Post countryboos
Post countryboos
Anyone have a Rhodesiaboo?
This one is rare I haven't seen this one yet. I'm saving it
You still haven't added pregnant Anne Frank tier.
Or should we add that to Dixieboos instead?
Dixieboo. Nathan deserves it for his dedication to our fair lady.
Tfw weaboo and ouiaboo and wehraboo and tankieboo and teaboo and dixieboo and romaboo and hellaboo
i unironically believe the last one
They're right about Ukraine.
Allright that's the last of what I have.
These are all unironically correct.
I don't think he's the one behind the whole pregnant Anne Frank x Confederate States of America autism
He's an open anti-Semite (much like the rest of /pol/) for starters pic related
No byzaboo one?
>screenshotting a tripfags shitpost so you can reeee at him in the future
wtf i hate nathan now
FTFY better KMT boo
t. KMT boo
fucking danes
Someone make the Athens one already
Athensboo Lite: Athens is the birthplace of Western Culture
Athensboo: Marathon was more important than Thermopylae
Junior Archon: Drakon was the most important lawmaker of his time
Archon: Athens would've annihilated Sparta if Alcibiades hadn't broken the dicks off of the Herms and gotten himself exiled
Cleon Incarnate: The Melians had it coming
Except the Persians were the good guys. The Greeks were backwards savages that would have lost nothing under Persian dominion. Hell, it might have even gotten rid of some of their barbarities.
there you go
literally all true
Stockholmske blodbad bedste dag i mit liv
The first sentence is just a rational thought.
You should change it to something actually controversial, like Operation Storm.
I'm looking for one I've seen before but can't find it, can't remember the title either, I think it might be "how alt-right are you". It goes somewhat like this
>we should strive for a stateless society
>only a minimal government to defend from foreign invasion
>patrol the borders against immigration
>and ban race-mixing
The ball went from ancap to the swastika
OC fresh off the press
Stockholm did have it coming though.
A soverign Skåneland when?!
Name one (1) thing objectively wrong with murdering natives for profit
Does anyone seriously believe in the Lechite Empire?
Oh I should have mentioned: all things named in that post are objectively correct.
I agree with Harris but not the rest
Wasn't Ethiopia never colonized?
the moon landing WAS the best part of the 20th century