Their best tank was the Type 95 Ha-Go.
>Only 2,300 made
Was it autism?
Pic somewhat related standby posting Type 95 Ha-Go
Their best tank was the Type 95 Ha-Go
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Fucking zipperheads
Same thing with Italy, a country with few natural resources that devoted most of them and their industry to the Navy.
What were they thinking?
>hey, the major western powers don't really give a fuck what we do
>we should probably butt heads with them by being expansionist genocidal assholes
>yeah, that's a good idea
the japs were fucking autistic
Aren't they still autistic today?
yeah but at least now they've channeled their autism into something productive
Best summary of Japanese Civilization in the 20th and 21st century I've seen on this board
Besides committing cultural genocide in Korea, they didn't really intend to commit genocide in the long term, I don't think. They just wanted to make the Chinese and the other Asians deemed inferior to submit to Japanese rule. I don't think the Japs had the Asian equivalent of the General Plan-Ost where they were going to holocaust the Chinese. Yes war crimes and basically crimes against humanity were committed by the yellow little fucks but they didn't commit it based on racial grounds with the exception of the fact that the Japanese thought of themselves as racially superior compared to the Chinese and the Gooks, etc.
> but they didn't commit it based on racial grounds with the exception of the fact that the Japanese thought of themselves as racially superior compared to the Chinese and the Gooks, etc.
user, I would certainly classify those crimes being committed on racial grounds.
But not on the grounds of the Holocaust. Did they intend to get rid of the Chinese and Koreans, i.e. exterminate them like the Germans tried to with the Jews, Slavs etc.?
doesn't matter how many tanks you have if you don't have the oil to run them
Eh, I see your point. I was operating under the impression that genocide was just any time a bunch of people were killed for racial reasons, not that it had to be a deliberate campaign of eradication.
Well I guess it does technically constitute genocide but it wasn't planned extermination of the non-Yamato races. A combination of racism, frustration of the war, and the fact that the troops were abused themselves along with the fact that they haven't seen their womenfolk in a long time and they were bored, and shit that they could take their anger and frustrations out on defenseless civilians in China and elsewhere.
What a fucking travesty.
In what way?
what did they mean by this?
>when your best tank isn't designed to fight tanks
>37mm gun
except Japanese had something to show with it's navy
Italian Navy was bombed to shit at Taranto and made a joke by a small RN squadron at Mediterranean for the rest of the war
No, the handful of bongs did not bomb to shit the Italian Navy at Taranto, that's just one of the multitude of bong propaganda memes promulgated then and since. The bongs couldn't handle the Italians in the Med, is the real story. A little pond of water, and the bongs had to huddle up under cover in port, or risk being destroyed by a minor naval power. And let's not talk about what the Japanese Navy did to the bongs.
Didn't that rear facing mg take up like half the turret
>blocks your path
So can you list the fleet actions that reinforce your tale of events?
Damn those hips are da BOMB
I mean wasn't the terrain mainly horrible like mountains, hills, terrible road, so mass producing tanks wouldn't have been the best idea?
Now I feel kind of sorry for nuking them.
Someone needs to create a strawman meme ball for that.
>tiny people
>limited field of vision due to slanted eyes
>fully willing to run straight into machine gun fire
>tiny tanks with tiny guns
>build planes so they could crash them into boats
>can't handle failures to the point of killing themselves
>still using swords and bayonet charges
>American are actually proud of defeating and nuking Japs
It's like beating a kid with Down syndrome.
>cultural genocide in Korea
Now I know you talking shit.
It was only on beginning until they switch to actually promoting Korean culture as sub culture of glorious Nippon.
Whole North Korea is based on that.
Most importantly what did they mean by this?
What an ugly piece of shit.
It's not even rear facing. Its looking to the side
WWII Jap tanks are kind of cute desu
Name one (1) thing objectively wrong with a Banzai charge if the battle is lost anyway
*boops you on the exposed sear*
Oh I remember watching Tales of the Gun on History Channel and I remember them talking about that piece of shit gun.
>Light machine gun/squad support weapon
>Straps a bayonet on it.
Was it autism?
>be machine gunner
>commander orders Gyokusai charge
>can't participate because no bayonet
>survive and get captured by white pigs
>shameful display
You never forget your bayonet. NEVER.
Autism 2.0
Pointless bayonets aside, the Japanese made some nice machine guns
>Type 11
>Nice machine guns
Doesn't he just look adorable?
Thats just a copy of the zb vz 26
I lol'd
>Clip-fed hopper machine gun.
What did they mean by this?
you could do more damage by just continuing to fight as guerillas unless you have literally been cornered into a tiny part of whatever shithole island you're defending
fuck off ian jap MG's were shit
Were the Japanese the worst major power of the war?
>all your successful combat is against defenseless chinese peasants
>sneak attack peaceful enemy because you can't defeat them in battle
>get shit kicked in by USA
>autistic suicidal tactics
>cannot manufacture any good weapons
>your planes and ships become irrelevant within a year of fighting, too stupid to design better ones
>let hundreds of thousands of civilians die before finally surrendering
I would say spaghetti niggers but at least they surrendered before things became too fucked
The Type 95 was a solid dependable tank, on-par with similar Western tanks like the Czech 38 and U.S. M3 Stuart, it just that the Japanese didn't keep up with technology.
The Type 100 was a reliable design, crippled a anemic cartridge.
>the type 100 was a reliable design
>Its complex ammunition feed included a feature whereby the firing pin would not operate until the round was fully chambered; frequent stoppages in firing were experienced in the field.
idk ask kuribiyashi
The IJA sucked, the IJN was pretty good considering Japan's size.
All of the leaders were autistic but that's true for every axis power.
This! You had to oil the fucking cartridges before firing the type 92 for example. What a piece of shit.
For me the purest form of Imperial Japanese autism was issuing Shin-Gunto, the Pseudo-Katana NCO/Officer's sword.
There was really no fucking reason to do so other than "muh nationalism" memes. They retooled sword factories producing western-style cavalry sabers and dedicated an entire industry just for the sake of a cosmetic redesign of an officer's sword.
>britcucks still lost to this
You know you're being very racist against the Japanese people.
Oh ffs Japan.
They should've just stuck to China and stayed the hell away from Germany, if they had done that they might still be ruling over China today
>rule China
>Implying chinks won’t make the japs their new minority group
>they should have stuck to china
That was what got them into hot water with the US in the first place. This is even considering that they could ever conquer china successfully.
>Implying they would have a choice
Japan was completely decimating China for the first few years and only slowed down because of the rough terrain inland and their priorities shifting to SEA colonies after they secured the coast
While the US condemned the invasion I doubt they would actually intervene unless Japan provoked them somehow given how strongly the civilian government favored isolationism at the time
Didn't matter, the US had cut off much-needed oil to the japs and started giving the chinese covert aid and even fighter pilots to get the japs to stop being asshats for five seconds.
No, Germany should have stayed the fuck away from Japan. Germany might have won WW2 in that case.
Oh this comment and this thread again in general.
>Stop being asshats.
The western imperialists and colonial racist oppressors were being the asshats against Japan. Japan liberated Asia from western exploitation and plunder.
I don't think Japan did anything necessarily wrong, but they way they acted wasn't any better or worse than the Europeans.
fucking hell man do you really wanna do it
>they were being asshats against japan
Japan was left entirely to their own devices and no plans for expansion into the japanese isles were ever a realistic possibility
>liberated asia from western exploitation and plunder
liberation implies that they weren't *also* exploiting and plundering whatever land they conquered. Fuck off.
The only reason Japan needed oil was due to their large Navy, they could've transitioned towards being a continental Asian power rather than a large pacific empire to reduce the need for oil, besides that they had adequate oil reserves for the army and would likely still beat the Chinese despite US aid given that the chink commies did the exact same thing
Provided the US remained neutral yes, even without Japan's provocation though the military and executive branch seemed desperate for an excuse to join the war in Europe
Not the same guy but it is hypocritical for the western powers to condemn Japan for trying to subjugate China when they had successfully exploited China for nearly a century
I don't find it very hypocritical considering that the western powers had at that point stopped trying to subjugate china and were instead trying to *help* them defend against a genocidal foreign aggressor. It is possible to learn from one's mistakes and try to correct them.
Fuck off retard don't ruin my board.
Now, take a gander at this.
How did they even fit the poor fuckers in there?
The least hypocritical thing to do then would be to try and negotiate a settlement between Japan and China. Japan demanding segments of the Chinese coast in exchange for no-war certainly is much more respectable than Britain going to war with China just to be able to sell opium to their citizens
Japs are tiny
That wasn't the point. It was a suicide weapon, the person's comfort was irrelevant if you were going on a suicide mission.
>negotiate a settlement
That was kind of what the League of Nations was for; suffice to say it did not work out very well.
Are you serious right now?
Listen man when you go into a thread atleast do some research before you go flinging your turd around.
>REEEE someone doesn't agree with me regarding the moral of history REEEEEEEEEEE
Were they the ISIS of their day?
It doesnt come down to morals, it comes down to what actually happened and what didnt you fucking child.
No the argument was about the hypocrisy of the west and what was just, they exploited China for roughly a century and caused the deaths of many Chinese purely for their own economic gain and then proceeded to condemn Japan for doing the same
Again, the difference being that by that time they had stopped exploiting china and were at least trying to make up for their past mistakes by keeping china from being exploited by *another* genocidal foreign power.
So then you have anything to back up your claims?
Im assuming you have some hard evidence that shows the terrible crimes of the west.
It must be so cruel that the japs stabbing babies will look tame!
>someone actually believes the co-prosperity sphere meme
simply amazing
Nigger I'm too tired debate you, but you're wrong. Japan did liberate Asia from the West in WWII. They were welcomed as liberators.
More cute japs thinking they are tough just because they have a fucking flamethrower with them.
Whoops forgot to post the pic
>implying the Japs didn't see themselves as the master race destined to rule over Asia
Fucking weeaboos should be shot
>hurr durr you're wrong!
you're a retard. Go to bed. Wherever they went, resistance movements popped up to resist them. Actually consider suicide.
Holy shit weeaboos are worse than fucking tankies
Wow now they are threating to kill me for dissent? Wow say it ain't so!
No fuck you, you should consider suicide for being racist against the Japanese and call them all sorts of racial bigoted names. Japan did liberate Asia. End of story.
>japan did liberate asia. End of story.
Ok, lemme go ask the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Burmese, The Koreans, and the Phillipinos what they thought about Japanese occupation.
Oh, wait, they were all either conquered by the japanese even though they were sovereign nations or they actively resisted the Japanese and were treated *worse* than they were under the western powers.
Stop replying to such obvious bait
Fake western lies. Everyone, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Burmese, the Indonesians, etc. welcomed them as liberators. End of story. I don't see anything else to further discuss. End of story. They liberated Asia. The end.
They have to compensate for their small penis with that sword bayonet.
This is high-quality bait