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Voted. Forgot I still held some BNB.
Was there something about the team buying back coins to keep it around 0.8 if it goes too low?
How the mighty have fallen.
Spotted the linkie
Spending my last eth on this vote.
Good buy in point right now as it's less then the buy back price.
literally free money and the more exchanges it's on the better
How does that work again? Means the team will want to keep the price at 0.8 yeh?
There will be a smart contract that will probably give 0.8$ worth of eth in exchange for 1 BMC.
Team said it will be released in a few days on slack.
lool these baggers are pathetic, BMC was a dying sheep out the gate, all you braindead pajeets got hypnotized by their nice little video.
Even if this failure of a coin gets on Binance it will just dump, and you idiots will be left bagholding for years hahaha. Love seeing you all waste money buying BNB to vote for your shitcoin.
>there are people who sold this at .68 instead of just waiting a week
Voted so that by the time it's added I can cash out LINK for $3 a piece and move to BMC
BMC was a dying sheep cause it literally launched when Bitcoin and the rest of the market tanked 40%. Just bad timing. It'll pick up.
Go vote, go!
BMC is a dead sheep in the water. They spent so much on their "pretty video" campaign and yet have NO working product and shitty github pulls
Nice reddit spacing. How about you fuck back off.
looks like the vote is pretty close between bmc and mth
Voted to keep your BMC off the same exchange as my shitty ICN.
Sorry, but Monetha will probably fair better on Binance than BMC.
BMC is the connoisseur's choice. If you vote for any other coin you're a confirmed homosexual. If you don't vote, you're a drag on society and will be culled.
Who gives a shit about how well a coin will fair?
I dont even have monetha and I voted for it lmao
keep your shitcoin away from my ICN jewfag
Too late, I already sold
I don't have any BNB to vote with please donate so I can vote will screenshot proof
ICN will be dead this time next year. Replaced by an actual team whose token has an actual function. No amount of fudding can save your shitcoin, pajeet. The BIG BLACK COIN is coming for your street shitter asshole.
Monetha FTW!
Taking BNB donations so I can vote.
Thanks for the bump nigga
Voted on BMC, could believe the binance community might be stupid enough to buy monetha but for some reason didn't expect Veeky Forums to also
ya i dont fucking get it, it was at like $0.71 yesterday too, ive been stockpiling this shit under $0.8 every chance I get, it's no risk and if it ever actually moons its like printing money
Why would you join an ICO and then sell at a loss within 2 weeks?
onetha team has come out via a video to ask their holders to vote. Blackmoon needs to do the same.
so many idiots wasting money voting on a coin thats going to dump..
yeah you can sell back, but what you were too stupid to stick around for is to read the rest, you won't be able to do this until AT LEAST next year lmfaooo
good luck holding your shitbags for the next year while the devs laugh at you all the way to the bank you dumb sheep
Nice reddit spacing, pajeet. Here a tip for your fudding: Even the average Veeky Forums neet can afford fucking 0.1 BNB which is like 10ct you retarted street shitter.
so mad kid lmfao
keep crying holding up your BMC bags little chink its ok
so many sheep thinking they're safe "I CAN ALWAYS SELL BACK HURDUR" guess what sheep no you can't, not until next year. it'll be wayyy too late by then lmfaooo BMC gonna dump so hard
ahhhh moar fud please it makes me that much more confident in BMC
Thanks for keeping this thread bumped btw, ICN pajeet.
>it'll be wayyy too late by then
late for what? BNC is like 1% of my portfolio if it moons I still make a nice profit and if it doesn't I can wait on that 1% for a year and sell it back. Not like the company's going anywhere they've been around since like 2013
Remember the Walton hate on here? Look where Walton is now m8, same will happen to Blackmoon, just give it some time.
He already admitted to being an ICN bagholder earlier in the thread. Don't expect any sort of reason to his fudding.
we're getting blacked bois
10 vote difference is nothing at this point. Voting will continue for almost a week.
Vote you fags!
Monetha FTW!
this coin blows
I will vote if someone gives me enough BNB 0x31e96322777676f6476727e89cd2abe829684cfb
0.1 BNB is like 0.1 cents...
I would need to actually transfer something to binance to buy it. Too much work
Garbage piece of shit. It is a useless token which literally says "you can pay with this token on the ethereum network".
You can do that with around 50 other tokens and ethereum itself. Blackmoon on the other hand is an icn killer
Fuck off ICNigger
I bought about 14k BMC at the ico, pretty disappointed in it's performance...but it just happened to time out terribly right when a market crash hit.
I don't see this going anywhere soon, and due to opportunity loss with the money being tied up with it...I sold yesterday at a 30% loss on liqui.
Bought LINK instead, couldn't be happier. This isn't me shilling link, as I don't believe in shilling. Make your own decisions based on your own research, and not the euphoria of others.
LINK is here to stay, and it lies on the single thread of the SIBOS conference being a success.
If Sergey doesn't fuck up SIBOS...this is a guarenteed Billion dollar market cap coin. There simply isn't any possible way it won't catch up to and possibly beat ripple...a top 5 market cap coin.
DYOR, and see if this is worth still holding and trying to get it listed on other exchanges.
having your money tied down for weeks and waiting for that 10 - 20% gain is counterproductive to catching a 50% - 100% gain when selling out.
Remember, you don't realize losses unless you sell...into FIAT.
Selling specific coins for losses doesn't realize the loss unless you take it out of the market.
>sell at a losss and throw your money at the next best shitcoin that's currently being shilled on Veeky Forums
This might work once but it's not winning anything in the long run.
Monetha is actually undervalued in comparison to BMC. At $1 It was already somewhat pricey. Also Monetha's team works their asses off. That's something you can't say for every company out there.
Give me one reason why monetha will be used when eth is just as useful and without overhead of the token.
There a ton of payment coins based on ripple already, what makes monetha beat them? Literally no incentive
Based on eth*, not ripple
that faggots wore a turtleneck in his scam video and looks like a fucking tool I will never buy Monetha even just saying that name sounds so fucking gay
What coin you rep? You sound like an iotafag.
Classic biz.
Btfo boomerfag. Go back to cnn and reddit
Send me 0.5 BNB and I'll vote. They delisted Bytom so I have no funds on there.
Vote MTH! ICO sold out in minutes and you can currently buy at 85% of ico price. Will at least 2x on Binance
Monetha is beating BMC like it's nothing.. MTH is gonna fucking MOON. Literally daily video updates, partnerships with huge European corporations, and most importantly ease of use.
^ This!
please vote blackmoon! i am tired of losing money on that shit
they'll probably add the top 2-3 anyways
You guys are my brothers and this is our coin!!!! Voted 3 times for you All!
nobody needs monetha if he can just use ethereum
Check out BMC telegram or slack. The team is literally always there to help and answer questions. The CEO actually tries to get involved in the blockchain community by giving talks at conferences.
Monetha is beating BMC like it's nothing.. MTH is gonna fucking MOON. Literally daily video updates, partnerships with huge European corporations, and most importantly ease of use.
are you posting this everywhere?
point and laugh at the lonely shill.
Wow, glad I caught this thread and glad I had some spare change in bnb
Was investing in BMC ICO a huge mistake? Fucking anime chan
Anime chan also shilled LINK desu
Be patient
SIBOS is cool and all, but you got this all wrong.
SWIFT and the rest of the mainstream finance world need something like Chainlink. Not the other way around.
Chainlink is very usable in mainstram finance with its decentralization and low threshold, but its use case is just as viable in a completely crypto world.
bumperino I just voted