>meds vs nords: the war
Meds vs nords: the war
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I will drink from your skull!
Sea Raider [18]
They are all mixed up
>not Med
all the major belligerents are neither nord or med
except maybe spain
We are Alpine, meanwhile you are dolichocephal like meds and negroes
All of those people are Nordic in origin.
Napoleon was Nordic, without significant Nordic racial ancestry he couldn't have produced offspring this light.
his wife was Austrian, that's why their son had light hair
You can see clearly in this painting who were the meds and who the nordics
But light hair and eyes are recessive, therefore if what I said wasn't true their son wouldn't have looked like that.
That just means he had some blue eyed ancestors, not that he was Nordic
I am alpine
You are dolichocephalic like your negroid brethren
I take that you are still LARPing as a broad-skulled Mongoloid, or have you already moved onto a new theory that I'm not aware of?
Napoleon was blue eyed and had medium brown hair, that's very Nordic by Southerners' standards.
I am broad-skulled
>or have you already moved onto a new theory that I'm not aware of?
>very Nordic
Sure varg
Yes, if every Southern European was Napoleon tier in terms of racial makeup I don't think Varg would have any problem with them.
That's just Goya that liked to paint very dark features, very obscure. French got rekt anyway....
He looked like most corsicans
Also Napoleon was a brachycephalic Nordo-Alpine, not a Med.
Napoleon had blue eyes and brown hair. You have brown eyes and black hair. How does it feel?
Most Corsicans have pitch black hair, dark skin and dark eyes. Napoleon had light hair and eyes. By their standards his hair was light.
I actually have grey-green eyes and blond hair... lol...
Nevermind, I thought you were
He had a similar hair and skin tone as the picture I posted. The only difference is eye color
Some Corsicans have pretty standard European pigmentation such as Napoleon, they're not the majority though.
Most of them have black hair and dark eyes. Heavily Nordic individuals such as Napoleon are the minority.
Napoleon’s family was of Florentine origin, his ancestors moved to Corsica from Florence.
Many Northern Italians exhibit Nordic traits also, so that isn't very surprising.
Napoleon had dark hair as well. Plenty of Corsicans and north and central italians had light eyes as well
What a stupid thing to say. With his dark hair and facial features he would look “heavily” Southern European by Nordic standards too.
North Italians are not Nordic though
The spread of eye and hair color are on spectrums throughout Europe, not just med/nord
Exactly. And the use of the term “Nordic” is deceptive. It makes it seem as though every person with light hair or eyes has ancestry from Scandinavia, when in reality, blond hair existed before Germanics even existed and can be found in many different populations with very little genetic relation to Northern Europeans.
>North Italians are not Nordic though
Lombards are highly Nordic Celto-Germanic folk though.
We wuz tier
But they aren't Nordic
Germanic invasion
His hair wasn't pitch black though as with most Mediterraneans. Few people having light eyes in Corsica doesn't matter, most do not.
His hair isn't dark is more of a medium brown rather than dark, pic related is dark.
North Italians have admixture from Germanics and steppe peoples, the sources of their lightness.
With Nordic in this instance I mean the Nordic race, not the modern geographic grouping of countries. The Nordic race is most prevalent today in Scandinavia and its surroundings, but it didn't originate there by any means but in the Ukrainian steppe. And no, wherever blond hair is encountered it most of the time stems from Indo-Europeans, who were racially Nordic.
Conquests rarely have significant genetic impacts
Even many Lombards including the one from my video claim that they are Celto-Germanic :) This is because of high Celto-Germanic influence in the region.
But it doesn't matter, because the original Italic people were Nordic too.
Oh yeah, go say that to turkey, Azerbaijan and afghanistan
Or better, look at fucking south america
I guess i am nordic now
t. French algerian mutt
He said they rarely have significant genetic impacts, not that they never have significant genetic impacts. Exceptions do not disprove the rule.
See Mongrels such as you do not produce offspring such as this.
The Napoleonic Wars were a clusterfuck of alliance-switching. The real meds vs nords, germanic vs latin, protestant vs catholic conflict was, you guessed it, The 30 Years War, which ended up accomplishing nothing except for massive suffering and weakening Europe internally.
Moral of the story: whites should fight arabs and jews, not each other
This is the second most retarded thread i have ever seen on Veeky Forums
>The real meds vs nords, germanic vs latin
>The 30 Years War
No it wasn't, it was Catholic Germans vs Protestant Germans most of the time
>protestant vs catholic
How does it feel to be a brainlet?