Was Cleopatra really a slut?

Was Cleopatra really a slut?

>imagine sniffing her sandal feet and eating her waxed ass

>waxed ass

>Egyptians didn't wax their bodyhair

Nevermind, I thought by "waxed" you meant that she had applied wax to her ass and left it there for whatever reason.

Silly user.

>cleopatra the greek queen of egypt from ptolemean dynasty was black

nice game

That's not really black though. It's a tan, she has typical European facial structure not Negro, see


right on screenshot she looks more european but on pic rel from op she is black

tfw not her personal slave
tfw she'll never make you do lewd things when shes bored

>but on pic rel from op she is black

Fucking faggot can't even tell.

I thought Cleo would be pale as fuck from hanging out under the shade or in buildings all her life.

med women are so fucking hot



But Cleo was Greek

>not Meds



>Foot sniffing
>Ass eating
Both crimes worthy of a trip to the gas chamber

>Was Cleopatra really a slut?

The accusation against her is not that she slept with many men, but that she was a seductress who turned Mark Anthony into her slave.
Considering how Romans were, if she was a huge slut, they would mention it.

t. lowtest cuck

I wouldn't mind that either

>tfw no dark skin qt to cuddle with on the banks of the Nile

so Johnny, you didn't pay attention in world geography did you?

wow Veeky Forums really is full of antiwhite wewuzzers

>The Med are an ethnic community found in the coastal areas of Balochistan, Pakistan, mainly in the regions of Makran and Las Bela,[1] and the Makran region of Sistan and Baluchestan Province of Iran.[
