And why do we hate him?
What's his name again?
Only autists hate him. He makes entertaining and easy to grasp history for teens studying for their APUSH/APWH exam.
No, the guy has an agenda. Teens shouldn't be learning from this man unless they want to be mindcucked.
>literally admits to needing easy to grasp history lessons
>not IB
Veeky Forums, what's happening to you
He has as much as an agenda as the average school teacher.Teens probably shouldn't go to public school either because teachers themselves push their liberal agenda. Dont even get me started on college professors. We should all be ignorant and retarded in order to stay away from the liberal bias in school systems.
Nice strawman. But I said that he makes history enjoyable for the average I hate school teenager.
he's okay except for his alexander video and the fact that he said people spiced their food to conserve it REEEE
But he holds a pretty unbiased modern historic view although he does have some revisionist tendencies.
What agenda does he have according to you and where does he show it? Do you think the studies he cites have an agenda?
What are some better unbiased YT channels in your opinion?
>he said people spiced their food to conserve it
He said people spiced their food to disguise the taste of poorly conserved meat.
Didn't he say that the Persian oligarchy was superior to Athenian democracy, or eludes to it?
hes a revisionist who denies that the renaissance happend so hes a hack. Along with sucking on every non-white non-hellenic dick he can find and begging for the same dick to fuck a roasite's pussy so he can suck on that too.
He has a raging boner for the Mongolians.
That should be a crime.
This is sooo wrong
So the idea that spices were popular in the middle ages because they covered the taste of bad meat is retarded. Those who were rich enough to afford spices could also afford fresh meat. And spices aren't as good at preservation as salt and smoke, so the poor did waste money on them.
Source: Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination by Paul Freedman
The Chinks had it coming, Temujin merely wanted to stop them from financing tribe wars.
*did not waste money on them
no, more that both sides of the story should be approached.
I like the dude but i've got to admit, the Mongols video was retarded.
>Mongolian empire is a-OK
>European imperialism? FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE REEEE
Is there anyone more autistic than John Green?
There's BLACKED, COLONIZED and RICED. What about mongols? What is the term for whatever happened to Green?
t. proud liberal
You shouldn't be getting your information from Youtube videos anyways.
Don't tell me what to do faggot
Not him, but my school doesn't even have IB.
>Alexander the Great's key to success was a longer stick, not so great was he
Read a goddamn book, Harry
>John "My Wife's Son" Green
he does seem a bit lib leaning, but otherwise his stuff is pretty unbiased to an extent. he takes a pretty objective look at a lot of stuff in the 20th century, maybe he gives colonialism a little too much shit but it's more or less just to drive a point home about gunboat diplomacy. his videos are interesting, and the only real fuck up he made was his series on environmental determinism, which he took down and apologized for because he realized how shitty the ideas presented in it were once people started making strong rebuttals to it.
he's kinda neutral when it comes to imperialism
>bit lib leaning
What does this mean?
John "so what if someone jizzed all over your cereal, I'd still eat it" Green
a little bit liberal leaning in the way he presents history.
Does he actually ever slip up and say that?
Fucking kek if he does
>ALEXANDER THE """""""""""""""""""""''"'"""""""'GREAT""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
>liberal leaning
And what does this mean?
We hate because he's right
This. He’s a progressive and progressives can’t help but inject opinions subtly to shape the world and history in their image
Muh Robert Lee was a bad bad evil person.
Don’t get your history from progressives
Extra History is still youtube tier basic history, but it has less of a blatant political agenda than John Green.