Real talk, why is Africa still so hopelessly underdeveloped? EVERY other region made progress.
Real talk, why is Africa still so hopelessly underdeveloped? EVERY other region made progress
People's notions of developed and underdeveloped especially pre-20th century is mostly skewed around their own cultural biases.
To the farmer or towns person of China even the most opulent display of Mongol settlement and daily life was nothing short of backward savagery.
The reality is the conditions of Africa were not going to create the same kinds of conditioned that allowed Eurasia to form in a particular way and all the examples thrown up will never fully encapsulate your own idea of appropriate.
Rather than compare or contrast I always think it's best to look at development as organic process shaped by the particular conditions of a place.
Most African countries were in a better shape in the 1970-1980s than they are now. They literally regressed. There's no excuse for that.
tl;dr Building a big community without conistent food and water isn`t possible
The United States was also in better shape in the 80s than they are now.
Proxy cold wars between USSR and US/UK/France
Or rather the foundations of Subsaharan food subsistence is radically different than that of Eurasia and as a result societal development took a radically different course.
Big buildings aren't important for agro-pastoralists.
Not really. The middle class was broader, yet the overall amount of wealth is higher today,by far. It's a distribution issue.
>the conditions of Africa were not going to create the same kinds of conditioned that allowed Eurasia to form in a particular way
even 6000 years ago things were radically different, the Sahara was green ffs.
Yes but you still don't understand.
The differences are rooted in the formation of Eurasian vs African Neolithic eras.
The Eurasian Neolithic arose at the end of the Ice Age after a period of time where it was much drier and people relied heavily on alluvial landscapes for subsistence (note: why grains are so important, they were found at the Waters edge or grew in the soils after floods). The formation of agrarian society expanded because the end of the ice age created more opportunity for water loving grasses and by extension the animals that became rarer with higher agrarian populations.
The Neolithic Subpluvial of the Sahel is *not* the basis of African agrarian tradition, it was a two phased climate fluctuation that occurred 2-4ky after Eurasian crop development that facilitated pastoralists from Eurasia and Africa to expand territory.
It was only after the end of the Neolithic Subpluvial where Africans were forced to rely heavily on alluvial environements that grass domestication occurred. There is evidence that during the first phase a local sheep like animal was pinned and bred but it seems to have been abandoned.
The populations had grown because of a mixed pastoral-tenderer food economy of cattle, goats and kreb (basically like vast stands of wild and semi-tamed grasses internally monitored, sowed, protected and harvested) so that there was a very intense process that created agrarian traditions.
However where as the end of the ice age meant large expansions of land that was ideal for Eurasian grains, in Africa the end of the Neolithic Subpluvial was vast territories suited best for pastoralists and agro-pastoralists with a few major yet key regions of agriculture.
The reciprocity between the ethnic groups of these different food economies are the basis of African development and divergence.
Eh, could you formulate that in an easier way for brainlets?
That was his formulation for brainlets.
Its only been developed recentely by the Chinese. People like to meme about how generous the they are compared to racist euros and americans, but the chinese will soon learn how little payout there is to be gained from africa and africans.
He thinks europeans are racist for farming and that they good boys din doo nuffin
Stop making this thread. It's been answered multiple times.
It's my first time, senpai.
Never read the precious threads and I believe this topic is controversial and relevant enough for several discussions.
Let me try, I don't like to simplify too much because a lot of important detail gets lost.
When agriculture hit Eurasia there was a ton of land to expand on afterwords and many people live close together to create towns and later cities.
When agriculture hit Africa much later there was little land to expand on. So most took to raising animals and moving constantly or every few years when their farms went bad.
Human density was rarely if ever as high in SSA as it was in Europe or East Asia because of that.
Thus SSA society developed towns where different kinds of people gathered to trade.
But this is really wrong to say, it's much more complicated. Even this post is a simplification
Resource curse
Insecure property rights
Lack of institutions
Colonial exploitation
Now fuck off
its higher in africa too, africa's economy had problems in the 70s and 80s but its been growing rapidly for decades now
Even as many African countries grew in terms of overall wealth, the real incomes often fell -- because of overpopulation
That is the actual problem of Africa today
Africa, which already has other big issues, is plagued by being imposed the idea of a modern nation-state on a region that didn't know what the fuck that is. This was how westerners had learned to divide themselves by that time and spread it to their colonies. Most of the world liked the idea and built their own nationstates, like India, Latin America and Israel for example. Others couldn't wrap their heads around it.
To make things worse, Africa is indeed an ethnic clusterfuck and even if you wanted to do a good job it's practically impossible. It doesn't help that the western didn't really seem to care about doing a good job.
The lack of nationhood probably stems from a lack of civilization which taught us to set boundaries between ethnic groups, languages, etc.
It's not a coincidence that areas with a stronger sense of nationhood like North Africa and Ethiopia seem fundamentally more stable.
On top of that, Africa also suffers from the anti-western anti-colonial hurt-pride virus, like the Middle East, which gives groups such as Islamists and communists a basis for existence.
>Proxy cold wars between USSR and US/UK/France
Oil prices getting fucked hard also count on top of of imf restructuring issues but that guy isn't gonna read either of our posts lol.
Everyone was hit by the oil price shock, including highly developed nations like the US. They still reformed and recovered.
>Africa also suffers from the anti-western anti-colonial hurt-pride virus, like the Middle East, which gives groups such as Islamists and communists a basis for existence.
That's wrong though. That's not how Islamism sprung up or "communism" (in general any political term is useless outside the west because of immense deviation in non western states).
Islamism spread from north Africa because Libya was wrecked and not only do they have another failed state that is a springboard for terrorists and smugglers they are also emboldened to go further south.
Those African states relied on it (and Venezuela often gets kneecapped when any oil issues arise) to increase the state budget. Oil effects other things too.
I did not intend to disregard the geopolitical factors of it. But such ideas are tied to their identity and are waiting to be cultivated in times of turmoil, just like in the Middle East.
Fuck sake many African states are way way too friendly with western nations and interests. There's a lot of organisation's or cooperative shit that you cannot feasibly say it's flat out anti western.
Overpopulation isn't the problem (unless you are going for a basic bitch surface level understanding that is more palatable and easy to get)
Identity is a complex thing.
Take a country like Turkey, for a long time it was western-aligned, cooperative and "modern" but there has always been a deep-seated suspicion that is now resurfacing again. The same thing applies to the Russians and Byzantines.
The friendliness you're talking about is based on interests and bondage. It doesn't run deep.
I'm from a country of this nature. Make no mistakes, white boy. I'm a bit worried about your inclination to think these things are irrelevant. The forces of capitalism and globalism hasn't eroded us all yet.
They aren't fighting because of Europeans/west/white people. not everything revolves around those guys when it fucking doesn't and when it actually does people sperg out because their nation fucked foreigners up again or that the.motherland was a douchebag to folks and actions have long consequences AND repercussions
i know this is what you wanted to hear when you made this thread OP
Don't be me. Why would a west African want to join an Islamists group due toasting colonial bullshit.
Like try thinking this through please
But that's the reason we have refugee waves, isn't it? It's mostly young people fleeing, due to absolute lack of perspectives.
I really dislike removing all responsibility from the natives, but we can't ignore that the west laid the playground for them.
Let's reframe it: In my opinion, the main issue is that African states are weak and have fundamental distortions. Why is this?
>not wanting to be a part of a the grandest caliphate of all time
lmaoing at your life
majority of African migrate to surrounding nations. The ones who leave are a minoritit's. If they had less people they'd still leave regardless
>'Real talk' niggerspeak used
>muh Africa mentioned
>niggress iconography
what color is OP? three guesses
The Africans are inferior meme is just retarded. Different evolutionary pressures lead to different adaptions and replications. Its just how it is. The more micro you get, dealing with individuals at the year time scale, both Africans and outsiders, the more material to craft certain ideologies - one mans inferiority is another mans exploitation and oppression. As you zoom out and go macro it becomes dehumanised and forces acting over the millenniums shape our understanding of why things are the way they are. Fires been burning since the worlds been turning.
So what is the definitive reason instead? Civil wars?
I'm unironically an Ashkenazi Jew
>I'm unironically an Ashkenazi Jew
If only your /pol/fag brethren saw how desperate you were, RPing as a Jew to win internet points. "Whites are the strongest race" indeed.
Lack of influence from other cultures.
>yet another africa thread
>flagrant porn pic to decoy in horny teenagers, indians and common denominators
>17 posters 39 replies
Permanently rangeban every non-sage poster above me
>I'm unironically an Ashkenazi Jew
You are 4-5% Negroid
Most western nations arent solely reliable on oil. Most african oil nations arr.
>Reddit spacing
>Defending A*ricans
Seems about right
The mentality of the locals unironically plays a huge role. People citing geographic determinism often forget that the Europeans and the Chinese manage to run functional infrastructure and health care in the very same geographic conditions.
>pastoralists from Africa
I was under the impression that tradition was imported almost entirely from Eurasia.
There is argument that it's all imported Eurasian cows and Eurasian bulls with some wild African bull/cow input but that's looking only genetics.
Archeologically there are cattle skulls that have been found in what seems like pinned situations that were raised and bred but they don't have the same kinds of differentiation to wild cows as would say Eurasian cows.
The silly part that no one bothers asking is what benefit would there be in cows that couldn't take care of themselves in a harsher conditions? Looking at donkey husbandry in early 20th century Sahel owners let their jennys mix with wild stock to insure vigour/hardiness was maintained.
Compare semi-wild Haitian black pig to the imported pink pig Americans brought after killing off the former. It needed much more care, needed imported food and clean drinking water, it was attacked and killed by wild dogs.
Lower input systems of animal raising in harsher environments necessitates a semi-wild state especially were predatorial megafauna persist and withstood human hunting.