The only threat of being a selfish hedonist is that 1) You will go to hell 2) It's unsustainable...

The only threat of being a selfish hedonist is that 1) You will go to hell 2) It's unsustainable. Most of these people are not religious, obviously and they are content with their lives. So what is some literature that gives the best argument against selfishness and hedonism?

Other urls found in this thread:

Trying to coax your boyfriend into a change of lifestyle huh, OP?

Only Christians would be arrogant enough to think they could condemn someone to hell just because they disagree with them.

doesn't exist
nobody says this

The reason hedonism is bad is because it corrodes ethics and leads to degeneration of society.

Doesn't exist

I'm thoroughly convinced that not being a selfish hedonist is the best way to go, but I don't have the strength of will to do anything about it. Arguments are a waste of time.

>Doesn't exist
doesn't exist

The reason they argue that hedonism is bad is because people that think about their pleasure are harder to convince to give it up for other people's gain.

The hedonistic lifestyle is actually is horrible and will make you hate yourself and your existence

"Pleasure" is something that barely even exists, and is quite minor of an emotion indeed. Contentment, inner peace, happiness, joy, all of these are only really consistently found on the path of righteousness and wisdom

Who is this semon demon

I personally know her
Why the f u gotta do this OP

I'm a hedonist in brooklyn, I party, I have lot's of sex, often orgies. And my life is beautiful and I'm happy and rich. Also I'm 30.

So nah keep being jelly.

dumb jezebelposter

>goes to hell
>comes back and realize you can be as selfish and hedonistic as you like because the worst has already happened

>It's unsustainable
have you tried it?

>hey guys let me brag about all the sex i have and all the money i have
>oh by the way i live in brooklyn, ever heard of it?
>i'm clearly a happy and stable person and i'm definitely not probably on antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds

No I don’t suffer from anxiety, in fact I find xanax very unpleasant.

But you know you ppl always talk about hedonism I feel like I could give you the perspective of someone who actually is.

And my take it’s that it’s not boring, depressing, alienating or anything like that. It’s pretty fun. And it’s not true that you can’t form authentic emotional connection. I’ve been married for 6 years and I love my wife. And I love my friends.

Really there are no negatives, and anyone who tells you that there are is either jealous or has an interest in you forgoing pleasure.

this, only the bodhi pill satiates.

So your wife fucks other men?

How do I achieve the hedonist lifestyle

Yeah but I'm not jealous since some times I fuck other men too.

With la lot of money, or by being friend with people with a lot of money.

The secret is exactly not having to worry and not having to work. Waking up each morning with the knowledge that that day you can do whatever you want.

So you have no purpose and your wife fucks other men. Sounds like a fantastic life.

>a literal cuckold thinking people are jealous of him

>But you know you ppl always talk about hedonism I feel like I could give you the perspective of someone who actually is.

lmao what?

You unintentionally nailed the major problem with hedonism all by yourself with all that broken grammar.

You don't challenge yourself or try to improve. In your search for pleasure, you disdain all pain and struggle. You have to realize that the state of perpetual hedonism is extremely fragile because you will always have exorbitant needs at all times to please you and give you fulfillment.

If you are able to maintain that hedonistic lifestyle the rest of your life, then hell yeah, bravo, rock on man. I'm just warning you that relying on external pleasure for fulfillment is extremely risky. If or when the day comes when your needs can't be met for any extended period of time, you will have no tolerance for pain, discomfort, or suffering.

Yes I do have a purpose: to be happy and to be wise.

It's exactly because I'm wise that I realize that hedonism is the best life that you can have.

Because happiness is the only thing you have and that which doesn't contribute to your happiness doesn't contribute to anything as it will dissolve in time.

I agree, your own happiness is the best thing you can have. Your own memories are the greatest wealth because they can't be taken from you.

But not everybody is as rich as you. You just come across as lucky and close-minded, not wise, when you suggest people try the hedonistic lifestyle, and your only advice is "have a lot of money", something that is never guaranteed in anyone's life.

>i'm wise because my wife is a whore and i'm a gay trust fund baby

personally your life seems like hell. i'd hate to have a wife that fucks other men and i'd hate to constantly need parties in order to feel happy. i'd feel way better just feeling happy going to the park or some shit and feeding the pigeons. its cheaper too

I'm not a native english speaker, I know that grammar isn't always my strong suit. But in my defense I am fluent in two other languages with strong reading comprehension in a fourth.

That said. You are very incorrect that hedonism leads to abandon any project of improvement. The pursuit of happiness leads to a search of refinement and the pursue of the understanding of complicated pleasures.

Because I'm a hedonist I have educated myself by dining in the finest restaurants, studying enology, and cultivating myself in the pleasures of the arts and literature.

It is because of my hedonism that I'm keeping myself fit and of good appearance, but at the same time without falling into the traps of narcissism which makes the old ridiculous.

I don't constantly need parties, I just enjoy them. That's what I enjoy, if you enjoy other things please pursuit those. That is what hedonism is. Do what makes you happy. Some time I don't feel like going out and all I do is staying home reading. There is no hell, there is no obligation, nothing but my curiosity and my joy for life.

Also I don't get why you all are making such a big deal of having an open relationship. I always found it to be the best arrangement for me. But again I'm fairly kinky and I understand that's not for everyone, but before judging you should try at least to have sex with four girls at the same time.

I'm not a trustfund baby, I was born in a middle class family and was a very bookish child. I'm a Julien Sorel of sorts...

Holy... btfo

>That is what hedonism is. Do what makes you happy.

If we're narrowing hedonism down to that, then I don't think you're a hedonist.

How did you acquire the money to be able to afford to not have a day job?

Getting fucked in the ass by wall street executives for money. It's a refined pleasure the non-hedonist wouldn't understand.

During my first year of college at nyu, a professor of mine takes a liking to me. He decides to invite me to this dinners where old ny money meets young talents. Those dinners were organized by Opus Dei who are particularly close to the conservative side of the Onassis family and he was using young good looking intelligent college kids to fundraise for the group. Some of us, me included and I was the most open about it, were atheists or liberals but we still didn't want to pass on the opportunities of being surrounded by so much wealth.

One night I ended up talking about art with this very famous edito who also owns a couple of downtown galleries. It was 7-8 years ago when there was a feverish search for young talent and 30 year old artists would become millionaire while still being in art school. She needed a buyer who was young and could check the williamsburg and bushwick galleries that seemed to pop up everywhere. I accept it and that became my work. I would get a commission on every buy and also a cut on every sale. I was quickly raking in money.

Then I met my current wife and she was even more wealthy than I could have hoped her to be and I quit that job being mostly a collector now.

I'm sorry, I thought that getting fucked by wall street executives was the plight of the common man.

Have fun with your STDs. You're lifestyle is a public health hazard.


That's very childish. In all my life I never got an std despite regularly testing. I don't even have herpes.

The common man gets fucked in the ass and suffers. As an enlightened hedonist, I get fucked in the ass and love it.

Nah the common man gets fucked, I, instead, fuck their daughters.

Then the common man fucks your wife.

I rest unfucked, unlike you

It's not necessarily any more arrogance to say that the consequences of what one believes to be the spiritual laws of reality will lead to ruin than it is to say the consequences of the physical laws of reality will lead to ruin.

>The reason hedonism is bad is because it corrodes ethics and leads to degeneration of society.
That can be said to be an extension of unsustainability, and as you're intending it, it's missing the point completely of what OP asked. How can you convince someone to have a moral duty in other people's benefit, and do you have any literature to recommend for it?

>Veeky Forums: where bait is justified internally as creative writing

>nobody says this

>immediately says this
why are people who use words like "degradation" always so mind-blowingly retarded?

Because to think that there was a golden era of society, and not just a constant morass of hucksters, slavers, and rent-seekers is something that only a retard could think

>tfw I have been off this board for two weeks and not only are the topics all the same but also the same demons

hedonic treadmill

we're all hedonists deep down, but deliberate hedonism will just keep you at a happiness stand still

for men, nothing wrong with giving pleasure to women
for women, nothing with receiving pleasures form women and men

What helps me, aside from a well made moral foundation from childhood, is the idea of not being "that guy" as much as I can avoid it.
Nobody should be "that guy", and calling "that guy" out for his bullshit is the last thing he wants you to do, so it seems effective in that regard

any book which in any way espouses human solidarity
which encompasses almost any philosophical book you could ever find - you simply need to read it from a certain perspective

There are two kinds of hedonism.

The high IQ, thought kind of hedonism of Epicurus, where he thought hard about how to live life. You can see an intro about it here:

There is also low IQ, chimpanzee-like kind of hedonism as seem here I imagine that you are talking about the chimpanzee kind of hedonism, not the Epicurean one. In this case, you should study Classic Philosophy (that includes the Epicureans too). Stoicism, Platonism, Aristotelian, etc texts explain why this kind of hedonism won't make you happy.