ITT: good guys of history
ITT: good guys of history
you go first OP
His only crime was not going far enough
this reminds me of TAB soda
Given that no universal standards of worth can be rationally determined, and are a result of social power, the answer is an empty thread.
Fuck off back to .
>black army
>intentionally kept Ukrain un-industrialized
>refused to pay rail way workers
>let legit criminals roam free cus 'muh anarchy xD'
>good guys
Come on, OP.
The Knights Templar are pretty solid good guys
>Recruited and organized by the Pope to protect Christians traveling to the Holy Land.
>Strict moral code.
>The most feared by shitskins.
>Started off very poor but through their exploits gained favor throughout Europe and received donations of land, money, and sons of nobles to be squires and knights
>grew to 20,000 members and 2,000 elite knights who were used as shock troops to break enemy lines throughout the crusades
>became known as the safest banks in Europe
They would have made the church more influential and wealthy than the King of France so Phillip fabricated charges and executed as many as he could and as they were based in France and 5000+ perished.
>Basically execute order 66 against the Jedi was based on this historical event
The survivors dissolved after this and regrouped in Portugal to reform as the Order of Christ and were important figures in the Reconquista of the Iberian peninsula from the shitskins.
>hold its own against the most powerful military on the planet
>overthrow one of the most brutal, anti-intellectual regimes ever despite both being 'communist'
>beat back Chinese invaders
>reunite Vietnam and overthrow corrupt, incompetent regime of vassals to foreign overlords
>hold its own
They didn't "hold their own" against US forces so much as "wait them out"
>good guys
At this point anyone who stands against America should be considered a good guy, even communists
>good guys
>improves the quality of life in his country more in 4 years than any western-backed leader in any time-frame ever
was it only cause of Black Excellence?
Vietnam has geography on it's side. They have high population density, high food production per acre, and the rest is inhospitable jungles and mountains. USA has been at war for more years than not since it's inception 240 years ago. Vietnam has been at war more years than not since it's inception 1800 years ago and they basically evolved to fight boldly without regard for individual lives and reproduce rapidly.
Shooting down 10k aircraft, killing 59k soldiers, and giving the US nothing but fake body counts while VC numbers increase in South Vietnam and North Vietnam is untouchable, isn't exactly waiting them out. The Chinese and Russian anti air equipment made the war very unprofitable. Sun Tzu art of war says "ur fkin trash m8" if you aren't making profit off your wars.
>Muririshit corrupt cocksleeves
>good guys.
>At this point
If only, it was pretty clear with every fucking banana republic.
Ferdinand Foch is ultimate good guy
His problem was eternal anglo who stoped Foch in versailles
This image is so true
just waving this flag in public is enough to make a yank uber butthurt.
>Hurr durr le so called "banana republics" are a bad thing because muh imperialism
A company that produces greay fruits gives jobs to local people, contributing to their economy. Again, what's wrong with that? The so called "imperialism" by the US in Central America was actually represented freedom and prosperity in such part of the world.
they are National Socialist though
The whole point of a Banana Republic being bad is that it only takes 1 bad event to throw it from any level of prosperity into total chaos and breakdown.
He was too pure for this world and the rest was overshadowed because
>gommies are ze bads guys
>against tyranny
>fights for the right to have slaves
>when the primary cause of your downfall is being too forgiving to your enemies.
>implying commies aren't the good guys
This is chinese spurdo?
b-but muh states riiights
Pic related
>tfw no neoconfucianist china
>tfw no KMT-style Vietnam
>saving files as jpg
>Inb4 bu-b-bu-but MUH SLAVERY
Keep your centralization of power to yourself. If the South wanted to end slavery, the South needed to choose to end slavery not have some egoistic Industrialists force their hand and by doing so giving the federal government inordinate amounts of power
i'm gonna be real here
The emancipation proclamation didn't happen til halfway through the war. The North needed a rallying cause to get all their immigrants to fight, and make them look like the good guys. The plan wasn't to free all the slaves when the war started. And after the war not much changed besides the whip being replaced with the police baton and receiving pennies instead of room and board for the slaves.
>Sorry Slave McOppressed. Your just going to have to remain human livestock because we can't rush poor ol' massa to give up his barbarity until he's ready. He still needs to rape your wife and daughter before selling them for profit after all!
Vlad Tepes, the greatest man to live. Bless his soul.
Communism is a cancer, its worshipers are subhuman filth.
Why is leftypol on Veeky Forums?
They want to try and convince us that real communism hasn't been tried yet?
>Italian patriot, wanted to see nation thrive
>his writings were a guidebook for Italian princes for keeping the realm stable
>genuinely wanted the Italian people to be safe and happy under a strong leadership
His cause was noble, and his pragmatism is what is most effective.
best US president ever.
The Mennonites would like a word with you
The Tet Offensive broke the back of the NVA and they never mounted another major offensive so yes, they did wait them out
The tet offens8ve broke the fighting spirit of the usa to such an extent they basically gave up and focused mainly on saving face before their inevitable withdrawl and defeat
The war was basically won after the offensive, the vietnamese wisley chose not to fight too much until the americans had left to conserve their strength for toppling the corrupt southern reigme
>why are people who disagree with me on his
Because this is a discussion board not a circlejerk
Let's be real here.
They also wisely did not try to fight the US in a WW2 style, which is what all the high ranking US military members in 1960 know and love. Guerrilla warfare homeland defense just like 1780 in the american revolutionary war. The communists also thoroughly infiltrated the southern government which made countering the US military easy. So easy,
we ended up TKing each other and committing war crimes out of frustration.
Gracias, Fidel!
That's a stupid opinion
Lincoln said many times that he felt only the Southern slave holding states had the right to end the practice, not the federal government.
go away and stay away
You know its satire right?
>muh guerilla revolutionary war
>muh irony that the strategy that made our country independent made another country independent in a war against it
Ah yes because that's what Washington did at Valley Forge. Made a guerilla army. And militiamen definitely were effective and not incompetent untrained soldiers who fled in battle or deserted at harvest season. The US adopted guerilla tactics early on to be sure but to say that guerilla warfare won our independence is wrong
>best foreign policy (that still with us today)
The repeated harassing of British camps and supply lines was the American advantage, making the British lose more men than us and capturing their supplies. This rallied men to the cause and ranks swelled to 15,000 before the second Battle of Saratoga against the 6,000 British and this victory made the French decide to support our cause. Which gave us a real standing army with the French supplying us and sending an army. Washington was pressured by congress to attack the British head on from the onset of the war, and intelligently avoided it until the time was right.
The NVA had a standing army and the Tet Offensive wasn't a guerrilla attack, does that mean Vietnam wasn't a guerrilla war or that guerrilla tactics didn't win it?
The country that defeated the most dangerous ideologies known as fascism and communism and saved Europe from destruction twice.
The Tet Offensive was a purely political victory. Militarily it was a failure in every single way. All of the Vietnamese thought that the Tet Offensive was a sort of last hurrah and considered it a brutal loss until they saw the effect that it was having in the American press
A guerrilla army fights with guerrilla means, which Washington himself was loathed to do. Some US commanders did adopt guerrilla/partisan forms of combat, though they're generally obscure and did not figure into US military tradition for, well, ever. They haven't, even as we are increasingly faced with unconventional warfare. If not for the indian wars and the use of its lessons in the philippine-american conflict, the US would have had literally zero means of considering the question of unconventional warfare.
The troop losses weren't that bad for the North. After the offensive they filled the ranks of the South with men from Hanoi who would instill the party teachings into the people, with little dissent. 3 million total with civilians died during the war, and Vietnam's population was 41 million in 1975. Perhaps 180,000 VC lives were lost in 1968, rather acceptable losses for communists under the Soviet model. Uncle Ho said he could lose 10 soldiers for every American killed and win the war. And so they did. Also the massacre at Hue made many US supporters throughout the South question their loyalty and the abilities of the US to protect.
What happened to Sankara genuinely upsets me.
This ugly fuck.
This great man.
Truly a saint
>neo confucian anything
You deserve death
Let's all be honest, no one lays awake at night wistfully wishing for a world with more Baby Boomers
Based Viet post.
Apparently no one does, even though the dedication to the Medici should clue people in, seeing as how they had him tortured before he wrote it.
>good guys
>bad guys
>in history
>Massacred entire cities
>1204, 'nuff said
They are the objective bad guys
he deserved to take Rome
Antemurale Christianitatis
His hope and optimisim - gone
Don't be. He was a communist.
It literally isn't satire you fucking imbeciles. Go read a book on him instead of meming stuff you heard on youtube
>there will probably never be another thomas sankara
Constantinople thought its walls were impenetrable so took out loans it never intended to pay back. Templars collect.
This guy is hated by both commies and KMT
If you want to make enemies, try and change something
The Balkans
>immediately throw the country in the drink
>rulers should leave close to their subjects
>they should let their subjects arm themselves
I'm pretty sure the book had more goals than being an how-to manual for rulers.
Fuck off Turk.
Are you speaking for all the Vietnamese because this one says youre wrong.
Nah, I meant to say the North Vietnamese high command.
Hue was seized as expected. The offensive was a political disaster to the extent that the general uprising line was proved incorrect in praxis.
Also a disaster for VWP(s) and the NFL.