every ethnicity there. The West is materialist consumerism, that's the only ideology that matters. Is it a just war? Is it honestly a way out of modernity if your defending your fellow 'multicultural' and your collective way of life - meaningless consumption? Would it really be a morale boost? Idk sounds like a nihilistic war to me. Not exactly fighting for your families - clans - nations - farmland and ability to exist. Its so big now, you're fighting over money. And If there is one thing I don't respect, and will never pray to its the immortality project called 'money'.
You can donate your organs to more important people.
Quite literally me, but at least I acknowledge it and don't make threads like these I guess
10/10 psychoanalysis