A self-debunking religion has lasted 14 centuries

>a self-debunking religion has lasted 14 centuries

Literally how?

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Abrahamics tend to have self-debunking religions.

>There is only one god,
>loljk he's three people.

You rely to heavily on logic

He is a student of logic and is not to be trusted.




The claim is the original bible was true but people put out their iterations of the bible and Quran is the unchanged original bible updated. Or at least thats the logic Im understanding.


kill yourself

>what is the distinction between the injeel and the christian bible in Islamic theology
what a stupid thread.

>people non-ironically believe in very specific millenia-old mythoi
It just dawned on me how absolutely ridiculous this is.

JIDF workin hard for the money today boy

Keep in mind you're considered equally ridiculous for doubting it on that merit.

>Literally don't understand even the basic concepts of the topic
>try to talk about it like you know anything

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Why is this such a hard concept for people to grasp

Because the church intentionally made it hard to grasp by declaring any sensible interpretation of the trinity heretical.

It says the bible was inspired by God, but it says the Quran is the word of God.

Case closed Columbo

The father, the son, and the holy spirit all equal and form god.
I don't get how retards will literally schism the church over an incredible ability to misinterpret this.

So God is like Voltron?

Because it makes no fucking sense.

>Why is this such a hard concept for people to grasp
Because >The father,
>the son,
>holy spirit
There. If there is only one god, why the three divisions?

> dumb mudslime believes only jews despise islam

if it made sense then the only defense wouldn't be "it is a mystery"

The same way a self-debunking religion has lasted 20 centuries. Christianity openly contradicts not only itself, but the Old Testament that it is supposedly based on.

Apparently, you don’t know that Islam draws a distinction between the perfect and unchangeable Platonic forms of the Bible and the Qu’ran which exist outside of time and space and their physical manifestation which can be distorted and which exist within time and space. This is Kalam 101, try actually studying the religion which you want to refute before posting an argument that was addressed by Muslim scholars many centuries ago.

But how did he acquire this logic?

The guy from this MEMRI meme meant that his opponent is a mutakallim who doesn’t adhere to the Athati aqidah, but it sounds silly when taken out of context.

I mean it is the same guy that said that the earth was flat.

If I only have one body, why does it have multiple body parts?

Because it doesn't make sense.


He manifests himself in those three forms. God the father speaks to prophets, etc. God the son speaks to the people, and the holy spirit is just sorta there I forgot what it does.

Modalism and/or partialism.

Heads, hands and feet are not bodies in and of themselves.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all God. They aren't aspects of God. They are God.

Do you see why it's confusing now? Because it is literally described as a mystery beyond human reason. And if it's beyond human reason then of course it can be self-contradicting. Because it's nonsense.

You could ask that about every religion

The Quran states that the gospel and the Torah were corrupted by the will of Allah. Hence why Muslims take the parts of both they agree with and reject anything that contradicts the Quran.

Doesn't every abrahamic religion debunk itself lmao


The Bible is not the Injeel, at least not the pure version. They believe that it was sent down and revealed to Jesus, but corrupted overtime, that's why they believe the Qur'an was sent down, to pretty much set the record straight once and for all, except this time God had guaranteed its purity

so god is a freaking lizard shape shifter, fucking knew it.

>what is burden of proof

He's not. Or atleast he's using a logical fallacy called strawman. The muslim claim is that god's word have been corrupted by christianity and judaism, not that christianity and judaism are god's word.

How's that any strange when the Bible is even worse? It's laid out very clearly what will happen and what kind of person the Messiah is. Jesus is very clearly not the Messiah.

Not that surprising when there is another self-debunking religion that lasted 20 centuries.

Based Memri TV

I'm not a fan of Islam, quite the opposite really, but there are lesser known gospels which claim Jesus wasn't actually crucified.

>Be bishop of Lugdunum in the IVth (or Vth can't remember) century
>Just want to enjoy life
>Some annoying holier than thou scholars want me to sort out the 10+ gospels to get a clear version of the bible
>Fuck this, just randomly keep 4 gospels in, throw out the rest.
>There you go done, can go back to resting now.
>Christian world relies on a short theatrical cut of the bible rather than the full length director's cut for centuries to come.

It always comes down to one lazy fuck

>It's laid out very clearly what will happen and what kind of person the Messiah is.

No it's not. Please, enlighten us with the passages that explain in detail the nature of the Messiah, and how this differs from the personality of Jesus of Nazareth.

>Quran: Jesus WASN'T crucified
That's not actually what it says, and very few Islamic theologians spilled ink over those passages to declare one position as dogma.

>the holy spirit is just sorta there I forgot what it does.
Veeky Forums christians, ladies and gentlemen


The later verses always overrule the previous verses. Medina over Mecca.
Its not fucking self debunking.

I mean honestly anyone who puts in milk before cereal should die

He's a god with 3 aspects. A bit like the morrigan.
It was a common thing for gods.

>God changed his mind, he didn't think through what he was going to say before sending an angel to recite the Quran


>The father, the son, and the holy spirit all equal and form god.
God is not "formed" by the Trinity, you filthy heretic.

>He's a god with 3 aspects.
God does not have "aspects", you filthy heretic.
>A bit like the morrigan.
God is not a triple deity, you filthy heretic.

God is not the set containing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You can say the Trinity is that set, if you like. But every "element" in that set IS fully God. God is without parts.

No wonder you think the Trinity is easy to grasp, you're a brainlet heretic.

Islam is a religion of pure evilness and Extremism.Women are forced to wear Burkas.Not wearing burka?Stone them to death.Not fasting?Kill them.Muhammad married a 9 yr old.Rape 9 year olds too.

This is your brain on abraham

You all are complete fucking morons and I'm ashamed to share a board with you. Leave this place immediately or I'll be forced to do what I don't want to do

t: some confused heretic

More proof that Islam is literally /pol/ tier.

Maybe Christians shouldn't have made up that bullshit entirely.

Pseudepigraphal and Gnostic Gospels don't count you faggots.

Try being Hindu.

t. the virgin gnostic


>3 = 1

Woah thats a pretty hot take.

This is right
Jesus fulfilled a prophecy so that Jews would no longer have to abide by the old testament, of course not alll of them followed Jesus cause they chose to cling to their old ways even the fulfillment of the prophecy is obvous as they believe worshipping a person is idolry even though that's ilterally old testament hogwash no longer to be followed.
For those who didn't know, the old testament is the majority of the Bible.



>the words of allah cannot be changed
This verse stands for the quran only, you idiot.

these posts are borderline facebook page tier
kindly fuck off


solid changes to liquid only as the consequence of an action ie someone heating it, like shapeshifting.

but the trinity says that jesus is all states at once.