Hourly reminder
Hourly reminder
Meh. I was here in 2010 on a laptop, I'm still here in 2017 but on a smartphone.
>I've been on this shitty site for over 9 years
Shii should have nuked this site when he had the chance
The actual cancer is kind enough to remind me on an hourly basis but thanks anyway
newfags/normies came in 2007.
>/pol/ newfags
Redditffuges are welcome!
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. The /qa/ store is two blocks down.
If it wasn't for her, Trump might have never been elected
December will mark my ten year anniversary in this cesspit.
It wasn't supposed to work out that way.
>she make /v/irgins get out their basements and become /pol/acks
Why she wants /g/ so much?
Reactionaries are infinitely better than neoliberals/progressives
I'd rather have neither. They're both very unintelligent, and obsessed with rehashing the same stupid arguments over and over.
>/pol/ newfags
You mean people who constantly saw us being referenced by the media and started posting here?
Why does leddit try to distance itself from other ledditors?
>B-b-but I'm not THOSE ledditors
>it's a "people who only discovered Veeky Forums during the fappening make pretend they're epic oldfags and talk about how much better Veeky Forums used to be" episode
change the channel
>that artificial growth coinciding with increases in spending of a certain superpac though
Reactionaries and liberals are infinitely better than leftists
I can't actually believe I've been here for 7 years
>reactionary gif
They are same bullshit.
And purges on Reddit and Twitter.
Are you think the phase "you are here forever" was a joke?
t. ChingChongTingTongLingDong circa 1880 China.
>Dude rightists and leftists are exactly the same lmao
>Be me
>On mobile because laptop is kill
>Download image from Google images
>It is from Tumblr
>Durr rightists and leftists are all da same