What the fuck is democracy anyway? Is it just camouflaged totalitarianism? Explain it to me in one sentence.
What the fuck is democracy anyway? Is it just camouflaged totalitarianism? Explain it to me in one sentence
A meme that went too far.
Legitimacy through popular will.
>Is it just camouflaged totalitarianism?
t. totalitarian edge lord
An inclusive political system that allows the maximum interests of a population to be represented, and prevents other interests from dominating political, and therefore economic, power.
A vehicle through which demagogues were able to harness Athenian chauvinism.
1. even if I agreed, you are using totalitarianism as equivalent to authoritarianism
totalitarianism: authoritarianism+ messianic-type "create new mankind" rhetoric.
All tot-isms are auth-isms, but not all auth-isms are totalitarian.
2. A system in which the monopole of violence upon which the legitimacy of the state rests is given rather than taken, thorough social consensus and with alternance.
Its an oligarchy like all societies. A small moneyed elite rule by pandering to the base instincts an desires of the populace. That same elite can use their influence and wealth to rouse the rabble and radicalize elements of the populace to attack the rest of society. A good example today would be BLM or Antifa being funded by large plutocratic foundations. Plato wrote about this stuff millennia ago in "The Republic"
>one sentence
Democracy is an oligarchy like all societies.
Oligarchy is rule by the rich, democracy is rule by the poor, the united states is a poor example as it is a republic as much as a democracy.
>implying the US isn't an oligarchy
>Is it just camouflaged totalitarianism?
yes but at least it gives you the illusion you have a choice
Anarcho-communism is the only true democracy. It will never exist on a large or global scale though.
Some select Moldbug quotes:
>And lest I be accused of ducking the question: no, I don’t think a form of government which expects every man and woman to be an 18th-century philosopher is terribly suited to populations with a mean IQ of 70. In fact, I don’t think democracy is terribly suited to populations with a mean IQ of 100, 120, 140 or 160, but it probably works best around 120. (Much above that and your voters are too smart for their own good, a problem we see demonstrated every day at America’s finest universities.)
>One thing most people don’t know about the Great War is that all sides were democracies. There were no “absolute” governments in Europe in 1914. Recognizable democratic politics existed in every country. Calling Wilhelmine Germany in some way autocratic because Germans did not elect the Kaiser makes no more sense than calling the US autocratic because Americans do not elect the Supreme Court, or Europeans the European Commission. (Which is not to say it makes no sense at all. But it makes the notion of a war for democracy risible. Much as 25 years later, the next war for democracy resulted in the enslavement of half Europe and most of Asia. Could I make this stuff up?)
>Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Negligible power certainly does not corrupt absolutely, but I’m not sure it corrupts negligibly, either. By handing a tiny slice of power to each of its residents, democracy performs the most essential task of a political structure: rewarding its supporters. If you can convince yourself to see this transaction as sordid and onanistic, you have taken a big step toward ademotism. Until voters learn to renounce this little wafer of fictitious authority that it regularly drops on their tongue, they will never free themselves from democracy.
Yeah feels bad man
People want a 3rd party to verify transactions. That just happens to be the state. And if they don't want one, a mafia racket will force it on them. Maybe is some distant future there will be a tech platform which replaces the state as the 3rd party in economic transaction idk man
>Explain it to me in one sentence.
The patients run the asylum.
The perfected form of the rule of money.
>prevents other interests from dominating political, and therefore economic, power.
Hahaha, good one.
All democracies are actually oligarchies/plutocracies; there are literally no exceptions.
nice one, will use it in the future
Does he just write whatever without editing any of it? It's embarrassing.
>What the fuck is democracy anyway?
its when you get a choice between two globalist millionaires who agree on 90% of all issues every four years
Republics are oligarchies. Oligarchy means by rule by few. Its that simple. Democracy is rule by the people. Its not implied at all they are poor.
out of mob rule and dictatorship, mob rule is the lesser evil