>But I'm not going to talk about that because people will send me angry tweets
But I'm not going to talk about that because people will send me angry tweets
This may be hard for you to understand... but imagine....
*Retarded Analogy*
I love Dan Carlin. Ghosts of the Ostfront and Blueprint for Armageddon are my favourites.
>Ghosts of the Ostfront
One of the best depictions of the Battle of Stalingrad from an American source that I've seen. The Eastern Front in general is ignored by our media, so I appreciate that he took the time to cover it in depth.
>I think I'm too smart for a podcast
What's it like to be such a brainlet that you've convinced yourself that you're smart?
The greatest story teller in human history, my negress.
>The First World War wasn't armageddon. But I guess you could call it a Blueprint for Armageddon TM.
Really Dan?
cant find source on the bit when he says that soviets used german prisioners to make roads out of their frozen bodies
>I'm not a historian
based Ubba
I enjoy his podcasts but his source reading voice is grating after a while
> Here I lie, Cyrus, King of Kings
What the fuck Dan, I switched off the podcast immediately
Trump broke this man, intellectually
He finally got the outsider he wanted, and it was everything he didn't want
He's now starting his slow descend down sjw territory
>The guy who literally played Devil's Advocate for Wehrmacht soldiers and Caesar's Gallic conquest
Nah fuck off back to /pol/
I was speaking more to his political podcast
He does a politics podcast called Common Sense. It is pretty liberal.
I don't listen to that but I do read both his twitters, and all I see is anti-Trumpism. Even moderate anti-Trumpism because he's not trying to say Trump is a Nazi or racist or whatever.
He also tells the punch Nazis people to fuck off, sooooooo he's /ourguy/
Is this really what America is like nowadays, you're unable to discuss a mans works without decending into placing guilt by association and political shit flinging? How have the mighty fallen.
OT: I think that he's a great story teller, saw some rumors about him doing an interview with Mike Duncan, really hope that'll happen
*pauses for a few seconds*
The culture war is a mind virus, and the internet is its greatest host.
He's bretty libertarian DESU. He definitely loves to make fun of people who think Obama did nothing wrong and is a bit of an accelerationist at times during this Trump mess.
He has empathy though, so you spergs and borderline sociopaths must hate him.
bump just to piss off the Carlinaboos
DESU that ending was slightly badass.
Now I know I'm going to hear from many of you: 'Uh, Dan, this Bane character is a menace and a threat to our national security. We've gotta act now before he takes over Gotham.' ...That's an understandable position if that's your, ya know point of view.
But if YOU'RE WAYNE ENTERPRISES, maybe you don't want this, super villain, to be stopped...Because Bane represents a real fly in the ointment to the federal government, and who do you think they're gonna call on for new defense technology? Wayne Enterprises is like Haliburton, ON STEROIDS...
>The Siren at the end of the Cuban Missile crisis episode
What if I like Carlin and these memes? I've listened to his stuff for dozens of hours and these memes are hilariously accurate. Keep em coming
It's constitutionalist more than anything.
The memes don't bother me at all, I listen to him for a story.
Keep this memes coming. As a Carlinboo I'm loving them.
nah I'm just memeing I loved it
If you mean economically liberal, then yes.
But then again, pretty much of the US is economically liberal.
*listens to Hardcore History once*
>start listening to Common Sense
>"ISIS wants to form a Sunni state? Good!"
What's his freaking deal?
Common Sense have always been a bit of a tinfoil-show.
>he pays attention to twitter/social network
I'm listening to Kang of Kangz right now. What are you anons listening to?
I don't think he was saying it was "good". I know what episode you're talking about. He was trying to say that we're watching the division of land in a natural direction instead of the arbitrary lines drawn up in the Sykes Picot act. The ethnic hatred runs deep, and although ISIS is fucking horrifying, we're always going to see religious and ethnic violence in the region until it balkanizes.
Prophets of doom
Really there are probably many mistakes but he is selling his stuff well and I like him very much for it, it's well researched and especially if you don't know much about a topic it gives you a lot of reason for personal research